Purging taboo, think
I am like you, I eat whatever I can
whenever I can,
if I must
within my safe zone, currently,
earth as a whole, I am in the happy zone,
I eat when I wish to eat, I am rich that way.
Have I given any hint that I believe
we are our own fault? We are.
Not at first, but
if we get old, then next,
the whole peace contains peace
you extend, in your thoughts and prayers,
as is commonly said to be
Peace can be made that way, wordless,
signal less, no required sign,
veil or star or mark of some old culture
gone moldy in d'basement.
no special godhearsme costume,
no holy uniform, - who will see me not tithe,
who will deem me worthy to escape hell to pay
--why you? why me?
for being otherwise, of course.
Eater of unclean,
wearer of no shoes,
bent-back bambam man
low-caste by god and presbytery,
doer of the meanest, most common, most base
principal chore after eating,
-- how low did you go, limbo --
burner of ****, soldier, ' you ever burn ****?
If hell is war, some people spend their mortal moment
making it worse, while not knowing what they do.
It’s a flaw in the original curiosity module.
Be patient, perfection goes on for ever,
once it starts, there, ever, where you are, in my future.
We got peace makers manifesting in record numbers.
No lies, get past the grave…
unbelieve 'm now,
less of a shock, when there is no next breath,
even if you never fall asleep when you meditate,
you are that good.
Album Incantation
Writers Shigeru Umebayashi - wonderful music and good tequila with herba
peace in out time.