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1.9k · Dec 2018
A one sided love affair
Willie Dec 2018
So many beautiful faces pass me by
Different every one
All too lovely not to catch my eye
But no-one sees me, none

See my eyes follow them
Yet shying away at a glance
All this cowardice is tiring

To the soul
It breaks me down
Am I invisible to those I wish to see
Do I wear the crown?

For my head lies uneasy
Knowing I am unnoticed by those
I wish to love
To keep close


I am but a speck of dust
"That other guy"
I am anonymous
Another sparkle in your eye

My fantasy remains
A shallow echo of what could be
A faint whisper
A part of me

I am unloved
I am unseen
I seek what I cannot find
No longer an innocent teen

I must find out what loneliness holds
I must become familiar with its solemn embrace
To shield my sorrow
To save face

I must protect my fragile heart
From ever feeling
What I can only imagine is worse
Than the loneliness I am wielding
My first poem on here.
530 · Apr 2019
Powerless and Vulnerable
Willie Apr 2019
Can't I take the pain
Of others
To see them smile

I can take the pain
I could keep them safe
Weep in their stead
Keep the monsters from their head

I am powerless to help
Watch them feel
What I cannot bear to see
Suffering despite me

I am useless
To those I admire
I cannot see joy
I see them destroyed

By sadness

I weep for others
And at my weakness
301 · May 2019
Willie May 2019
Look through the eyes of a child
see only pure things
See only the innocence
not what evil brings

Wonder as a child
about the future not the past
faded memories do not concern you
they have all passed

Seek those who make you smile
Make others smile too
Seek happiness for others
And they will bring you theirs too

Never lose the sparkle
of childlike innocence
of naivety and wonder
as I have
297 · Feb 2019
The past
Willie Feb 2019
I am a book filled to the brim
with stories of my past.
Written through experiences
and feelings I have lost.
283 · May 2019
Willie May 2019
Why can't I say what I mean
Or what I feel
Why is my conversation always
one-sided, a raw deal

I never know what to say
To keep your attention
I feel unworthy
Is that the intention?

Is it just me
Or is it just what I say
That doesn't amuse
That makes people not look my way.

Maybe if I didn't try
It wouldn't hurt as badly
As it does
To fail so miserably.
269 · Jan 2019
I Would
Willie Jan 2019
I would paint portraits of you
Printed in Gold and framed in Silver
But the only picture I can Paint
Is in my mind, of you, a mere shimmer.

I would sing for you
If I had a voice that would speak
Outside of my mind too
It falls silent

I would share all I have with you
Thoughts open
To yours, yet my mind
stops my words, leaves unspoken

What I wish to say
I would admire you
A masterpiece, work of art
But my gaze can't even stay

fixed on you, I get only a glance
before I get nervous and look
the other way waiting for a chance
to look at you some other day.
249 · Dec 2018
Willie Dec 2018
I wonder
What it's like to be accepted
By society

To know your place
To feel like you belong
To have confidence
You can't be wrong

How do you know your place
How do you measure yourself against
The world if you
Don't know your own face

Am I beautiful
In the eyes of the world
Where do I get this input

Do I sell myself as an image
To social media
Do I plead for likes among peers
Gather friends I don't know

Do I measure my likes
Against the popular guys
Or do I measure them
Against the friends by my side

Does it make me better
Or better looking
In the eyes of the world
Am I good enough

For society's taste
Do I conform
Will I now be able
To meet your standard

Am I to your liking
This image I've created
A false modesty
Was it fated

Sell my soul to give it away
Pass it along
To have this world
See me as I am

Judge me
And spit me out
Stripped of my originality

All because I couldn't
See what others
Saw in me
Bit of a messy one
239 · Dec 2018
Willie Dec 2018
I regret moments long gone
They are past
But in my mind they still
Haunt me every waking hour

You cannot pick a fruit once it falls to the
It is lost to you
But it was so ripe some time ago

That moment lost to me
You were so beautiful in the moonlight
But I was shy
And you fell through my fingers

I lost my chance
To know you better
Because I was shy
And could not tell you how

Beautiful I thought you were
All your flaws included
I would have serenaded you all night
To see you smile as you did

My smile reciprocated yours
But mine was empty
Because it lacked drive
I just could not

Get my mouth to move
The smile was all I could manage
A crumbling facade
I guess my heart was weak

I've been rejected before
But those were empty questions
I guess they too still linger
Locking away my feelings

A prison of my own making
Of a shy feeling
Loss of something I never had

Why can I write what I feel
But not say it aloud
To the one who was to hear it

Am I so pathetic for not expressing myself
Not knowing what to say
Not knowing if you would want to hear it
Am I?

Maybe when next we meet
In ten years time
I could tell you of past regret
Maybe then I would not regret trying
I wish I could show this to someone and disappear, better them to not know I guess.
225 · Jan 2019
Sometimes I wonder
Willie Jan 2019
Do I make a mark on this world
Even if it's a scar?
Do I matter in the grand scheme of things
Why did I come this far?

What happens when I'm gone?
The universe unchanged
Oblivious to my loss
It continues on
Another existential one
221 · Dec 2018
What would it feel like?
Willie Dec 2018
What would it feel like
To touch your cheek
Caress you and cradle your head
Would your bones be sleek
Would your skin be soft
Would it crawl at my touch
Would you shy away from my hand
Like an animal betrayed
Would you let me
Hold you close
Feel your heart beat against my own
Would you find me gross
Would you let me ask you
All the things I don't know
Would you answer
Or say you do not know
If I said you were a blessing
Would you let me take your hand
If I told you I liked you like crazy
Would you crazily understand
Would you stand by my side
As I faced the world alone
Would you let me turn to you
When no-one will pick up the phone

Would I have the courage
To ask this of you
If we were face to face
Would I think these questions too
Or would I falter
And manage to ***** that up too
Would I be able to bring myself to speak
I haven't so far.
Three words my peak
What hope is there for someone like me
In a world full of killers
And kings and thieves
What should I be?
Don't know about the second part.
214 · Jun 2019
Willie Jun 2019
Mirror, Mirror on the ground
You broke and shattered
Like my heart
Made no sound

The realization that now
I can no longer
see you
205 · Aug 2019
Burn my letters
Willie Aug 2019
I wrote to my future self
So naive of me
I wrote of happiness
And what I wanted to be

I burned this letter
From my past
It reminded of a better time
My delusions vast

I'm not happy
With what I'm doing
It fills me with such dread
And sadness

I feel lost in the moment
As my responsibility drags me along
Going through this 9 to 5 life
It feels wrong

I want to experience the world
With friends by my side
I want to feel bliss
But only a week ago I cried
193 · Feb 2019
Willie Feb 2019
I mourn for the road not taken
I weep for things that pass me by
Regret fills me when I think of wasted time
that could have been better spent.

I regret doing and not doing all the same
Mistakes are made, only myself to blame

I fear rejection and what comes before
the broken courage and a closed door:
an awkward moment
A hesitant question

I bow my head as I always do.
A nod of acknowledgement
I already knew the outcome
it never changes.
189 · Oct 2022
Feel it
Willie Oct 2022
Why do I need potions and pills to feel
Takes copious amounts to help
Rid me of inhibition and
experience what will never be real

The missing pieces of my brain
Eat away at my soul
Extremes are all that I find
Ignorance is not bliss, only pain
182 · Feb 2021
Willie Feb 2021
I've spent many sleepless nights
Pondering why I feel so alone

Spent many waking hours
Looking back on my past with dread

I found an answer to my question
I found a reason for my mistake

I crave validation, but only if deserved
I crave a connection that I am unable to make
I want to be wanted

But still I lie awake
Pondering my mistake
Craving the connections I can't make
172 · Jan 2021
Willie Jan 2021
I walk a fine line between finding
And losing myself
A few words from self discovery and destruction
169 · Oct 2022
I wrote to remember
Willie Oct 2022
I spoke to forget
Everything these nights, I feel
Leaves me with (never-ending) regret

Memory serves no purpose
I learn anew each day
The things I wish to forget
The rest fade to gray
169 · Sep 2019
Willie Sep 2019
Silence drowns out all my screams
Failure chases away all my broken dreams

Drowning saves me from learning to swim
Running away saves me from dying within

So I ran to a place I felt safe
And I felt alone again

Isolation keeps all your friends at bay
Not that you have many anyway

Sin keeps you from grace
And chases you from the only place
You felt safe

Loneliness saves me from heartache
But which is worse?
165 · Jun 2019
Willie Jun 2019
I tell myself I am cold
I do not feel pain, loss
I am hard

But still ice is brittle
It melts.
159 · Jan 2019
A Broken world
Willie Jan 2019
Some are born into this ugly world broken
Some break along the way
We all walk the same road paved with agony
But some manage to stray

We live together
Full of ourselves

Empty promises are made by honest people
Yet some are kept
And no-one seems to care
It is their burden to bear

At some point I realised
It's not the world that's broken

We are
I don't know, sometimes I feel life is unfair.
154 · Jun 2019
Willie Jun 2019
Moonlit skies
Faded streetlights
A foggy road

But lonely

Why do I suddenly
feel so alone
Is it because I'm getting older
or just me

This used to be
a happy place
My aesthetic
Now I sit here alone
153 · Jun 2019
Willie Jun 2019
The city lights sparkled
And glimmered
Like the night sky
You were the moon

I bathed in your light
Only for a short while
Felt your touch
Till daylight stole it away
146 · May 2020
I don't know what to say
Willie May 2020
I fear the thoughts I have inside my head
They whisper words like blades
That cut me where it bleeds
Make me wish I were dead

I think I feel for you
I would bleed for you
And I don't know why
It doesn't feel like I know how to

I don't know how to love
Or feel a certain way
I'm only learning to feel
I don't know what to say to you too

I'm just trying to feel
141 · Oct 2022
Willie Oct 2022
The war that rages within me
Only has myself as casualty
The rest are merely
138 · Jan 2019
Willie Jan 2019
Sitting in a crowded room
No one to talk to
A social event
No one knows you

Who are you?
Nice to meet you
Do I know you?
Have some fun

I'd rather leave
But that would be rude
I was invited
"Have a beer, dude"

The atmosphere seems nice
Friendly and cozy
Yet I don't seem to
Find someone who wants to get to know me

I'm all alone
In a corner all night
Drenched in loneliness
A sorry sight
131 · Jul 2019
Bad Habit
Willie Jul 2019
I crave attention
And all the things I don't get
I crave feeling
Like I belong where I am

I want
What I can't have
I need
Something or someone

I don't know
What I need
Less what I want
Or how to get it

I can't express
My feelings without
Feeling like I'm oversharing
Being in the way

I feel lost
I need
Someone or something

To give meaning
To make me feel
To give me reason

At least vision
Of what I'm
Supposed to do
126 · May 2019
Fatal Flaw
Willie May 2019
Lost in thought
A train of thought derailed
A fantasy shattered

Reality is cruel
It brings me to my knees
Tears in my eyes
Tears in my heart

I am alone in this world
I don't let anyone in
It's not too hard
When nobody knocks

I curse my creator for making
Me feel sad
And alone
For making me

For showing me
What I could have
Then ripping it away

Because I don't think
I feel
My thoughts are emotion
A feeling

I curse intellect
If I were less inclined to thought
Maybe I would overthink less
And do more

Maybe then I would have done
What I was too scared to do
125 · May 2019
Willie May 2019
What fills the void
The empty feeling in me
The hole in my heart
Surrounded by debris

I am empty
I've never felt
Anything remotely real
Only pain I have dealt

I block my feelings
I numb myself from self imposed loss
I saw ghosts
You saw nothing

But why does it hurt
To lose something I never had
Like a toy ripped from the hands
Of a child who never had

Anything to play with
He doesn't know what
He is losing
He knows only the loss
125 · Aug 2019
Good Intentions
Willie Aug 2019
My intentions are almost always pure
Selfish maybe but never
Filled with anything but kindness
And yet they're never really clear

My intent is weak
It comes across so lukewarm
And cold
A halfhearted smile and embrace

I care
I feel
I want
I swear I do

I wish i could hold my friends close
In a never ending hug
Console them, lighten their burden
Love them

I wish to feel loved
I want to know how to love
How to not feel alone
Happiness that doesn't come in waves

I want to be desired
Wish to feel alive
Be a better man
Than I am
124 · May 2019
Crack in my Heart
Willie May 2019
There's a hole in my heart
where blood comes gushing through
A crack in the wall
A main artery too.

Out leaks parts of me
into the unknown
to be judged and ridiculed
no longer my own

Like blood from my veins
the words from my tongue
flow in one direction
fueled by my lungs

Words bind emotions and feelings
and carry them afar
to recipients who might not want them
leaving only scars

Out from he cracks crawl
my deepest desires
not lust
only envious passionate fire

My heart bleeds
for my foolish thoughts make it so
it bleeds
and the bleeding wont slow.
123 · May 2019
Willie May 2019
I search for meaning
In everyday life
I keep coming up empty
Where is the joy of living

Where are the happy memories
Where is the innocence of my childhood
The simplicity
Where is my purpose?

I looked in all the nooks and
For something worthwhile to do
I found only hobbies

And meaningless conversations
about a god I'd never known
Why is everything so hard
Why do I care?

Why do I seek approval
From everyone around me
Why do I never get it?
Why does it hurt?

Everyday I wake up and search for meaning
And fall asleep still searching.
118 · Jan 2019
Willie Jan 2019
I walk through darkness
adorned by specks of light.
Not enough to help me see
Enough to give the slight

Illusion of eyes peering at my soul
and watching my every action.
Eyes shrouded in darkness
judging my very creation.

Judged by the eyes of those I don't recognize
Eyes of people I don't know.
I walk through life, the darkness
trying not to lose my soul.

I often forget where I am heading
through darkness I get lost.
The eyes judge me as I stray
keep track of who I crossed.

I am lost.
118 · Oct 2022
Willie Oct 2022
I spill my blood in confusion
My guts out of fear
I lay barren

I shed my tears out of sadness
My skin wishes not to be
114 · Nov 2022
Hatred of the self
Willie Nov 2022
The whisper of hatred
The voice inside my head
Whispers in my ear
Before I go to bed

He says look at your life
Spent living in fear
Look at your your friends
Those you hold dear

Look at choices you
Couldn't make
Look at poisons
You wish you could take

But the same voice
That speaks of release
Warns of regret
Those you leave, not at peace

The voice of hatred
Screams with reason
Questions the feeling
Suicide is high treason

Hate the prison
Hate the flesh you wear
Change your look
Do they even care

These people- strangers
You wish to love you
Do they even look your way
Care like you do

About every misstep
Mistake you've made
Every feeling of regret
Thought you've betrayed
114 · Jul 2019
Willie Jul 2019
Why won't my eyes stay open
Why won't they close
Restless sleep
Haunted consciousness

I just want peace
But my thoughts
Haunt my dreams
I need release

No rest for the wicked
No rest for the weary
No rest at all
No sleep since last fall

My body feels cold in the heat of summer
I spend my days not feeling at all
I'm still reminded despite my efforts
Of my last call

My soul is chased around my body
By my heart and my mind
Running over my feelings
A feeling with words I cannot bind

Only an outline of the story
I wish to tell
Words like pieces
My soul I sell

To tell these parts of broken memory
From my side alone
Truly alone
Yet to see someone else's

In front of my eyes
All I've seen are glimpses
Of pieces that I won't fit

I do not belong
To this puzzle
I am just
A piece without peace
112 · Feb 2021
Is She Into Me
Willie Feb 2021
How do you tell
If someone likes you
Is there something I missed
A lesson on life I slept through

How do I show interest
How do I let them know
How do I get rid of this fear
Should I just go
109 · Oct 2022
Willie Oct 2022
Every time I speak this word
It loses its meaning
Trying to articulate
A miserable feeling

I make these mistakes
Confusing consequence
107 · Jun 2019
Willie Jun 2019
I need someone
to show me the way
to hold my hand
and lead me astray

to drag my heart along
for a ride of its life
to tear it apart
and show me what it's made of

I need a muse
I need pain
I need to feel

the past is getting old
its feelings grow stale
they pale

in comparison
to fresh feeling
fresh blood bleeding
from an open wound

I need to feel
and unwanted all the same

Raw feelings
feel so good
hurt so bad
they are necessary
104 · Dec 2019
The Night Beckons
Willie Dec 2019
As the day draws to a close
and the darkness shows its face
I peek from my dimly lit room
and find the stars in heaven's place

The darkness holds me
in cold embrace
Keeps me hidden
Of my loneliness it keeps only a trace

In the night I hold the power
to control my own fate
I answer only to the unseen
unbound by others' gate
103 · Jun 2019
Crippled nostalgia
Willie Jun 2019
I wish I could say I had no regrets
But my past is riddled with mistakes
I blame myself
I don't forget

They fade sometimes
The regrets
Only to bleed like an opened wound
On a lonely night

I can't help but open
These scars
They are after all
Some of my fondest memories

Yet I don't feel
The happiness
They should represent
I feel the aftermath

Of my mistakes
Of my failure
To do
96 · Jun 2021
Slip of the tongue
Willie Jun 2021
Do you have time on your hands
Or only on your wrist

Free is the illusion
A sleight of hand a twist
Of the tongue
The bending of my own words

My words no longer say what I
Want them to mean
They form
Seemingly unseen
Inside my mind and flow
Seemingly unheard
On deaf ears

My words are softer
When they aren't heard
Like the touch of skin
Once burned

I never know what to say
Silence isn't an option
It feels more awkward that way
91 · May 2020
Natural body
Willie May 2020
red veins like a thousand roots feed the nerves
of my eyes that see beauty
for beauty is in the eye of the beholder
my eyes beholden only you

cavernous, the chambers of the heart echo your name
blood like a river carries the sound
to the ear canal, where you softly whisper
giving love where none was found
91 · Jan 2021
Self doubt
Willie Jan 2021
When you close your eyes
Where does your mind go
Where do your thoughts lead you
I see darkness

My mind shows me darkness
The worst parts of me
Tells me why I can never be free
Why I won't ever feel

Showing me my past
It guides my ways
Tearing me apart as it stays
Fixated on my weakness

I feel miserable
As tears roll down my cheek
As memories flow like blood
Of moments I couldn't speak

Every open eyed interaction
Only cemented my thoughts
That I cannot and should not

Try to feel
Should not want

My eyes close and I see only darkness
89 · Feb 2021
Willie Feb 2021
If I could go back to the past
Would I be able to fix my regrets
Or would I redo
Everything the same
Unable to

My biggest obstacle
81 · Mar 2020
Willie Mar 2020
Thoughts no longer my own
Feelings that should have been outgrown
An ache I cannot find
A lingering string of words on my mind

I don't know what hurts
Loneliness is a dull pain
Fear a torrential rain
I don't know what I felt first

Regret is a killer of dreams
Rejection fuel on the fire
Flames burning brighter
With sadness it seems
81 · Feb 2020
I want to feel
Willie Feb 2020
It's been years since my last regression
Because things seemed to be going alright
No reason to be scared of the dark
No chance of being swallowed by the night

I've been feeling empty
Lantern burning its wick
The sun burns me
And the moon makes me sick

No end in sight
I walk along the sidewalk blind
Bumped into failure one evening
He seemed kind

I chose my path
Not knowing where it would lead
But it seems never ending, bending
Falling along makes me bleed

My road is red with blood
Watered down from tears
79 · Jan 2021
Willie Jan 2021
I want to find the joy I once felt
I need the validation
This world doesn't give headpats
It is unyielding in its apathy

No amount of singing or dancing will bring rain
Just as no amount of praying will end pain
I am truly alone when I am with others
For it is there where I lose myself

There is a disconnect in me
Something not quite right
I should be feeling fine
Maybe I've built up a resistance to my happiness
Like a drug
74 · Feb 2020
Willie Feb 2020
I've fallen
On my back
Head filled with despair

Thoughts of what I once desired
Flood my mind
**** my soul
Untapped potential spilled like blood

Wasted on me
No more desire
Clings to my actions
Only repetition keeps me moving

My youthful vigor eludes me
Time has stolen my passion
Life has taken my prize
I am left without

A shadow of what used to be
Alone, lonely
A comet in a sky filled with stars
Burnt out
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