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2.0k · Jun 2014
Alexander Liss Jun 2014
Completion is the form I crave in my soul to achieve. Deletion is what I am currently conforming towards....
1.5k · Oct 2015
Lets not be.
Alexander Liss Oct 2015
Let's not be one but two separate beings working towards one goal. Not about you or me but what we achieve. Kind of like an epic adventurers love story. Temptation will be dragons and obstacles will be evil mages for us to battle and conquer! Over the years and through the Boss fights our exp and levels will grow. Reward will be plenty with treasures and material things.
Let's not be one but two separate beings working towards the same goal. When ever it ends if it ever does at least we will be known as Heroes to the young because we where adventurers until we where gone.
817 · Jan 2014
Alexander Liss Jan 2014
I am not a liar but I will lie to protect what I love. In the end I am a liar.
794 · Dec 2018
Black sheep.
Alexander Liss Dec 2018
Why throw me to the wolves?  Why? WHY  have they thrown me away. Out of the village from under the skies here in the dark forest in damp leaves is where I now lay far far away. Until that day when the wolves came for  them. They called for me not knowing I was close watching my wolves eat stroking wolfies ears at my feet...
758 · Mar 2016
Secret Note
Alexander Liss Mar 2016
It's been a long day.  Better yet along tiresome road from the cross point where I changed my direction. The room was cool from the outside pounding heat and within Minutes was undressed bags resting on the floor. The long fall in to the soft fluffy pillow top caught me in its inbrace like her arms held me to her breast.  I pull the soft brown 1800 thread count sheets up my body getting slight flash backs of her soft Nubian skin brushing against my skin.  Consciously I was fading with my right hand over my heart..  The ceiling fan turned and my heart beat as the fan turned.  Before darkness had it's grasp on me I reached under my pillow for the note they will find.  My heart beated through my chest, the last thing I thought before sleep was how does this heavy broken thing keeps working and if they find the note can they tell I died from my secret broken heart.
719 · Oct 2015
Alexander Liss Oct 2015
That deep deep pain
that only the soul feels.
That anguish only time heals.
719 · Apr 2015
Alexander Liss Apr 2015
Her  -Smile-  brought  -joy-  to my heart. I fell into a  -bright radiance-  that was  -warm-  and  -safe-.  A  -trusting-  place. That was the  -first-  day.
658 · Nov 2014
Alexander Liss Nov 2014
Can I tell you a secrete told to me by the sky.
                      When I heard this secrete I knew it was true.  
                                    Can I tell you this secrete even tho once it left
                          my lips Death comes. Maybe years or days but      the executioner will be on its way. I cant wait no longer I will tell
you this secrete told to me by the sky and its "I love you executioner and now I am ready to die".
635 · Jun 2014
Alexander Liss Jun 2014
I have seen her in several movies and she has to be the most amazing example of a woman that the human race can offer. I do not know her name and do not want to know the desire I could never fulfill. like I wish knowledge of yours was never my possession. A broken vessel stays empty.
620 · Jan 2014
Alexander Liss Jan 2014
Nothing wrong with being lost or wanting to be held.
Just relax and take a break for time heals so slip into sleep.
We are scared of death the "UNKNOWN". We
do not fear the ocean or space  but they are still really unknown.
We do not fear sleep and it holds no guarantee to wake.
So let me die by the ocean and under the stars. let my three strangers
embrace me until my eye's open.
438 · Jan 2014
Alexander Liss Jan 2014
2013 was a year that had me feeling
like the hero that dies in the end.
438 · Jun 2014
Wait for it.
Alexander Liss Jun 2014
It was over . At that one moment when reality calibrated my false illusions of the truth, culminating all the color in my world. Washed white!..... Incorrigible to return.
411 · Jun 2014
Alexander Liss Jun 2014
At this moment in life. I sense if I let dreams, goals, ambition and my fight cease. I will have reached the final level.......... DEATH.
411 · May 2015
Alexander Liss May 2015
I am falling..... Falling slowly to sleep.

         I am falling..... Falling into the deep.

               Away from them I am falling closer to me.
                      Like gears in a clock falling,  
                                                                                grinding teeth.
407 · Mar 2016
Alexander Liss Mar 2016
I see it.  When I thought it was lost. I seen it come I seen it go.  I even see it with others and others with it.  Yet I don't have it. I'm okay with that.
376 · Apr 2015
Best deal in town!
Alexander Liss Apr 2015
Welcome to the nothing room. There is plenty  of  space the walls are red and that thumping noise is the plumbing .

                                                                         Please do in joy your stay.

367 · Mar 2016
Alexander Liss Mar 2016
When she mounted me aggressively. I did not feel dominated rather empowered. I knew then she was the one.
358 · Jan 2016
My wish.
Alexander Liss Jan 2016
If time heals all then let me be immortal so I will never run out of bandaids.
354 · May 2015
True freedom
Alexander Liss May 2015
Do not just stand up stand up stiff like a small stone that you know weighs more then it appears. Glare into there eyes clinching your teeth making that jaw muscle flex with your intensity. Even if defeat is inevitable let your presence be known.
   They will know when the cost of victory are not worth the victory and if they do not care then that is a battle field you should of never existed on.
353 · Aug 2014
Alexander Liss Aug 2014
Being able to deal with reality in black and white, just to close your eyes and dream in color are more then what I need to continue believing  in humanity.
350 · Jun 2016
My observation
Alexander Liss Jun 2016
Have you been so deep that the cold feels like death as the temperature changed with dept? How about in the vastness of the ocean? No you say? So maybe we should follow those with experience rather then handed down knowledge. The quest is for knowledge the real adventure is what you do with it and real experience gained. I feel This can heal society.
350 · Jul 2017
Dark Days
Alexander Liss Jul 2017
We all have walked dark days. Days that where cold and damp where you walked alone and vulnerable. Alone and dark you could not see that I have walked those dark days to. Right next to you unknowingly to each other. You will leave and come back as I still walk alone blind unknowing walking.
345 · May 2015
Alexander Liss May 2015
I have been lost for so long that the place known to all at one point is now  where I call home.
343 · Oct 2016
Alexander Liss Oct 2016
So far so far you are. To far to swim, walk or run. Your physical terrain will not allow terrestrial travel and your spiritual pressure denies aeronautics. The white whale you are and to most a tall tale.
334 · Aug 2016
Alexander Liss Aug 2016
I am the third hand with three fingers. Never seen always beneath but diligently endlessly working to send the message that will save humanity.
333 · Apr 2014
Alexander Liss Apr 2014
I was simply enslaved by your brilliance.
323 · Aug 2014
Alexander Liss Aug 2014
the only reasons secretes exist are lack of patience and observation skills.
312 · Mar 2016
Real truths.
Alexander Liss Mar 2016
She loved me with her hands like most.  Where my love is felt through the brush.
311 · May 2016
Side effect.
Alexander Liss May 2016
My loyalty is so pure,
                          So strong,
                                 That it has created a beast. A demon that is always there silently waiting to speak. He/she comes with soft Sweet whispers of logic crippling the lover of Loyalty...... "Trust".
310 · Jun 2016
Alexander Liss Jun 2016
(                                          ).
292 · Apr 2017
No matter
Alexander Liss Apr 2017
No matter how off course or dangerous the sea if not lost a ship can be corrected.
290 · May 2017
Reflecting 2
Alexander Liss May 2017
We are all kings. A king who lives
By his own definition souly.
Finds himself constantly defending
Thoughts in paint.
290 · Dec 2017
Alexander Liss Dec 2017
How long I was empty longing for fulfillment. Looking outwards for Her or Them to end my hunger. Drinking there waters and eating there breads gaining no nutritional worth, but losing wasting self away. SELF!
     I looked down and my belly was full! How long was I walking and searching? How many decades?  How was I so focused on the world of doing the bidding of everything else, looking, waiting on yet another unfulfilled purpose. Blind to myself I was.
  Silly how I thought I was drowning as I stand in the shallows.
  Silly looking for others to no end and Just to reach this moment.  As the light starts to come through I wonder how many cycles I had to do.
290 · May 2017
Thoughts in paint.
Alexander Liss May 2017
Some lessons are learned and some earned.
288 · Mar 2018
Always Loved
Alexander Liss Mar 2018
How could we not be if it was not for love.
How could we not hurt if it was not for
How could we not understand if it was not for Love.
Yet we hate and **** each other as if we have never loved.
Fight over colors and sections
As if we don't have the same blood.
Tease and bully each other
As if we won't be judged.
Karma a gun you hear it's firing you know It always catches up. We should start a new by Loving our self first.
To always be loved because we can't Lie to self.
To always be loved was so simple in
Loving one's self.
286 · Aug 2017
Love Stories
Alexander Liss Aug 2017
We embraced each other and spun. Around and around giggling and laughing like little children. Around and around she smiled the leaves began to blow. We where swinging two fast and I let go. Watching her glee slowly transform to horror as my existence scattered like ash blowing away. She was happy that day.
281 · Jun 2016
My observation
Alexander Liss Jun 2016
What your watching or doing on your phone can be paused. The time with other conscious can not. It is lost in time never the same. Just corrupted by emotion.
280 · Dec 2018
Alexander Liss Dec 2018
I can destroy this world multiple times with out effecting this world.
I can make the world upside down to
You but right side up for the rest.
You created me but have no control.
             ...... WHAT AM I?.......
278 · Jan 2018
Time Travelers
Alexander Liss Jan 2018
Can we leave the time behind. The time that binds our hearts and covers our soul. That time where we are silent and blind as the present sneaks by.  We must will our self back to where we are. Fold our minds dimensional path and let go of the feelings, vehicles of travel, to the past in the end they don't last. That time behind is what it is behind let's  explore the now and the things we will find not only about self but the world around. Let's not forget the future is the future and a another journey in time.
275 · Oct 2016
Alexander Liss Oct 2016
They get us high on change just to
Proscribe us "Change" with worse sideffects then the original situation.
237 · Apr 2017
Alexander Liss Apr 2017
How could they have touched me just to conclude I do not exist. How many have I concluded out of my existence.
237 · Oct 2016
Alexander Liss Oct 2016
I am the lie...A tired lie pushed and abused. Even people know I am a lie but with heavy control and circulation by the people, maybe I am the truth?....
236 · Jul 2018
Alexander Liss Jul 2018
Motivation is a delicious fragrance, even the most disciplined masters can not resist.
226 · Jul 2018
Alexander Liss Jul 2018
To say I have been to my deepest inner dept would be a lie, but I can barely remember the shallows..
217 · Oct 2017
Alexander Liss Oct 2017
Don't let me slip unconsciously.
Don't let me fall asleep. Stop me from falling from my feet. Don't let the dust brush my cheeks. Help me from falling away from me.
214 · Mar 2019
Alexander Liss Mar 2019
Funny how they know everything but constantly failing test, life beating them down never reaching their best. Spending all their time constantly at rest.
208 · Sep 2017
Alexander Liss Sep 2017
I most truly be exotic for how enriched these Eve's are they simply pass by the best of flesh for me.
Thoughts in paint

— The End —