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 Mar 2018 adriana
If you were jewelry
You would be
A mood ring;
Pretty to look at
But hard to read.
Now you’re just a conversation piece.
 Mar 2018 adriana
The empty space on my wall stares,
It watches me sleep,
It whispers to me that no one cares,
In a voice that belongs to you.

It infects my head,
Taunting me with the inability to rest,
I think it wants me dead.

The empty space on my wall stares,
Your name used to hang there,
Sprawled on paper covered in tears,
Surrounded by hearts, memories of laughter.

Thoughts of guilt and regret make an entry,
And decimate my already broken mind,
My once proud, loving heart is now empty.
I wrote this poem a long time ago but i didnt post it publicly but its one of my personal favourites due to the truth behind this story and the empty space that now resides on my wall so ive decided to post it publicly. I hope you love it the way i do, Stay Safe and Live Well. JY x

— The End —