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ALC Dec 2018
I didn’t cry for our loss
I didn’t mourn it at all,
And it just goes to show
That we wouldn’t have lasted long at all.
Because as I have said,
My heart isn’t here
My chest is hallow,
And my thoughts unclear.
Because the man I love
Doesn’t see me at all;
Yet you love me so reverently
And you were quick to let us fall.

I didn’t cry for our loss
I didn’t shed a tear,
Yet it still feels strange
That you are no longer near.
-ALC December 24, 2018
ALC Dec 2018
You held me in the rain, with tears coming down my face, and told me that your feelings for me hadn’t changed. I knew we wouldn’t be together, but somehow that impacted me greatly, and gave me some warmth in the cold.
Then weeks later you snap at me for asking if you can hang out. You yell at me demanding that I chill and calm down. So I took a step back, and I gulped a deep breath, and I said goodbye to everything, that I had once considered our friendship.
-ALC December 24, 2018
ALC Dec 2018
I didn't think our last words would be,
"Okay, I'll leave you alone."
And I didn't think we'd go out so quietly,
or so permanently.
ALC Dec 2018
You are the most completely, utterly, positively heartbreaking thing I have ever felt.
ALC Dec 2018
Falling for you was so effortless,
that my heart is still bruised from the crashing halt.
ALC Dec 2018
I can't help but fall for you,
over, and over again.
And my heart still smiles,
knowing we weren't meant to make it till the end.
I have known a guy for multiple years now, we have dated but nothing serious has ever happened, yet I feel so connected to him so unexpectedly.
ALC Dec 2018
I think we would be amazing together, just not in this life.
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