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 Feb 2016 JAM
 Feb 2016 JAM
sitting here,
i know that look in your eyes
like culty mattress store fake zen music.
ambient as ****.
and you were waiting for the radiator to burst-
explode, **** everyone with
chunks of cast iron hurled through their heads
like nothing.
listening to the hiss and whur - lazy and calm
like nothing was wrong.

Chill electronics

Fervours me forth

From the frost mornings
Over crushed relations
Over the lost margins

Across the horisons
Ending heated desserts

Alienated from lonsome cries
We travel on the cloud called ninth

Of a everydays man turmoils
Turning into naught

Becoming a hoop
Around allured
Swell membrane

Top to bottom
Willing to


Works with

the lucrative


My elation
Our abdomination
Each pace on the drum

Is  a hollow awareness

Is  a primal bite

Into a predestined

Prerogative ~ the
Love's ethnicity

Till ambushed silk

Start to jingle

Floral essences



Dark curls

Azam Magnetic Magma

Charming one thousand
And one
Free from misery
Mystery Nights



Ambiental Ali

Opened space


Sounds Alluring Affirmity

The woman's
Darkling alto
Swims into me

Dear saphir's lean
Permeates into me

 Feb 2016 JAM
Jude kyrie
When she threw me out
it was my fault I know.
The drinking had started again.
I slept in the car for days.
Locked out at night.
Yet still I drank.
My job was lost.
But not as lost as me.
I remember waking
in the drunk tank.
I was ***** unshaven.
And my eyes were hollow.
She paid my bail.
I saw her through the bars
of the cell.
She was so beautiful.
And so clean and pure
Just like I remembered her.
She whispered quietly
"I always loved you."
"I still do."
I felt so ***** and ashamed
I needed a shower and shave.
But living rough is hard.
I quietly said thank you
I love you too.
She touched my cheek
softly with her finger tips
like she used
to touch my skin
when we made love
in our clean bed.
She had tears in her eyes
As she saw what I had become.
She said softly
You know
I lost our son as well.
I turned away
so she could not see
the tears in my eyes.
And I stumbled away
to that signpost
for the town of oblivion.
 Feb 2016 JAM
Global Warming
 Feb 2016 JAM
Carbon pollution
Greenhouse gases
The earth may be growing warmer
But the people are growing colder
 Feb 2016 JAM
Paul Hansford
"Try not to think about it, then it will go away."
It's the only thing they can tell me - they've nothing else to say.
But how can I control my thoughts? I can't just stop myself thinking.
My mind's eyes forever fixed on it, never even blinking.
I wish I could forget it, I wish I didn't care,
But however hard I try to forget, the memory's always there.
He'd say, "I know you like it, it's only a bit of fun,"
As he did the frightful things to me that no-one should have done.
He treated me like his property, as if I was just a toy,
But I was only a weak young girl, and he was a big strong boy.
I never ever wanted it, and I couldn't stop the pain,
But was it my fault it happened? Could it ever happen again?
And now he never goes away, he's always in my head,
Invading my body again and again, until I wish I were dead.
I can't bear the thought of holding hands, and I'm terrified of a kiss.
I want to live a normal life. Will it always be like this?

But I do want to think about it, and talk it over with you,
And if I could tell you everything, I know what you would do.
You'd take my hand so softly, and tell me, "Don't be afraid,"
And you'd say I wasn't responsible for any mistakes I'd made.
Then I'd look into your eyes and see the affection that they hold,
For I know that you believe in me with a love as pure as gold.
The first section of this poem is adapted from the words of a number of girls subjected to ****** abuse by boys/men who  have been convinced by online ******* that they can do what they want to girls.  The second section is what I think such a girl might say to one who wants to save her from this.
 Feb 2016 JAM
b for short
I breathe in all shades of purple
and exhale in all shades of blue;
faded plums to cornflower petals—
a bruised kind of exchange
that makes you look up to the sky
and feel something for no reason.
A contusion I keep fresh for
whenever I let someone
close enough to press it.
And if the pain makes my skin
sing notes only my conscience can hear,
then I’ll write lyrics to match;
they'll say
*I’m alive.
I’m alive.
I’m alive.
© Bitsy Sanders, February 2016
 Feb 2016 JAM
phil roberts
Blossoms billow in slow-motion
Tender petals sigh to the ground
Cushioned upon a sunny breeze
And fat bees and lazy bluebottles
Are snoring gently
Bouncing softly
From bloom to gorgeous bloom
Glad-ragged and gleaming
In their gaudiest glory
And neon dragonflies drone
Adding to the sonerous  chorus
As they skim a sweltering pool
Where carp break the surface
Idly basking in the heat
There is a blackbird clarinetting
From the top of a nearby tree
And high-summer aromas
Pervade the shimmering air
And, just for this moment
Time itself stands still

                            By Phil Roberts
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