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72 · Sep 2023
Zhanara Sep 2023
Don't choose anybody
When your angel near with you.
Don's close anyone
When your devil escapes from you.
Don't hear anything
When your heart says something .
Author: Zhanar
71 · Mar 19
Dream is flower
Zhanara Mar 19
Dream is alive when aim is here
Dream is die when love is disappearing
Dream is beautiful when you respect yourself
Dream is ugly when you hate yourself
Dream is flower
71 · Jan 2020
Zhanara Jan 2020
My words are golden
My heart is glasses
My mind is road
My tears are water
My soul is flower.
My life is my world
author Zhanar
70 · Oct 2020
My love cries
Zhanara Oct 2020
My love cries
Because it couldn't smile
My love is sad
Because it is not with you
My love is alone
Because it lives in my heart
My love is pure
Because it doesn't spoil.
author: Zhanar
69 · Mar 19
Love me today
Zhanara Mar 19
Love me today
Not tomorrow
Tomorrow will be or not
I don’t know
Maybe I am not here
Don’t love after my death
I can’t feel it
Cuz My soul will fly out
Love me now
Today is not sure day
Love me right now
Cuz I am not stone
68 · Feb 2020
Zhanara Feb 2020
There are many pages are written about you in my book.
When you look through the papers
Author: Zhanara
68 · Feb 2020
Three ways
Zhanara Feb 2020
There are three ways:
You live to earn much money.
You just live for yourself
You live to do something for your future generation
Choose it
Everything depend on yourself.
67 · May 6
Zhanara May 6
When my day will come?
When my eyes will smile?
Author: Zhanar
66 · Nov 2020
Zhanara Nov 2020
Poem and Song are twins
They are mirror of lives.
When we cry or happy
Just knows our poem and song
When we love and hate
Just feel our poem and singer
Author: Zhanar
66 · May 16
Zhanara May 16
I am too tired
I know
Life is unfair
I know
Life is not beautiful
I am too tired.
I am too tired.
I am too tired
Let me smile without any stops
66 · Dec 2020
Love can say
Zhanara Dec 2020
Love can say compliment:
"You are beautiful".
Love can dance with you:
" You are mine".
Love can believe in you:
" Don't be sad".
Love can read your thoughts:
" You are shining".
Love can write a SMS for you:
"I love you".
66 · Nov 2020
Zhanara Nov 2020
I know what is LOVE
Don't teach me
64 · May 16
Zhanara May 16
How they smile?
When my heart is broken
How they are happy
When my soul is crying
Author: Zhanar
63 · Apr 8
Zhanara Apr 8
My teardrop change into ice
My teardrop hide  into my soul
My teardrop can’t talk can’t discover
It is too tough for me
What should I do?
63 · Nov 2020
Zhanara Nov 2020
12 hours out of 24 hours
I think about you
6 hours out of 24 hours
I tell about you for the world
62 · Feb 29
Zhanara Feb 29
Help me please
Help me please I couldn’t ignore their words
I want to be happy
I want to smile
Help me please
To ignore their poisonous words
61 · Sep 2020
Zhanara Sep 2020
You are Ocean of my mind
You are Salt of my body
You are Sugar of my heart
You are Sand of my blood.
Author: Zhanara
61 · Nov 2020
Zhanara Nov 2020
My heart whispered:
"Don't stop to love"
My brain whispered:
"Stop to Love".
My feeling shouted:
"I am only one"
My courage just said:
"I am with you".
60 · Feb 15
Who is Poor?
Zhanara Feb 15
Person who has not money is not Poor
Person who has not a car is not Poor
Person who has not a big house is not Poor
Poor is
whose mind
Whose heart
Whose soul
Is too empty
Because they love gossiping
59 · Dec 2020
Zhanara Dec 2020
Love somebody is Work.
Hate somebody is Work.
Earn money is Work
Live is Work.
Get on well is Work.
Studying is Work.
Everything consists with Work.
You should be Hardworking
If you want to be Successful.
Author: Zhanar
58 · Oct 2020
You are a snake
Zhanara Oct 2020
You are a snake
You capture
my heart
my mind
my thoughts
with your poisons
Just your love safe my feelings.
author: Zhanar
57 · Sep 2020
Love comes
Zhanara Sep 2020
Love comes true
If you love sincerely
Love comes perfectly
If you believe in love
Love loves lovers
Who know what  kindness is.
Who know what goodness is
Love never changes
If you love honestly.
Author: Zhanar
57 · Mar 19
Zhanara Mar 19
Stop to hate yourself
Stop to break your heart
Stop to say bad words to yourself
Stop to ignore your dream
Stop to be so lazy
Stop to cry when you are upset
Nobody understands besides you
56 · Apr 16
Zhanara Apr 16
Return back
my time
My age
My power
My youth
My brain
My energy
Please return my time back
I am so tired to hear and to see
How people hate me hit me
I am still not stone
Author: Zhanar
55 · Nov 2020
Zhanara Nov 2020
Winter is coming
But my mood is not changing
My nature is dreaming
I am not losing my aim
54 · Dec 2020
Zhanara Dec 2020
My tear said to me:
"I am so  tired".
My smile said to me:
" I want to be with you forever".
My broken heart cried to me:
"Why I am still Alive???".
54 · Apr 11
Zhanara Apr 11
I am sorry
I hurt my soul
I broke my heart
I hit my bone
I said bad words to myself
I didn’t support myself
I didn’t care about myself
Just ignore good characters myself
It was important some people’s comments…
53 · Dec 2020
Zhanara Dec 2020
Without work
No money.
Without money
No life.
Without life
No time.
Without time
No breathe.
Author: Zhanar
41 · Aug 9
Zhanara Aug 9
Think deeply before to love someone!
Think deeply, before open your heart to someone!
Think deeply before to believe someone!
Think deeply before to understand someone!
author zhanar
40 · Sep 5
Zhanara Sep 5
I just need supporting
I just need kindness
I just need warm words
I just need equally relation
I need just good words
It heals me
39 · Jul 11
Zhanara Jul 11
Life is not life
Without LOVE
Love is not love
Without you
Author: Zhanar
38 · Aug 24
Zhanara Aug 24
I am tired  to look for good people from the people
I am tired to prove my work my ability my skills
I am tired to say men I am a good girl whose heart is beautiful.
I am too tired to live where they ignore my kindness .
I am too tired to say I am a girl who needs just supporting.
I am tired to ask what should I do that you appreciate and respect my time, my words, my energy, my goodness.
I am too tired to be a person whose heart is  broken and cries a lot.
Life is meaningless right now for me
Author: Zhanar
37 · Sep 5
Zhanara Sep 5
Life tell me please
Why do you teach me lessons with pain?
Why teachers are so rude?
Why  subjects are cruel?
Why classes so envy?
Why I study here?
I really want to study in  another century.
Not this time
Not these people
Not this place
Author: Zhanar
35 · Aug 13
Zhanara Aug 13
Time shows you
Who is that person
Time shows you
What is that future
Time shows you
How to appreciate your life!
Author: Zhanar
31 · Aug 21
Zhanara Aug 21
I have died every day
Waiting for my sadness
Waiting for my happiness
Waiting for your kindness
Waiting for your fullness
Author: Zhanar
27 · 6d
Zhanara 6d
I am mistake of nature
I am not beautiful
I am not clever
I am not lucky
Everybody  shout at me!
Author: Zhanar
27 · Sep 5
Zhanara Sep 5
I lost myself to earn money for a living.
I lost myself to hear how people say bad words to me.
I  lost myself to look for people who support me.
I lost myself to change good characters into bad,
Because of that
Society, people, time, everything want to it
I lost myself to be like others.
I lost myself to  find out fair
Author: Zhanar
25 · Sep 5
Zhanara Sep 5
If I were a rich person, I wouldn’t be so strict
If I wasn’t enough problems, I could dream a lot.
If I  didn’t earn a living, My heart wouldn’t be  stone
If I lived  like  a princess, I would be so polite
If i was born in a rich family, I wouldn’t work so much time
If I lived in another century:
My soul wouldn’t cry a lot;
My kindness wouldn’t change into ice;
My brain wouldn’t be tired;
So  many pains in my life.
24 · 6d
Zhanara 6d
The nature’s mistake is I was born.
My mistake is I am still living.
22 · Aug 24
I am afraid
Zhanara Aug 24
I am afraid of dreaming
Knowing it is free.
I am afraid of happiness
Knowing it comes
I am afraid of believing
Knowing someone cheats
Author Zhanar
20 · 6d
Zhanara 6d
I hate myself
Help me please
I am crying a lot
14 · 16h
Zhanara 16h
I am crying
But I smile
I am smiling
But I cry
I fool myself
Author: Zhanar

— The End —