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When my finger met the paper, in a brief love affair, it took my blood as a trophy.
Then the red droplets created a beautiful mess as they sank into the dead white wood.
It stung badly, and it continued to hurt as I went on a mission to find a bandage that
could keep the crimson art inside of me, instead of spilling it everywhere.
When I wiped the excess blood away I saw nothing, yet I was still in pain.
But what hurts the most right now is my heart, because just like I couldn’t
see the papercut, you can’t see my broken heart either, and it is bleeding heavily.
Because of you.
And I can’t seem to find a bandage big enough to heal the
hole you left in my dying heart.
I am so happy that my poem was selected as a daily. That is so unbelievable on so many levels. Thank you so very much to all of your comments, likes and reposts. It means the world to me! :)
Alluring beauty ask for a sip to taste
Wonderfully graceful and so chaste
Let me take my hand around waist
Romantic moments please don't waste

Let me kiss you on your sweet cheeks
Let me take you to eternal love peaks
Please extend what my heart seeks
I can't save myself from beauty streaks  

You and me are talk of all the town
Then why not to wear love crown
Let us put just all our rivals down
With clear vision with hatred frown

Col Muhammad Khalid Khan
Copyright 2016 Golden Glow
Sitting in front of a screen,
Empty rooms, empty voices
Writing again words like always
Hiding pain in the pixels.
My soul is with me,
Yet my soul is very distant;
Everyday faces, steady paces;
Inescapable vices, real faces
Yet, again, as empty as before.
The more I sink myself in,
The more I drown in my own sea.
I can't fathom being the backdrop to your main roles
So I try to pass the course to be just like you.
No matter how many scars I get from your stares,
No matter how many bruises I get from your words.
But it hurts!
I can't do it anymore!
But still what do I do everyday?
The cuts grow deeper!
The bruises grow larger!
I should be used to it already,
But the more I stay the more I perish!
What choice do I have?
Being truthful would be a sin.
Call me an attention ***** all you like!
'Cause I wouldn't listen to your lies, anyway.
I want to smile real for once.
I want to see if there are some like me,
Even just one.
I want to shout at the top of my lungs,
Even if you cage my voice.
I really want to reach out and grab your hands,
*But, there's nothing to hold on in the first place.
I hold yet I don't
I can't do it
if only we would love  
with our eyes
and our hearts

we would not see
the outer shell

we would simply
fall in love with
the soul
the spirit
the heart
before us

for the rest
eventually falls away
Thank you all so so very much for all of the wonderful comments and kind words. I am so very grateful. I woke this morning to so many emails.. i actually thought my Mum had finally managed to use the email account i had set up for her and had sent me some messages :o)
but no .. haha bless her heart.. :o)

So.... again.. thank you thank you all forever, for all the hearts and all the love..
i feel it ***

A signifying monkey grunted
(keyboard-clever, morals stunted)

from his perch in a digital tree.
And next, did text (quite rapidly):

“Courtship rituals won’t suffice.
Face-to-face can’t break the ice.

Instagram me! Tweet me up . . .
friend me, like me, buttercup.

Sentences are so outmoded—
take too long to get decoded;

primate sexting hits me faster,
steers me towards your hot disaster.

Female monkeys: send an image.
(Ain’t got time for useless verbiage…)

if your snout just might unseat me
tweet me, greet me—don’t delete me.”

Then, unpeeling fresh banana,
searched his screen for Vox Humana. . .

 Aug 2016 Adrian Newman

O’er the seas an angel wishes,
windswept dreams and blowing kisses
Breakfast tides awake the sand
to feature this enchanted land

Oceans green and aqua blues,
tinted morning shimmered hues
A wisp o’ wind doth touch her hair
of tapered breezes come to share

Upon her vessel pearly white
is born the beauty of her sight
So calm at peace and rest allure,
wonders cast from sculpted shore

Adrift to catch a sunny day,
amongst the waters she doth play
Eyes of brown and skin divine,
I long to call this angel mine

I stand the beach in searching of,
that soon my heart shall find her love
As rippled waters bide their time
of deep expanse and salted brine

To sail these waters castaway,
I fall upon my knees and pray
This angel sweet atop the sea,
shall find her way to only me

For on this day as it does smile,
alone she waits in precious style
Of shelled delight and smooth of wake
to bring within my heart to take

This song of coastal oceans main
I hear the melody again
And o’er this dream it can bestow
to sail within her wings aglow
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