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Adam Childs Feb 2015
Rippling waves bursting through
Encaged chests springing, smashing
and smashing as all love is
rolling over

In the Love of the abandoned ocean

Breaking shells and all packaging
                  a packaging  
          Love never wanted
           All love being free
      Its depths to be accessed
                 For all to see

             Oh the great Sea
        The abandoned ocean
             No one can see

    Whispering sweetly it tickles
        Relaxing all our stresses
          Soothing our shores
        As it lovingly caresses
            Enticing us all in

   How the abandoned ocean
      tries so hard to get us
        All to just jump in

      Foolishly men with their
   backs to the ocean stare sadly
  in dismay at empty rock faces
   rigorously searching under
   pebbles and hidden places

With all the love of the abandoned
      ocean sitting behind them

  Lifting itself up and over
      The ocean pours its
        Love all over
Giant Whales start calling
   Comeback comeback
    We are all waiting

       In an eternal forever
       rhythm no stalling
      just keep on pouring
   Waves smash and bash
breaking our cliffs and edges

    That push away the Love
Of this vast abandoned ocean

May the Love of this ocean
find its way as it smashes
through hard places seeping  
through hidden spaces
As it penetrates us all
so very very deeply

    Let us all return to the
Adam Childs Feb 2015
To my dear Kay
You hold me up
After a long day
As you speak from
So far far away
It is as though
It was only yesterday

If only I could
hold you tonight
It would be with
such a delight
You would make my
life a great play
So come without delay
I ask you pretty please
you **** little tease

And let your heart
open up to me
And tell me what
You want to see
You may think me
A silly little cheese  
But I will shock
you with a squeeze

How I so adore
The tiger's tempers roar
releasing you to soar
How this fruitful fire
helps you to aspire
capturing all my desire
And remember when
the day is dawning
I will be totally
naked in the morning
A bit of a silly poem really that I wrote, purely out of fun
Adam Childs Feb 2015
My life, my dream
I feel, so hard to see
That a girl would
want to be with me

But I try anyway

As God looks down
from high above
I struggle in
a tiny boat
In a giant sea

"Don't worry God",
I say
"I don't expect
any help from you"

But I will try anyway

In my hopeless pursuit
of my impossible dream
I feel many of life's
cheeky devil's laugh
and chuckle at me

But I try anyway

As I am left wide open
my shrinking heart takes
a deep breath and pushes
out with a bravery

Trying so very hard
to be my very best
But I just can not
pass you IQ test

But I try anyway

I am very sure that
you will pick someone
with so much more
so very much better
and to the letter

But I try anyway
If not with you
With someone new

As I get up each day
and try and remove
the Sahara that
stands in my way

It maybe all in vain
as I try to remove
every single grain

But I try anyway

And as I sit under
the midnight sky
I feel that God
has forgotten me

I promise myself
That I will
  Feb 2015 Adam Childs
You cannot fix yourself with what

you destroyed yourself with.

Adam Childs Feb 2015
I want to ask society why it
broke so many of its people
Why are so many productive
people feel driven to suicide
Who took their self worth and
nailed it to the mast of net worth
Why are the wealthy inflated
with arrogance and the poor
burdened by shame
Who took self esteem and
married it to our income
How did a tool of measurement
directly become value

Why is it fashionable to be rich
and look down on the poor
Why are the words of a rich man
listened to, so much more
Why do people not recognize their
small creations at the ground level
Why do we rob the poor of respect
too give too the over elevated rich
Why are the poor demotivated by shame
while pride drives on in a ruthless
appetite possessed by the rich

Who disconnected self worth from
the flower of produce and replaced
it with money
Who thought it a good idea to abandon
people on their tiny rafts and throw them
into rough waters of fear and greed
Who said fear and greed make
a good flower bed
Why have people not been guided into
deeper waters where currents flow and
a richness in the heart can be explored
just some thought really not sure if it qualifies as a poem may come back to this
Adam Childs Feb 2015
The beautiful Tiger strides as her
muscles ripple with strength
She is a stunning power house
which moves with the lightness
of a feather
Although  never with an arrogance
of a king, but with a knowing
of a great general
Her many strips earn't though an
evolution of battle and conquest
The air flooded with a juicy orange
as her many strips drift and float
out like the waves of an ocean

We all become transparent as all
is gathered within the glowing
eyes of a tiger
With her light lime eyes she
***** the whole world in
And a dash of yellow to cut
through everything
Like bright bulbs they shine and
possess a gravitational force  
Enjoying a deep comfort with
her surroundings for she fears
nothing, as the jungle wraps her
in a warm quilt she feels cozy

Her vibrant colour that celebrates
with the trees will disappear to
the colour blind as she vanishes
behind leaves
Caught in the nets of a tigers
glare her presence will cascade
all around you
Pulsing heart you become paralyzed by
her stare as she fires hooks into you  
Lost in the jungle, she is the jungle
If the Lion is king, she is the kingdom

As you stand in the presence of her
magnificent beauty her fire will
engulf you
All a blaze, forest fire orange flames
bellow from her lively fur
As you feel the tremendous power
of this fiery dragon
A thousand chainsaws cut the air
as you are beheaded with a roar
Every bone shall rattle every cell shall
cry as fear is drilled into you
As she blasts a second roar you feel
her fiery force as she burns a hole
right through you

The crouching tiger recoils her every
muscle with a thousand frustrated
springs, she ready's for the pounce  
Crackle and spark as a combustible fire
swamps the air, friction burn
Ignited she explodes her energy
burst through a self made vortex
As we see fire jumping
As she leaps through a secret passage
a tunnel in the air

Hunger driven her jaw widens and
a gateway opens as she rockets
forward with a relentless appetite  
Time stands still as she leaps
through the air
Her flight so effortless she could
be stood still in space as the world
travels to her
As a black hole is opened she *****
her prey in  

So much fiery energy can be enjoyed
when the power of the Chinese dragon
is released
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