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Aug 2018 · 335
But honestly...
Mad Jones Aug 2018
​I love when people are, and cannot be anything but, honest. I love the look in people’s eyes when they realize they’re in love. I love the way people look when they first wake up and they’ve forgotten their surroundings. I love the gasp people take when their favorite character dies. I love when people close their eyes and drift to somewhere in the clouds. I fall in love with people and their honest moments all the time. I fall in love with their breakdowns and their smeared makeup and their daydreams. Honesty is just too beautiful to ever put into words.
Mar 2014 · 1.1k
Mad Jones Mar 2014
A girl stands by the water, her long, tawny hair swaying with the wind. Her eyes mimic the color of the waves as they crash down onto the shore. Her mind is racing, but her face shows no sign of her mental strain...
     A boy sits on the sand, running a hand through his shaggy, amber hair. His eyes mimic the color of the sand as his tears soak through each grain. His mind is racing, but his face shows no sign of his mental strain...
     The girl turns around. And then...she sees him...
     The boy looks up. And then...he sees her...

I really like the color teal, so I made an extremely short story that makes me think of that color.
Mar 2014 · 793
"him" and "her"
Mad Jones Mar 2014
There's a song bird who sings so bright and amazing, scared and beat down from its past. I say baby (clasps your hands close to mine) know that I'm here to stay.
Hearts so kind.

My heart's in your hands, love. I trust you to keep it.
Beating hearts, pounding out, leaving me speechless. No words to say, but I don't need them. (You can hear me anyways)
in this lovely silence.

Silence, no more. Fear a little less, baby. I love you until my last breath. I'll hold your heart with great protection and never ending love. I hear you screaming my name in your dreams. Scream no more. Your heart has been torn and broken and beat down. Baby, just know you're safe with me.
No more heartache to keep.

No more hurt, no more pain. This seems like a dream, dear. So real, so alive. I want to be yours, for the rest of forever. No one knows how strong this is. No one can break us.
This never ending love.

No more pain. Nothing is the same. Growing day by day. Love so intriguing, yet deceiving. No one believes we fell in love. So let's try harder to show them that our love is forever. (She wants to be mine forever,) but you already are, only to find out I want to be yours forever too. Our future is bright, yet we still fight. (Her lips, her smile, her love, her beauty, her heart.) All became a part of me. We act and breath as one. Waking up next to my love is the
sweetest joy life can bring.

I love you, dear. I whisper into your ear and hold you tight. I'm never letting go. (He wants to be mine,) and I still can't believe it. (He's so perfect. His eyes, his smile, his laugh, his voice.) I couldn't ever imagine that a man such as you would ever exist. Until right now.
You're my perfect love.

I love you too, my dear. I promised  I'd never shed a tear. (Drowning in my love for her.) You say you can't believe that I want to be yours. Believe it now. Towering over all the rest. I love you 'til death. Your smile, your love, your laugh, your cutenes, your stubbornness, your cockiness, your sexiness. I was lost, then you found me. And now that you found me, I never want to feel lost again. You're everything I have ever dreamed my true love would be. You're perfect in my eyes, even in your imperfections. I do exist, I'm very real. So cast the line and real me in. Because you already have me, so seal the deal. You are my everything. Driving in the fast lane, switching gears back and fourth. Driving fast. Crazy in love 'cause, baby, I'm crazy for you.
Slowly going mad because I need you.

Baby, we're meant to be. You and me. I believe in you with all my heart. You are beautiful, amazing, lovely, gentle. I've loved you from the moment we met and I'll love you 'til the day I die. You're my perfect match, my one and only. You're past doesn't matter anymore because of the future we have to look forward to. I love you for all of you. All your scars, sadness, darkness will never make me love you any less than I do right now.
You're perfect to me.

Baby, your the apple to my eye, my weakness in disguise. I swear to love you all through the night. Wake up next to you every morning and tell you I love you day in and day out. Your my only weakness, so I will solve it with
a* supple kiss to your lips.

My boyfriend and I decided to write a poem together explaining how we feel towards eachother. Obviously, my boyfriend is him and I'm her. I had a lot of fun writing this poem. Hope you like it! <3
Mad Jones Mar 2014
Smile bigger,
the day is bright!
Dawn has broken,
There's no more night.

Fear not, darling,
For I am here,
To ease your pain
And stop your tears.

I'll never leave.
I swear to you.
I'll be right here,
Right next to you.

Through all your days,
You will soon find,
That I'm all yours
In heart and mind.

So, fear no more,
I'm here to stay.
You'll find that I
Can't stay away.

Your eyes, they shine
Like stars at night.
Your smile is
The brightest light.

Please trust me, dear.
I'm all yours now.
No need to fear
About us now.

My boyfriend said "Well smile bigger, the day is bright!" and I wanted to turn it into a poem about us so badly, so I did. The meter of the poem turned out to resemble a heart beat, which I find very ironic and lovely.
Mar 2014 · 563
i miss you(days pass)
Mad Jones Mar 2014
Days pass, by and by,
As if I wasn't here.
All my fears, revisited.
All my scars, reopened.

Life goes on and on.
I'm nothing but a ghost.
A mere fragment of of the past.
And I'm afraid to leave again.

I wish I could stay
To see you smile,
To see you laugh.
I don't want to go.

I feel like I'm burning.
Alive, but dead.
No one can save me from myself.
No one, but you.

If we weren't so far apart,
If I could only close this gap.
I would, but I can't.
I hope you know that.

We are so alike,
Yet so different.
Our minds are elsewhere,
But our hearts beat as one.

I miss my love, but I will wait. A free verse to describe how I feel.
Mar 2014 · 814
i am me...
Mad Jones Mar 2014
In perspective of everything, I am nothing.

A* minor blip in time and space.
Microscopic compared to the entire universe.

Maybe I am small, but I'm
Enjoying it anyways.

I just realized how small we really are, yet how amazing we can be. This is an acrostic, written to prove a point.
Mar 2014 · 611
Mad Jones Mar 2014
I normally wouldn't say this to anyone,
but I'm  s
                          falling  a p a r t ,
and I can't stop
                       feeling like

It's killing me from the
                                ( inside ),
and it's trying to get
                                ) out ( .

But I'm fighting it with all I've got...

not (never)

Mar 2014 · 654
Journal Entry: 3-10-14
Mad Jones Mar 2014
Sometimes, I really don't feel connected to this reality. Every moment of this life, I feel disconnected and distant from everything and everyone. How do I stop feeling this way? How can I return to normal? I just want to be normal, loved, noticed.

I don't think that anyone notices me. I feel ignored and overlooked. I guess a lot of other people feel the same way. I can't say that only I feel this way. It's a universal feeling. Everyone feels or has felt this way at some point in their lives.

It's comforting to know that others feel abnormal sometimes. That you're not as much of a freak than you originally thought you were. Something about knowing that other people have the same feelings and emotions and passions as you do, or did, is sort of a relief. I wonder what your thoughts on this matter is. Since I can not see you or hear you, I could only assume that you would in some way agree with me. In the case that you do not agree, then I would love to find out what your opinions and thoughts are.

You people facinate me terribly. From you random episodes of nervousness to your moments of passion and love, everthing you, and I, do is an amazing specticle. Just think about it. We are amazing specticles just floating in a sea of zero-gravity and clouds of star stuff. If that's not amazing then I don't know what is. The fact that we are here is amazing. The fact that we feel things is amazing. The fact that we are born for a purpose is extremely amazing.

Life is a gift and a curse, though. It gives life and takes it away.

Life comes in different forms: there's "Life", the day-to-day event that is personified, and then there is "life", the precious gift that is given to us by Life. This probably doesn't make any sense. I really and honestly have no clue what I'm going on about. If this makes any sense, then you are extremely logical and extremely special.

Anywho, This is the first of many stupid entrees...

Just thinking out loud...
Mar 2014 · 390
Almost perfect
Mad Jones Mar 2014
We don't
                                             fit perfectly
but at
                               we can

Mar 2014 · 562
I'm Just Tired, Babe...
Mad Jones Mar 2014
Sorry, darling, about my mind
I really don't mean to be all ******* up inside
Sometimes I just get too tired to think
I can almost feel my soul beginning to sink

Sorry, darling, for my dark heart
I need you to keep me from falling apart
Sometimes I think that you're tired of this
I'm sorry, darling, but I'm busy dreaming of our kiss

Sorry, darling, that I'm falling asleep
I just like your voice because it makes my heart leap
Sometimes it's hard not to close my eyes and smile
I just want you to know that I'll be dreaming about us for a while

Written for my boyfriend. I'm sorry I can't stay up later to talk, but you don't know how happy I am when I dream of you. <3
Mar 2014 · 416
Mad Jones Mar 2014
I forget how everything used to be
Because everything I've ever known has changed
And I don't know how to think anymore
How to feel, how to act
What to say, or not say
Or what I should do

I can't remember playing in the snow or rain
Because everything I've ever known has changed
And I don't know what to think anymore
Where to go, where to look
Who to trust, or not trust
Or what I should do

I don't recall laughing with my family and friends
Because everything I've ever known has changed
And I don't know why I think anymore
Why I'm here, why I'm alive
Why I feel, or don't feel
Or what I should do

What should I do?
Mar 2014 · 612
Mad Jones Mar 2014
Anger, *blinding redness, blurry vision, shivering images
Every tear you've held in pours out and onto the floor
Crashing down on the tile; anger bubbling in each drop
Clenched fists swinging down in a quick flash

Pain, purple slpotches, red skin, silent screaming
You fall to the floor as you scream without a sound
For they might hear you; calmly wiping away your tears
Clenched jaw biting back your words and pain

Hitting your self isn't a very effective way to deal with anger...I'm finding these things out the hard way.
Mar 2014 · 354
thin lines
Mad Jones Mar 2014
thin lines, white with age,
engraved into your skin from hate
made long ago, but they still remain
i see them once, now i can't look away
i sit here and think,
"maybe i'm not really alone"

you and me don't really know
where people like us can go from here
should we get help?
or just stay the same?
maybe we'll keep making marks
just slowly put up walls in our brains

all this pain isn't really worth it
and these scars are getting too deep
longsleeves and makeup can't hide
theses thin, thin lines

it's funny how many of us there are
how many more must go through this?
at the same time, i'm dying,
not knowing what i should do
just trying to stay alive
i'm going through this for you

your skin isn't clean, darling,
but who am i to point it out?
you haven't improved at all
though you have tried like me
but at least i'm helping others
while you just stay the same

I wrote this for my friend who needed an intervention because she was losing so much blood from cutting that she had to be sent to the hospital 3 different times. Hopefully you guys like it <3
Mar 2014 · 437
Everything was gone...
Mad Jones Mar 2014
Night was rolling slowly in,
casting eerie, long shadows across
the cold, brown grass.

It was beautiful and unique.
No other sunset would be quite like this one
in a million years.

The trees seemed to sadden when their firey light
had dissapeared below the horizon.

Soon, darkness swallowed the landscape
and everything was gone...

Night can be so beautiful yet scary at the same time. I wonder how that works... <3
Mar 2014 · 618
Ink and Paper
Mad Jones Mar 2014
My life's nothing but a splotch of black ink
Dripped onto a pure white sheet of paper.
The darkness spreads quite quicker than you think,
And soon the pure white begins to taper.

It's too late for the sheet to try and run,
For its once untouched face is now undone,
And all the white seems to be gone, although,
The ink, though dark, can help it shine like snow.

By reshaping the black slip from ruin,
The ink and paper make me more human.

I wrote this one originally just because I wanted to, but I really want other people's opinions on it. <3
Mar 2014 · 434
Mad Jones Mar 2014
She had the entire world at her feet,
but all she spoke of was her lonely life.
The sun's rays refused to melt the snow,
hiding roads that lead to anywhere but back home.

Take a look in the mirror.
Now, tell me what you see.
For once you realize your life is much clearer, but too bad.
It's much too late to find your way through yesterday.

This is my first of many poems. I know its not that great, but I still need to upload my other poems and I needed a short, first poem to get the ball rolling. Hopefully at least one of you will like it. <3

— The End —