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Adam Childs Feb 2015
I am smashed down
By the worlds standards
With such physical expectations
My hopeless heart sinks
So small, so small
so small, I am
As I am haunted by
the images of tender Beauty
Powerless and worthless, I feel
As I walk daily, shrinking inside
I hold my dignity tight
As this shrinking violet
Hides in her great forest
Cheeks all flushed and red
I scurry behind some foliage
Surrounded by my own dead wood

The lashing striking pain
The whips of many masters
Draw blood from my many old wounds
As I become aware of my infected self
Far to much it is for me
As I play pass the parcel
With all my friends
As youth shines its splendor,
its brightness, claiming all the sky's
I am burned by its great heat
My skin scorched
For such beauty can feel
like the furnaces of hell

For what God would curse us
With such inadequacy and shame
In this half life
For I live in a darkened room
Of many locked doors
Where I have cut my own
Arms and legs off so
That I may live in this world
As I live on silent scraps
While the world enjoys its harvest
and feasts on Gods bounty

But better it is to be the limp inadequate
That can only fail to catch
Helplessly left only to observe
As a great physical Prowess
Can be a great curse
For much seeing is lost
In the unquenchable appetite
of hungry feasting Lion's  
As there is in the glory of conquest
The soul can be long forgotten

The seeds of my shame
And inflections of inadequacy
Where burdens, never of God's will
But sewn by the devil himself
To hide the majesty of God's creation
So I relax to observe
The weeding of my gracious God
As I am relieved of each passing pain
I fall into blissful acceptance
I am really sorry about the anguish I wrote this while exploring some very deep wounds
Adam Childs Jan 2015
My soul rests within the
tranquility of the empty valley

I nestle in a beautiful space
a carved out place,
As I lie between
two proud mountains  

Open to the sky
I make a restful sigh
As I enjoy this giant

Blustering winds pass through
as the valleys edges are
brushed by busy grasses  
And tickled by the
Sweeping clouds

While many cattle graze
a silent centre has a
grateful gaze

As eons pass the empty
center sits to watch seasons
spiral past.

With her rolling mountains
and rotating valley
she see her endless time

And drinks it slowly
Like a delicious wine

How I enjoy the sweet open valley
Adam Childs Jan 2015

Please great mother
Help us to feel
And know the female energy
From your womb we are all born
As you are lovingly
Creating everything
And I realize
You give such unconditional Love
What ever we do
You want us to be Happy
And help me to be a happy
Grateful child of yours
Who shares his toys willingly
With all our brothers and sisters
Thank you so much
For giving me this Life

I wrote this prayer I wrote a long time ago to, after spending a weekend with some shamanic practitioners. The energy was noticeably a lot more feminine than I had experienced within Church.
Adam Childs Jan 2015

Lord can you help us
see everyday the Love
You put into your creation
Help us to learn from this
And help us to replicate it
In our daily lives
Help us to put more Love into
Our work and small creations
And lord help us to see
The great Love
The great Love , your son felt
The Love that inspired him
To sacrifice himself for our sins
And help us to learn from that
Help us to make small sacrifices
In our daily lives
Help us to see your Love and desire for
A relationship with us
And help us to have the same desire
For a relationship back
And finally help us to
Show your Love through giving

Another poem I wrote when I was at Alpha
Adam Childs Jan 2015

Dear almighty God
Could you please help us
To find your Love
We know you are have Love
A great Love
Far beyond our comprehension
But please help us to comprehend
And feel your Love
In not just the beautiful things
But in angry wounded souls to
And more importantly help us
To express your Love
As we know through  
The expression of your Love
The world maybe healed
And our hearts purified
Lord we pray that you may
Wrap your Love around this world
Through our hearts and deeds
And we pray that your Love
May drive out all the fear in Mankind
And bring us peace
Lord with your great Love
May you rule

Just thought i would throw up a few prayers I wrote a long time ago
Adam Childs Jan 2015
In the forever winter landscape
Live gentle waddling penguins
While fierce forces conspire
All life brushed away
By unforgiving weather
But with an icy resolve
They all push back
Not with a Roar
But a little pitta patta
Of jolly dancing feet
As they happily bubble along  
With defiant hearts whispering
To the weather
With a nonchalance  
Disarming the Gods
   "we don't care"
With a silky soft defiant Roar
They potter on with their day
In a light hearted way  

Traveling through their life
They feel bound by limitation
Limbs retreating,, wings shrinking
Escaping from the weather
As the world places them
In a straight jacket
But they fluff out their
Love filled chests
A dash of yellow
On their cheek
Proclaiming I love who I am
As they slowly press into snow
Heart blazing with white fires
Busily they chatter
Nodding and bowing
To each other

Life pushes newly weds apart
As her ladyship is forced to abandon
Her man to the long winter's night
Left holding the egg
She looks back with a longing glance
Her heart torn
But in the blistering chill winds
And freezing cold air
A cool clarity is born
Where all passions are left
Under sheets of steely ice
And soft blankets of snow
Her task very clear
She pushes on

A trust between partners feels itself called on
Now fierce winds blow through
And into her face
As they now feel so far apart
She stops to take one last look back
And feels an impenetrable bond
Forged in their hearts
As her beak circles the sky
It is as though an arc
Of light is made
A silver connection
Binding them together
As they feel somewhere
In the eternal they remain holding hands

The aspiring father left
Holding precious egg tenderly
Left standing on cold ice
In blistering winds
Four months there left balancing
Treasure softly on his feet
Through the winter's night
Angry winds betrayed by the sun
Sting with a viper's vengeance
As temperatures plummet
-70 and dropping  
Cooperating together they huddle
For their very survival
Perfectly dressed in Tuxedos
Black like death standing on their back
White in front for the devotion
They show us in life
Reliant on each other
They spiral around together
And say
   "together, together we can do it"
As they silently sit through
The long winter's night
Letting go of their resistance
They release a godlike persistence

Over the horizon mothers appear bobbing
Like bubbles of thought bursting
From the flat transcendence
Fulfilled wishes appearing
New mothers pulled forward
By tickles of joy in their hearts
Leaping forward on their bellies
As they collapse in
Boundless devotion
Their hearts drawn forward
Skating along on their Love
They glide.................................
           and slides..................................
On their own pouring devotion...................
Effortless devotion..................................................
They almost fly on their
Unlimited Love

Effortless embracing tasks
Supporting new life
They are filled with the
Ecstasy of fruitful service
Later adults return to water
Float with a grace
Of a dancing ballerina  
As though fuelled by rocket fuel
They leave bubbles like smoke

As we delve into these
Vast fields of devotion
And see these jolly beings
Successfully spilling through
The dark winter's night
As they spread new life
I feel like the great God above
Totally humbled And can only
Kneel and Bow
To the beautiful penguin
Adam Childs Jan 2015
I am the beautiful Scorpion Queen
Ruler of hidden places
Securer of hiding spaces
Buried often under rocks
Cautious of people
Who stamp over me
So I mastered the perfect sting
As those who encroach over me
I give a little ping

They say I look nasty
But I do it all for you
As I show you your true value
I will bite the hand that
Undermines you
As me and my children
Will protect your foundation
And cut the vines of envy
That strangle you
As I love sacred spaces

I lift the confusion from those
Who say all is one
But live on the outside
And trample over everyone
I cut the claws
With my jaws
Breaking the need to please

I say build your house
Before you build your city
As I preserve the
Sanctity of duality
The guardian of your cave
Protector of your temple
Keeper of your palace
A soldier who keeps on fighting
Fighting to the death
May you visit me
On memorial day
My life I feel complete
As I sew doubt splitting the world
Like a chisel into wood

But I celebrate dividing lines
And cut the white light
To give you colour
Let the rainbow shine
As I champion variety
The Goddess of individuality
As I give you difference
And hold the value of
Many shapes and sizes
I release you to your self portrait
Colourful Mosaic  
My nippers become the scissors
Of the Lord's dressmakers
As my tail does the needle work

I clear the muddled mind because
They all said you must say yes
I take away the guilt of no
Heavy shoulders weighed down by yes
And give you NO NO NO
NO to the controller
No to those who think
They know better
Dare a no to the precious Guru
For I will betray the Christ
Out of my Love for you

When they point their finger
I will make your point much sharper
I will rescue your sweet
Innocent soul  
Which can not defile
I will get my hands dirt
So you don't have to
They call me the betrayer
But what I want
Is for you to find
The real you
As my gift is

So much love to give
And possesses a beauty
That puts the Gods to shame
Our truly great SCORPION QUEEN
Also think of the sign Scorpio
And Judas who had a raw deal
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