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 Dec 2014 Aaron W
A Mareship
 Dec 2014 Aaron W
A Mareship
The English vice,
Some Etonian curse –
Set down in grass
And purple verse,

Lavatory bred
With ransacked blood,
Skin slapping and
With a falling thud –

Takes boys at childhood,
Wishes them away,
With promises of popper fuelled buffets,

And poisons them with
Vice and virus red,
And sees them unmarried
Giving head.

I don’t regret a single thing I am,
I’ve tried it out
And can’t abide the sham –

I’ll **** men
And make them beg for more,
I’ll scrabble for their love upon the floor,

I’ll love men
And love will love me too,
I’ll love for love’s own sake
And when I’m through

I’ll die and I’ll be thankful that your hate
Never made me beg that I was straight.
I don't generally write on the topic of being gay, although I write a lot about boyfriends etc.  Being gay is not really an issue for me, but every now and then someone will make a comment that will ******* enrage me, hence this poem. Let's stick together, doesn't matter who we fall in love with, let's not be ashamed of anything. x
 Dec 2014 Aaron W
ern kingham
 Dec 2014 Aaron W
ern kingham
I remember the first time someone explained to me what the word gay meant.
We were in middle school
Playing on the swing set behind Stoy Elementary
"He’s so gay," she said
Bitter disgust poured out of her mouth with every syllable
I could not think as to why being happy could be such a horrible thing
And so I asked
My exact words being
“Whats so wrong with being happy?”
Now both my friends looked at me weird
“Don’t you know what gay means?”
“Doesn’t it mean to be happy?”
“You’re such a little kid, gay does not mean happy. Gay is a boy who likes another boy”
I stood there wondering why it mattered so much that a boy liked another boy;
why it was such a distasteful thing.
And why it meant gay couldn’t still mean happy.
 Dec 2014 Aaron W
 Dec 2014 Aaron W
i was hoping that if you kissed me enough
in places where i thought i was dead

flowers would grow

but i am not a garden
and my dear,
you are far from a dose of fresh water and sunlight
 Dec 2014 Aaron W
all the mugs of caramel tea
piles of thick, warm blankets
and romance novels
in the entire world
couldn't comfort me
as well as you can
 Dec 2014 Aaron W
 Dec 2014 Aaron W
when the boy with musky cologne and hazelnut eyes
shatters your heart into a million pieces

you're going to have to put yourself back together

you're going to have to be your own super hero

you're going to have to love yourself
 Dec 2014 Aaron W
 Dec 2014 Aaron W
you are not a wilted tulip
or a shattered porcelain doll

the boy with piercing blue eyes
and a lightning smile
is not going to appear out of the fog
and save you from yourself

stop pushing your dinner
to the edges of your plate
don't make yourself less
so that he will love you more

you deserve so much better
than a tear-stained pillow
and a splitting headache

you hang on his every word
and fall at his feet

spit on his scuffed up shoes and
pick yourself up, sweetheart
pour yourself a mug of black coffee
watch the sun kiss the horizon good morning

you are awake
you are significant
 Dec 2014 Aaron W
you are not my sky
not my moon
not my air
the smile on your face
is not my sun
and i am not its planet
your freckles are not stars
scattered across the night sky
you are a person
not a sky
you aren't limitless
your being does not surround
my whole world

you are not
my world
 Dec 2014 Aaron W
i filled myself with
but i still felt
 Dec 2014 Aaron W
5:34 AM
 Dec 2014 Aaron W
i watch the little red seatbelt sign
flicker off
the man next to me is asleep
he has a british accent
and smells like hotel soap
my ears pop
and i look at the clouds
funny how clouds no longer seem
so solid when you get so close to them
(i guess people are like that, too)
a lady in a polyester red blazer
brings me ****** coffee and smiles
i don't think she wants to be here
i smile back
its just me
hotel soap guy (now snoring loudly)
my notebook
and the clouds
this 53 minute flight
is much too short
and i don't want to come down
i wrote this on a flight last week for no reason
 Dec 2014 Aaron W
 Dec 2014 Aaron W
this morning i woke up
with mascara smudges
and a dry throat
and salty lips
i sat on a hard wooden kitchen chair
as i read an article about the life cycle of a star

i learned that the bigger and brighter the star
the shorter its life,
the brighter it burns
the less time it has before an explosion destroys it
from the inside out
crushing it into pieces
and propelling them into the universe

as i read
i found myself remembering the day you told me you loved me
so much
you could just explode

and i wonder if maybe this whole supernova explosion thing
applies to love
because our love was bright and consuming and fast
and ended in an explosion
that destroyed me from the inside out
crushed me into pieces
that were propelled into the universe

— The End —