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 Apr 2021 a m a n d a
 Apr 2021 a m a n d a
Burning furnace , nuclear fire
sitting in black space, lighting up the dark
finite fuel, finite fire,
how terrible it would be to live
and to watch your end.
The language of love
When bodies first meet
Full body elation
From head to feet
Sultry seduction
Done so discreet
Heavier breathing
Pounding heart beat
The thumping in chest
On rapid repeat
Sweating and lathered
From friction and heat
 Apr 2021 a m a n d a
Ciel Noir
I do not want to cause offense

I do not wish to harm

I do not want to hurt your feelings

Or to cause alarm

I do not want to challenge you

Or to make you feel small

I know that you

Don't want me to

Say anything at all

And so I've learned to blunt my tongue

To mitigate my speech

To stretch the space between the lines

As far as it can reach

I censor myself

Without thinking

Every single day

And if I could speak freely

I don't know what I would say
 Apr 2021 a m a n d a
Ken Pepiton
Purging taboo, think
I am like you, I eat whatever I can
whenever I can,
if I must
within my safe zone, currently,
earth as a whole, I am in the happy zone,
I eat when I wish to eat, I am rich that way.

Have I given any hint that I believe
we are our own fault? We are.
Not at first, but
if we get old, then next,
the whole peace contains peace
you extend, in your thoughts and prayers,
as is commonly said to be

Peace can be made that way, wordless,
signal less, no required sign,
veil or star or mark of some old culture
gone moldy in d'basement.

no special godhearsme costume,
no holy uniform, - who will see me not tithe,
who will deem me worthy to escape hell to pay
--why you? why me?

for being otherwise, of course.
Eater of unclean,
wearer of no shoes,
bent-back bambam man
low-caste by god and presbytery,
doer of the meanest, most common, most base
principal chore after eating,
-- how low did you go, limbo --

burner of ****, soldier, ' you ever burn ****?

If hell is war, some people spend their mortal moment
making it worse, while not knowing what they do.

It’s a flaw in the original curiosity module.
Be patient, perfection goes on for ever,
once it starts, there, ever, where you are, in my future.

We got peace makers manifesting in record numbers.
No lies, get past the grave…
unbelieve 'm now,
less of a shock, when there is no next breath,
even if you never fall asleep when you meditate,
you are that good.
Album Incantation
Writers Shigeru Umebayashi - wonderful music and good tequila with herba
peace in out time.
 Apr 2021 a m a n d a
Ken Pepiton
Personal. Me, I gotta assume you are.
aware I live with grandchildren,
the old fashioned way oldness is taken care of
as it occurs to me.
It gives me an edge on others.
Reader, dear
if you know my work, your price was
dear indeed, as you know experience
keeps a dear school,

but such as I learned in no other.
It was free.

Now that I recall all the details with AI supplying
victual literal mods on my new wine memory
spigot, this was invented, faucets we
called 'm, then this old man,
white hair,
a hoary head, they call it, up north,
where there ain't no mo'
morning dew, but there is frost, beautiful crystals
sifting unseeable beauty forms in light,
during the night
empowered by the cold,
this frozen beauty cartoons cannot convey,

though if you sing it like a child,
dancing with yourself in the mirror,
on grandma's closet

old men may only imagine the dance, or see it,
that once
that child's unblemished wish to sing
and dance,
but not in snow. No, only here now.
She sees me see her in the mirror.
Touch to verity others remain... novels are deep pits, if you know the experience
 Apr 2021 a m a n d a
Ken Pepiton
in a line,
standing alone like this
is your own fine, sorted out, seen, thing,
not mine, it
mean more than we can know.
That's okeh.
As a word, love is here, awaiting our use
any time,
as more.


Three shots,
in rapid succession, not auto, just
in rapid succession.

Signals something, but I forget what.
Maybe some fool got lost
in those woods looking for my trail…

three shots,
then silence until now, then a sense,
a knowing, deeper than we thought.


It's a new day, not brand new, just raw new,
we never been this far
so early before, never did hear three shots like this.

--------- Rise and shine…

Throw out the trash,
bring down the garbage,
here come
the garbagement come to take it all away.

Govern my breath, intent contentment,
hold it and say,
It's a new day, no brand, plain raw new,
not modeled on another,
no worse for wear than before,
no habit tracks to mark the course.

First thing, after a pause to wonder,
if I should see how this came to be,
pause to wonder what
was I thinking when
I came this far,
with no sense of you being here before.

It could be, may be…

Some songs need no singers.
I don't remember learning that, so
you only have my word to go on.
Exercise in godliness, how  we have failed to define the command lines... kindness reflects, war rejects, reason makes the whole mess better. Love lets us know, if we stop and think...  reality is friendly, to my kind.
 Apr 2021 a m a n d a
Ken Pepiton
Back, after hours, watching
dramatic comic tragic get us all a job
messages to moms

messages to all of us in all our if it were
so easy roles, we win,
no body loses there is nothing to hoard

in side an opened opinion pining to be
tasted, not wasted, tell me,

tell me now, all you know, and how,
valis is a word, like grok only all of it.
squirts you in the eye

From <>
I saw the word on the news but did not hear the story then I sneezed
it is so easy
 Apr 2021 a m a n d a
Jon York
You are because I am,
I am because you are.
We are lost in a dream,
this is the place we meet.

As  long  as  we  can
see  the  same  sky,
breathe the same air,
step on the same planet,
you and I are not impossible.

Your body is away from me,
but there is a window open
from my heart to yours,
and whenever I close my eyes,
forever I will see yours.
                                                                                   Jon York   2021
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