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sunshine bursts forth
to brighten the day,
the wind has blown
all the clouds away
leaving azure skies
in place of dark grey
The sky and the sea
Never touching
Yet so beautiful together
Each reflecting on the other
When the sky turns cold and dark
The sea understands and turns cold too

Despite their beauty and connection
Neither belonged to the other
The sky belonged to the Sun
And the Sea to the Earth

The sky loved the sun
And was with her for a long time
But the sun comes and goes to often
While the sea is constant

The Earth loved the Sea but had a lot of other things to love more
And The Sea loved the Earth but needed more attention
Which was what the sky gave her.

The Sea and the Sky
So vibrant and beautiful together.
neither belonged to the other
Why is it
That the biggest hearts
Are emptied the fastest?

And the brightest souls
Are blackened
The quickest?
Standing on the shore,
The water and the sand run
between my toes and under my feet.
I feel the cool breeze kiss my face.
I look out to the horizon,
I think of what's beyond.
That's where I want to go.

— The End —