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Yuz Nov 2021
When my' life educates it uses my mistakes.
So should I really call them mistakes?
Or are they rehearsals sent to make me stronger for the journey.

When my life teaches it uses my stitches.
So should I really call them stitches?
Or are they  relics, artistic memorials for lessons learned !

They say when it rains it pours
So Rain keep me drenched ;not just on me, but in me, in the depths of my soul. Let the flood compromise my  'trusted foundations' and my 'solid rocks'  so that it washes away the old and the weak in me, that I may be a new man that I may be defeated no more!

They say defeat should be avoided
So I pray that I only war against mighty men on chariots that defeat me in battle, that I may learn in the debrief, acclimatize to the tactics, and overcome to the oppressor, that I may be a new man that I may be defeated no more.
Nov 2021 · 304
I can handle the truth
Yuz Nov 2021

My president  said war would secure freedom
And my pastor said prayer was the key
My doctor told me the meds will help
And the courts said their laws will help
So why are we still empty and searching..

My Lover said falling in love would ease
And my teacher told me knowledge will be power
My banker said these profits would change my life
And the cook said his chicken would change my life
So explain why I'm still empty and searching

Google said they had all the answers
My boss said  the job would be fulfilling
And The cops promised their presence will make us feel safe

If you don't have the answers please don't tell me you do

I'm old enough I can handle the truth.

Truth yuz aj ajinwo lover falling in love doctor supposed to google
Jun 2019 · 451
Learn in the Burning.
Yuz Jun 2019
When my' life educates it uses my mistakes.
So should I really call them mistakes?
Or are they rehearsals sent to make me stronger for the journey.

When my life teaches it uses my stitches.
So should I really call them stitches?
Or are they  relics, artistic memorials for lessons learned !

They say when it rains it pours
So Rain keep me drenched ;not just on me, but in me, in the depths of my soul. Let the flood compromise my  'trusted foundations' and my 'solid rocks'  so that it washes away the old and the weak in me, that I may be a new man that I may be defeated no more!
When man knows that pain/burning is part of the plan.
Jun 2019 · 421
Strength or Weakness. (#5)
Yuz Jun 2019
Riddle me again,

if strength is defined as ‘having no fear’ and weakness is defined as ‘falling to fear’; why are the fighters against fear labeled strong? and the calm ones within fear labeled weak?

for if  the calm ones have overcome the fear mentally so that’ they see no  need to  fight the fear visibly; are they weak?

and If the weak are raged with fear that they  see the need to battle are they strong?

And if a warrior is borne in battle is he really 'strength' given that he came from 'weakness'? ,a descendant of the inability to conquer within and a  product of the visible battle.

and if the weak one is forgotten in peace because he was absent in visible battle having  conquered the fear within is he weak?
When man readjusts the compass on his definition of strength.
Yuz Oct 2018
Have you heard me sing

I know I am usually Silent but have you heard me sing?

In the middle of the night  when most lay slumber my voice shoots up in ecstatic pitches
And my lyrics spill in heavenly riddles. have you heard me sing?

Songs of wisdom, distant history and foundable truths;
Songs of Royalty, heavenly places and esoteric ensembles have you heard me sing?

I sing louder than the shrill of the opera, i chirp louder than the sparrow. But, have you heard me sing?

The choir stays silent for my solo, the thousands bow to hear me speak , so come and hear me singing songs of beauty, songs of joy, songs of warmth and songs of glory

Come and hear me sing; songs of pain, songs of regret and songs of sorrow,
Singing  until the morning comes i do!

I know I am usually Silent but have you heard me sing?
Yuz Oct 2018
What is wrong with dancing alone?
Why do i need a partner?
The music still feels good,
the floor still feels sturdy enough to hold my feet
I can still close my eyes and hear the rythm
I can still cry at the romantic story lines
I love it! Yes there's not an arm in mine but I love it
yes there's not a breath at the side at my neck but I love it
Wait but who's that girl ?I think I know her! is that loneliness ?oh no it's solitude it's serenity , it's inner reflection and solemnity
oh how I love to watch them in silence as they pass
What's wrong in dancing alone?
What's Wrong in dancing without music ?
Why do I need sound ?
My steps still glides well
Really Tell me! whats wrong in dancing alone?

— The End —