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Life discloses a dream bag,
For souls who start to sag,
A world of global goals,
With hi-tech shadows,
History was made immutable,
Our futures to shape, variable,
Our personal aims,
For Earth's long term gains,
Lighten up, souls that sag,
Life will bring your own dream bag!
Feedback welcome.
"Last night i said goodbye, it's bringing out
my tears.
I sit in  hotel rooms, and nothing is ever clear.
I think of you, it rattles me because your not
My thought's when you hold me, my insides do
cheer, as they ask me . "Will i ever see you again."
My time in different states, and countries. It's my job
that takes me away.
If only you were here to see the view of this beautiful bay.
I know it's hard to be apart, but we need to try.
Think of our beautiful children having to watch
us say goodbye.
I could never bare seeing that, i'll try to spend
more time at home.
Money isn't everything, it's never hearing your voice again
as i call you on the phone."
 Aug 2016 Adrian Newman
Melissa S
Dented and newly used
my heart is set on cruise
Never gonna give up
because I refuse

My heart may be breaking
but it is not the end
Dealer count me back in
I am on the mend
I am on a comeback

I am done being afraid
I am done being saved
Do not need another setback
I am on a comeback

I believe in who I am
I'm better than I have been
I am not down and out
I have only just began

Thank you HP and fellow poets for this great honor!!! Sorry I am so late to the party but my 8 yr old boy hijacked my phone from me.
Dedicated to some HP poets out there who have recently made a comeback.  Also when writing this I had another thought we have all had our heart broke (myself included) so I was writing with this thought in mind too because we all have made a comeback at some point in our lives.
Im sorry.
i couldnt keep another promise.
i can never seem to keep this one.

"i promise i wont cut"
"i promise i wont inflict pain on myself"

But i did it again
this time it was bad.
it was deep and didnt stop
the blood kept pouring out
and i felt dizzy
the warm water running over
my back and the
blood getting caught
in the water making a pattern run down
my arm.

Im Sorry "i promise i wont do
it again"
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