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Jan 2021 · 185
Rey Lynch Jan 2021
Still haven’t learned to properly play human
The mask still feels foreign (my face)
The skin forced, sewn on me, like a makeshift puppet
The moves are pain to learn
Agonizing to perform
Constantly tripping over my feet
And messing up the lines I’m supposed to say  
And after the show is done
The audience is still not pleased
Always unsatisfied
Maybe they can see through the façade
(surely not,
I’ve put so much blood and sweat and….)

Or maybe this never was going to be enough  
(Even if I was real)
The show must go on
So adorn your porcelain mask again
And play
Until there’s nothing left of you to feel the pain
Jun 2020 · 318
Rey Lynch Jun 2020
A smile
A look
Memorize the colorless dances
Break your different bones to dust
Unless you'd like a taste
Of even bitter pain
(if there is one)
Now I learned
To be your doppelganger

Will you let me in the crowd?
They say being different is good, but often it just hurts.

Inspired by everydayinjune sixth prompt: Doppelganger
May 2020 · 684
Paper Crane
Rey Lynch May 2020
You always waited for the moment
When the wind will come
And take you away

Like a paper crane

Gently dancing with the breeze
Flying far, far from me
You couldn't see
The tear on my cheek
But it's okay
It will dry

And maybe someday I to will learn how to fly
May 2020 · 251
Ink Stains
Rey Lynch May 2020
My blood is an obsidian color
I bleed words on paper
Prisoner to my mind for eternity
Ink stains branded on my heart
May 2020 · 188
Cigarette Smoke
Rey Lynch May 2020
Swirls of smoke In the air
Remind me of your scent
A smell I hated so much
Now it has become my oxygen
May 2020 · 149
Glass Heart
Rey Lynch May 2020
Hiding behind a smile
A girl with a glass heart
Too many cracks it has
Too many times she cut herself on it
Apr 2020 · 165
Rey Lynch Apr 2020
Ashes from my bones
buried underneath the ground,
acting as a soil
for magnificent flowers.

Crow's cry far in the distance,
air soaked with dense feeling of death.

The scenery - masterpiece of pain and dread.
Here feelings bleed,
Watering the ground with tears.

The lonely moon is the only witness.
Ah, who knows I existed?

— The End —