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Adam Childs Mar 2015
What is net worth but simply an
amount and expression of control
and power.
An outside objective measurement
that tells you nothing about true
As the value of a cake can be defined
by its real size and tangible taste.
Its worth can only be determined by
set of mystical numbers that have
no size or taste.
And the quality of a cake will be built
on the quality of the ingredients.
But its worth will only give  you
a percentage number for that cake.

Going head to head to increase
our net worth we loose all our
sense of true value.
As kind acts never increase net worth
we again become lost and loose
our sense of true value.  
But as we shift our sites to the
bull eye in the center of our hearts
our acts take on a brand new quality.

As  we work together blending
with each other we can create a
loving taste.
While a silent death with his scythe
sweeps the earth leveling all male ego.
Never strangled by individual
profit we work together for
our souls comfort.
As we know our value can never
be recognized by what we hold
in our pocket.
But by the taste, of that which
we add and share with  life.

So has the epidemic of low self esteem
got anything to do with our confusion
between net worth and value.
Because I have to ask what do they
have in common as they really do
keep on arguing.
So I have to call upon a great divorce,
a divorce that would make us all a lot
more happy.
As we all together discover the center
of our boundless hearts which really
know the difference between net worth
and true value.
I just want to write this to inspire thought it is not my intention to promote any political view only to study our mind sets.
Adam Childs Mar 2015
A loving friend will  feel
like gentle waves brushing
shores softly on a hot
sunny day.
But a smug friend can feel
like a spike being pushed
slowly through your heart.
An ignorant will only want
to see all your faults and
will tend to spend their
time exaggerating.
While others will see all that
is good in you and like a
loving gardener will water
and nurture.  
A sadistic friend will **** your
pain bringing out all your worst.
But a kind friend will tenderly
love bringing out all your best.
A small minded friend will only
worry about winning or just
being right.
A very much bigger friend will
search really thoroughly for
Friends full of pride will always
look down from a place that nether
will meet.  
But so much love can be shared
with a friend who sees you as
their equal.

Choosing friendships can be tricky  
But if you can find a heart
that is a very good start.
This is  not really a poem but I just wanted to share some thoughts
Adam Childs Mar 2015
I walk a tight rope through life
As I seek to find my true self

But I am sure this was not the plan
As I am far to frightened to look down
Although I really need to find my feet

Insecure legs are shaking
Jelly knees are wobbling
Pterodactlys, flying reptiles
Many headed monsters
circle the sky's above
As I fight with the world's
media and societies influences

So I close my eyes
Turn TVs off and
Throw my papers away
As I seek the center of me

The outside frizzles
While my soul sizzles
With a silent voice it speaks
As the worlds forces crumble

Butter on hot crumpets
My heart starts melting
As the physical is dissolving
And I stand still just balancing
Untouched by the world
As I find a harmony
In a sweet simplicity  

As I fall within the bounds
Of a renewed innocence
I feel myself shinning
In a white heat
I find myself connecting

And on the tight rope
To true self
I see a future
Far and wide stretching
In a heart that is vibrating
In the realms of true self
not sure how this turned out to close to it at the moment
Adam Childs Mar 2015
I am the fire that holds the glow
of a hidden flame that captures
all that fall within.
As all my fire flowers around me
bellowed by every heartbeat.
As many invisible doorways break
open and all is awakened in air of ruby
reds and orange flame, as they
burst and bloom.  

I am the fire that swallows all fire so
shout at me more little drill sergeant
for you light my fire.
For I will explode all over your anger
and blow you out like a little candle.
As I am a colossal fiery breeze as turbulent
winds encircle like a forest fire I engulf.

My coat shines and glows with orange
embers fanned by a million life times
of survival.
The power of my radiating heat melts
bones like ice in boiling water or the
hot sun against margarine.
Dare you look into my stare take a dip
a little swim and I will reignite your

I am the WILD Tiger never in caged by
any shouldst or ought to for I am a free
and my path always open for me to seek
fuel for my flame.
As my fire is never suffocated by conditions
or rule as I possess all the space around me.
Like oxygen I **** it all in while exploding into
higher spaces much greater places.

I feel the taste of LOVE and HATE as they are
both painted upon my tongue and feed my
Like two sticks Love and Hate I rub them both
together please give me more smoke and fire.
You rub your soft injustice against my hard wood
I will bring you storm clouds and flames.
As I fight for right as naturally as gravity is
pulling us to earth.
I will transform any situation never stopping
to ask if I can as I throw myself at anything.

I wash souls of petty despair as they bath
within my glare.
Come close to me and I will hold you tenderly
in the nets of my sight like hammocks
in my eyes.
Let me lick and sooth your many wounds
as we together we softly purr.
Purring sweetly together like a V8 engine I can
slowly restore all your strength and power.

I pounce and spring of solid rock that feels
so soft and elastic like rubber.
A thousand coordinated sparks ****** themselves
forward as they blaze a trail to fast for the brain.
You will be liberated when you find my fire
rocket blades ignited we will dance and play
through time.

So much can be gained when running with the
Tiger, caressing air with a watery velvet.
As you slip through a jungle with a silky strawberry
orange flame, how we Love the beautiful
Tiger's Flame
Adam Childs Mar 2015
We little light footed ants
are free from  giant egos
as we throw them off and live
within our tiny bodies
And we find that we have
so much room,
so much room.
As we keep gravitating in
a  love towards each other.

We work within an almost
sacrificial love for one another
This love so strong that
permeates our bodies it willingly
carries many times its weight freely. 
As we find a freedom in a devotion
as we build a great life together.

Sometimes we let go of understanding
the world and humbly live close to
what feels a boundless earth.
As we realize with a beautiful
simplicity that much of the world
is above.
And we understand however big you
build your ego God and the big picture
have an understanding so much greater.

We see however elaborate your system
however beautiful your tower it is the
lubricating love which enables the whole
thing work.
We live with perfect honor with each other
as we build our empire on stone which
will never crumble.
Many giant egos show us disregard as they
think nothing of stamping on us.
But being humble beings we simply slip
between the many cracks of this world and
remain completely unharmed.      

We know it is the being without ego
that finds himself so surrounded with
so much space and finds so very easy
to find his place.
Empty of ego we are drawn together
with so much love for one another
we just cannot get enough of each other.

As we build great structures almost invisible
to us which can only really be seen by giant
beings like Gods we feel our importance.
And as we work for this higher picture we
we cannot see we all merge together within
an unquestionable trust that always serves
the greater.

Living on a tiny point we feel the worlds
stresses collapsing infinity to a point.
Bursting balloons all pressures released
our souls sits back on energetic sofas.
Sitting on this micro dot we dance and rest
upon this junction spot.

So as we fumble and tumble around within
our daily routine choosing not to be tall
but to be born small.
Within a endless love threaded through million
of busy connecting little legs we work closely
And in a deep cooperation we feel a
fusion as together we feel complete
in one giant heartbeat.    

There is so much to be admired in the
beautiful busy working ant.
I don't like the way it starts but i think it gets going i will return to it I am sure
Adam Childs Mar 2015
Please let me tell you
About your positivity
The way you patch
Me up and send me out
Sorry to be melodramatic
But I somehow feel dramatic
As I am thrown out to the wolves

And I am sorry to have
To tell you but I have just
somehow become immune
to all your positives, like steroids
you keep on pumping  into me
And I am afraid that my soul
has just retract and gone different
sorry but I can no longer
pretend to be made of steel
Not for you
Or any positive view

Ok then lets go out
put on a jacket
Hunter gatherer
Lets go get her
Stand in a queue
talk to a girl or two
pretend that what
she had just said    
did not hurt you
And maybe instead
of getting kissed
We can just get ******

We can start to look a mess
while they judge us on our dress
The way we speak
The job we have
The money we don't have
The size of our house
the car we drive
Can we make them laugh
or are we just a bit boring
You say I have no confidence
But is this just a coincidence

You tell me I am all
of this and all of that
But I am tired of all that
As you lift me in
a hydrogen balloon  
Just a little *****
again I feel a ****
So I will tell you
Who I am
ADAM is who I am
always have been  
Always will be
just Adam
nothing more
nothing less  

And what I say to you
As a friend
I really
But what I don't
need from you
is your positive view
All I need
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