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I'll burn down this house of poems
and all the authors
out on loan

Make no plans about your book
your words turn
to ash and soot

Burn down this hall of rhyme
you have better things to do
so don't you be a waste of time

Watch the roar that will consume
your phony dreams
your pipe smoke fumes

Hear the binders snap and pop
every stanza
all that rot

Think of what you could have done
if all those letters
could be unrung

Watch the floors collapse in pain
these ruins remain hot
until the rain

Now get on about your way
and don't twice
about someday

And for all it's shame
let it burn down
Burn baby burn
in purifying flame
How my mind as that of a child
Frivolous and foolish seeks solace
In a fictitious world of make believe
While reality, like a fiend stares right on my face!

Waiting for none, the globe continues to spin
And seasons arrive and depart without default
Yet how I wish to think,
With my exit, the world will come to an abrupt halt

When I am gone and lie cold under the sod
And  my memory no more lingers
How I wish to feel
My absence continually injures

Gains and losses when added up
Weighs equal on life’s dispassionate balance
Yet how I wish to boast
With success alone, I ever had my alliance

Though I never reached the peak I sought
And faltered on my way distraught
How I wish to console
I got everything for which I had fought

Future awaits me with gloom and gaiety
And victory is certain to follow defeat
Yet how I wish to proclaim
Here is one for whom life shall ever be a treat!
Pass me my pen,
I'm ready to start writing again,

I need to express myself,
It's time to take my heart off the shelf.

Give me a few moments of time,
My soul needs to release a new rhyme,

Let me breathe again,
It's been too long,  I haven't written since this morning, at half past ten.

By Lady R.F. (C)2017
Hope this makes you smile!
 May 2017 Adrian Newman
 May 2017 Adrian Newman
I'm several
steps back

I'm watching
from afar

I'm trying
to make sense

But I'm just grabbing
at raindrops
with open palms
The empty heavens.
A scattering of salt-crystal stars
On a twilight tablecloth;
All that is left
Now the horizon
Has finished feasting
On the day.
Inspired by #MicroPrompt 'Feast'
one day out of nowhere
the silenced inside simply found
a swift route to the outside

metal clink *******
words burst forth
telling stories I
did not know
I had in me

and ever since, I know
if I'm not inking myself
I'm hiding

from me

I can quit
for a while
but the longer I go
the stronger it grows

and more forcibly, terribly, it
makes its way up from my belly
when it breaks loose

I should know better by now
the repercussions of shutting down
thoughts lining up to ricochet
but sometimes

I just can't

when it makes me feel more
of what is already unbearable

when it all seems so pale
in comparison to abysmal palette

when I'd rather avoid
looking in the mirror...

I never chose
to be a writer

the words just surged
as soon as my fingers
found their home

just like it was
with us
You are the night sky
and I lie here with you,
tracing over all the starlit spots on your skin.
I am an astronomer
mapping constellations
and naming them for all the reasons I love you,
false as a beach
a pearl on the lip
the blackness of a tear


(wet leaves in a book will not dry)


the memory dies

a plate held before each face
saying who am i

the moon

(the moon after all)
How many rhymes and lines,
Have met the same paper,
With the same pen,
Minds thoughts and designs,
Differ from poet to next,
Lyricists to artists,
Beginning a new quest,
Breaking and making,
Pain and love,
Experienced emotions lay down,
Written in rhythm,
Express to distress,
Tearing page after page,
Of flooding emotions,
Signature of similar,
Inked on white,
Within multiple occasions,
How many authors,
Write the same write?
Whilst I was picking a new topic to write, I suddenly thought, how many writers write the same thing, in similar form, but the writers aren't aware of!
"The unveiling"
Of all that the master design
Promises to bring,

All of the answers
To the unknown;
The wonder of everything.

"The inevitable,"
"God's will,"
"The out of our control,"

"The final destination"
For each and every soul.

Some call it destiny,
Some call it God's big master plan,

Some call it fate,
Some say it's predestination
For every man.

The doctrine
That God has ordained
All that will happen,

That nothing is by chance;
Not even a misshapen!

In the grand scheme of things,
Whether you believe
Any of these theories to be true,

It will all be revealed to you,
What is meant to be,
Will eventually be for you;
There's nothing we can do!

By Lady R.F. (C) 2017
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