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African Barbie Aug 2018
You don’t have to sit on the throne 24/7 for them to know you’re a queen
You can take your crown anywhere
You can cry, with your crown still on
Work on yourself, with your crown still on
You can rest, you can walk, you can wander
Get lost, find yourself, break down, build yourself up again
All with your crown still on
Your throne can never be threatened
You will always be the Queen of your Queendom
African Barbie Nov 2017
"I'll probably miss you"
"You are." he said with a smile

"Allow me to grieve for him" I told my heart.
African Barbie Oct 2017
And just because he didn't know what it was
that doesn't mean he never felt it
He'll remember it for the rest of his life
He'll get glimpses of it in people he falls in love with
Otherwise he won't fall in love
I hope his heart doesn't sink at the thought
I hope the nostalgia that comes with it makes him smile
God, I wish him so much happiness
He saved me from myself
He was the idea of a God come true
He denied me what I wanted, knowing
it was not what I needed
I will forever be grateful for the stars that brought us together
and pulled us apart when we got too close
Now I know when to set my heart free
and when to simply let it be
God bless his soul and those of the hearts that recognise his beauty
African Barbie Sep 2017
Someday ... I'll find it
The sparkle that got lost inside my eye
Someday I'll be able to look back
When someone looks into my eye
I'll be able to laugh with no fear
Of things that haven't come
I will allow myself to feel emotion
If not all, at least some

I'll be able to say "I love you" when I really do
I will be free to be who i want to
The feeling of falling will not come with
The feeling of not being able to stand tall again

The sun will come but it will not blind me
The rain will come but it will not drown me


Life won't be perfect, but my heart will run free
Unchained by the pains of yesterday
It will learn that today should not have to pay
For the mistakes of yesterday
And tomorrow should not take up space in today
For we should not dwell too much in promises

Life will be easier and I will be stronger
And someday
I'll walk with no fear of getting lost
Someday it will not be so hard

The universe is in the process of mending itself
and so is my soul
African Barbie Sep 2017
You know the feeling that you get when you miss a step
That feeling when you turned right when you should’ve turned left?
When everyone has left, that’s not the type of feeling that you should get
Doctors say it’s not normal to feel like you’re falling
While lying down in bed
Then say the drugs will make you stop feeling
And it won’t be all that bad
I do exercises that help me with my breathing
And I listen to what is said
You know that feeling that you get when you’ve tried something for the fifth time
And it still hasn’t worked
That feeling when everyone is telling you to stop worrying,
And still that feeling lurked
Doctors don’t know what causes that feeling to stay longer that it should
They say it’s a chemical problem
Do they understand that they haven't really made a breakthrough yet
And I’m afraid I know the problem
This can only be understood by those who have felt it
Doctor, this guessing game, is not working for your patients believe them

When they say it’s hard to wake up, it’s not just physical fatigue
When they say it’s hard to cheer up, it’s not just a chemical lack of harmony
When they say it’s hard to go on, it’s not just the brains longing for the happy pill

The soul is ill
I'm so tired you guys. I can't go on living and no one gets it. Even my medication doesn't know what to do... it's driving me crazy. I'm venting. Gosh I'm useless.
African Barbie Sep 2017
forever lost and wandering about this earth fearful
What if, we never find home?
African Barbie Sep 2017
Last time I kept it in
It nearly killed me
So now I crawl to a quiet place
Where no one can hear me
And I let it all out
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