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Abby Nichole May 2015
I'm still trying to figure out
What feels better--
Scribbling furiously into my journal,
Etching the pages with anger,
Or crazily pounding words out
With my keyboard.
Abby Nichole May 2015
Within my home,
I feel scars raised above
the rest of my flesh.
I feel my lungs
Breath the air
I’ve been missing
For so many months.

Within my home,
ricocheting around,
I hear my racing thoughts-
I hear my vocal cords
Finally being able to
say what I think
and say what I want.

Within my home,
I can ******* tongue
And what it has to offer
this sick and twisted world.
I taste the saltiness
of tears that my eyes
were made to hold.

Within my home,
I can smell the smoke
of my past up in flames.
I can smell ink on my skin
From drawing hearts
And leaving my body
A bruised pen tinge.

Within my home,
I can see the walls
I build around my heart.
I can see the day
When maybe I’ll believe
Someone like me
Can be okay.
Another poem for class...I had to write about my home but I don't really have one...
Abby Nichole May 2015
It's getting bad again-
All my writing is
All my nights are
induced with insomnia
All my days
are anxiety ridden-
Not being able to
get out a coherent thought
Not being able to
let myself breathe
Feeling guilty about
every breath I take
Maybe someone else
this air
Maybe someone else
should be taking in this oxygen because even the thing
we call God knows
They wouldn't want any other part
of me.
My wrists
have too many scars
My brain
has too many bruises
I can't even think straight
and I don't know what
I'm saying
or writing
or even doing-
I don't know how to breathe.

It's getting good again-
My therapist says I'm stable
enough to stop taking one of three medications I'm on
because of you.
You were toxic,
Filling my mind with all your lies.
Talking me the way you treated me
Was okay,
That it was alright
For a teacher,
A thirty year old man
To be talking to a fifteen year old girl
The way you were.

But now it's over-
You're gone.
Terminated from your job
As well as my life.
My self inflicted wounds are turning that pink sunset color,
Implying that better days lay ahead,
the scars getting ready to be just another tattoo of you.
I can sleep again,
sometimes for a whole day
I have dreams of blackness
as my body catches up on what it has lost
I can talk again-
my mind isn't shutting down around the people I love
who just want to console me.
I can breathe again,
Air filling my lungs without a care in the world.
The guilt is gone.

But it's getting bad again.
Ick the memories
Abby Nichole May 2015
I'm tired of
Always being the one to respond
Within thirty seconds of
Receiving your message.

I'm tired of
Always being the one
Cut off from our nightly texts
With a swift
"I'm sleepy love, I'm going to sleep now."
We say our "good night"s and
"I love you"s
And hours later,
I'm still awake.

I'm tired of being the one
To always say "goodmorning" first
In hopes I can brighten your day.
And I'm tired of being the one
Who lies in bed even hours after
You tell me you'll be busy for a while.

Im tired of being the one
Who's always available,
Here for your beck and call--

But it's my fault,
Isn't it?
That I get so attached to people.
That I need constant companionship.
That I always want to talk.
Always want to see you.
Always need you here

But you're staring to realize
I'm too attached
Too obsessed
Too sick

I'm tired of being the one
Who makes people feel
Like they're my babysitter--
Making sure I take showers
Making sure I eat
And drink enough water
Making sure I'm not going to
Sporadically **** myself.

I'm tired.
And I'm done.
Abby Nichole May 2015
Did you hear the that goes
“Everytime I try to make a **** joke,
It just comes out a little too…

Did you hear the one about
The girl who had to pull her
Best friend
Drunk, crying, and vomiting,
From her best friend’s car?

They’re both pretty funny,
Aren’t they?

It’s hilarious that
A 15 year old girl
Sits in a clinic,
Waiting to see
If she is pregnant
Or if maybe she has
She feels ***** and
Feeling like it’s her fault
Because that’s what
Society tells her-
It’s her fault because
Of what she was wearing.

It’s even more funny that
She sits there alone,
Because she’s too
Ashamed to ask for help.

It’s hilarious that a
Little boy,
With tears streaming down his face,
Thinks that what she did to him
Wasn’t ****,
Because society tells him
That real men can’t be *****,
He should’ve liked it,
That he’s lucky because
She was good looking.

It’s hilarious that when you make **** jokes,
You’re almost as bad as the ******.

You’re normalizing his actions,
Making him feel proud,
And that what he did
Is just a process of life,
That what he did is normal.

So instead of asking me why I don’t find **** jokes funny,
Let me ask you
Why you do.
I read this at the gala too wow my words in people's minds yay
Abby Nichole May 2015
The reality is
He won't seal your cuts
With all his sweet kisses,
He can't excavate
All the demons from your mind.

The reality is,
HIs hugs won't put
All your broken parts back together.
His texts won't make
Your entire day brighter.

Maybe his kisses
His hugs,
His texts
And his words
Can be a temporary fix.

But the reality is,
If he really loves you,
He'll make you fix yourself.
idk my bf is cute
Abby Nichole May 2015
When I was in the lunch line at school yesterday,
a girl in my class was in front of me.

I was about to tell her I liked her style
when the stupid words that slipped out of her mouth
stopped me from releasing the compliment.

I kid you not, she turned to her friend and said:
"I wish I had the willpower to be anorexic."

In a society with glossy magazines,
weight loss tips,
and skinny naked models smashing adolescent
girls over the head with their frail ***** hands,
this is really how people think.

This is how the girl in the lunch line thinks.

But little does she know
that having the “self control” over food and calories
and the stupid number on the scale,
hovering under her feet in evil red numbers leads to absolute insanity.

Little does she know
that after she skips a meal for the first time,
she’ll already be hooked,
drawn in by the smiling faces of substantial women on the magazines covers
as she checks out her new diet pills from the supermarket.

Little does she know that the food she isn't eating will slow her brain more and more each day, simultaneously slowing her mental capacity to a grinding halt, unable to respond with a new excuse each time her family asks, “why aren't you eating dinner?”

Little does she know
her beautiful silky hair will begin falling out, her period will stop,
the pounds will keep shedding off,
her body growing slower and weaker until finally...
someone notices.

Someone notices her grades slipping,
her never ending daydreaming,
the way she chews her nails,
the space between her thighs holding her legs apart so they don’t rub together
in her new double zero skinny jeans
That slide off her hips.
Someone notices not only how empty her stomach is,
but also her eyes and her brain and even her veins
from self hatred and slicing insults into her wrists,
words like “fat” and “worthless” and “I want to die.”

Little does she know
that the time she now spends at the mall,
at dance class,
at school or with her boyfriend
will soon be devoted to lonely nights at the hospital hooked up to a feeding tube.

The feeding tube will cram nourishment down her throat,
but she won’t see it as that,
no she will see it as fat on her thighs,
her boyfriend’s refusal to touch her,
the laughter from her friends when they go prom dress shopping and she can't fit into the anything she tries on.

she'll sit in silence as her parents figure out what to do with her,
as they hunch over therapy bills
and doctor bills
and the hope that their little girl will be okay. She doesn’t know the look on her mom’s face
when she has to see her baby girl’s cut up thighs
to make sure she didn't cut too deep this time.

Little does she know
that eating disorders are not just a fad,
not some quick diet to drop pounds.
No, she doesn’t know
that once you’re in, you’re in in for life. There’s nothing “strong” about not eating for four days straight
just to feel lovely,
there’s nothing beautiful about weak bones and thin hair
and cold metal scales,
so stop romanticizing my reality.
You want an eating disorder?
Here, have mine.
Take them both, since you admire them so much.
Eating disorders are a deadly disease.
But little does she know that.
So all I have left to say to her is
“Good luck.”
I read this to actual people out loud at a gala ***
Abby Nichole May 2015
depression is
lying on the bathroom floor
crying at three am
listening to sad music
cutting open veins
calling a friend with no answer
mending wounds

recovery is
therapy rooms
doctors offices
pill boxes
angry parents
losing friends
finding yourself

relapse is
not an option.
Abby Nichole May 2015
Writing is oxygen-
It allows me to breathe,
Infiltrating my lungs
With life.

My body expresses itself
Through oxygen-
Walking, eating,
My soul expresses itself
Through writing-
Words, phrases,

It is my oxygen.

I take in breaths
Easily and naturally,
My heart working with
My brain
To pump blood and air
To my body.
Just like how my brain works
With my fingers
To create prose and

Oxygen flows through my veins
Like ink flows through my fingers
Out onto a page.

Oxygen is how I feel
Oxygen is how I live-
Writing is how I feel
Writing is how I live.

Writing is oxygen.
This was a poem for class

— The End —