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Fearless Feb 2020
I lay upon my bed and stare up at the ceiling
analyzing my thoughts, to figure out this feeling
I'm bored but I'm not, it's hard to explain
it happens a lot, but I don't like to complain
I could read my book, it's sitting by my side
but no, that just won't work. I've already tried
I could play piano, it's right over there
but back up at the ceiling I continue to stare
I think I'm kind of hungry, but I can't really tell
if something yummy from the kitchen made a smell
but getting up to cook it, is just not in my mood
so maybe I'm after something else, and it just isn't food
I could watch tv, this great show has caught my eye
but it just makes me lonely and wish I had a guy
I want to hang with friends, but they're all out of town
and that is why i'm bored, stuck with this stupid frown
I could entertain myself, there's so much I could do
but none of it is any fun when I'd rather be with you.
Fearless Jan 2020
A rearing up and balance lost
on the ground unceremoniously tossed
he stands there with a smug horse grin
sometimes I feel I cannot win
I pick myself up off the ground
my left arm numb it's hanging down
my face is scraped, my neck is whack
I wish I'd landed on my back
through this terror still I see
that God is watching over me
I am WALKING to the side
all finished with this bumpy ride
A wheelchair should have been my life
my spinal chord severed like a knife
but God must have a plan for me
so He decided to spare me
there is good in every bad
so think of that and don't get mad
Because of Him I walk today
and so it has been a good day.
  Jan 2020 Fearless
Micrography-Mike D

Where have I been?
Why have
NOT I been here?

It's a reason,
an answer,
not simple or clear

Pause and stop for a moment
and try to explain
as I drift off into
the expanse of my brain

Sort of been in a lull
Kind of stuck in a rut
No ambition; desire
Don't want to do much
I’ve been lacking consistency;
without consensus
Once driven and disciplined
Vanished; off they went

Some time I’ve chased after
without much success
If by chance I recaptured;
escaped and they left
Once entrenched qualities;
have transformed into bubbles
Their memories -
a dream
As my life turns to rubble

A child I am
chasing frantically after
while further each drifts
out of reach
as they scatter

"Where have I been?"
More like,
"Where am I now?"
‘Cause I live in a world
with a hovering shroud

No persistence of rain
More an absence of sun
There's no presence of pain
But is vacant of fun
Putting paper with pen
Situation is clear
Like a therapy session
Pull curtain;
I peer

Psychotherapy works
Hidden things can appear
Driven crazy;
like a ship you can't steer

A continuous game,
one that can not be won
Somewhat hard to explain
Like a program that's run

Piece of clothing that's stained
Been there since time begun
And no way to contain
The past can't be undone
Pulling at it you tear
to remove all the faults
but you never get near;
locked away in the vault

Bang away at the door
Combination is lost
Feel despondent,
and just at a loss
Where you give up all hope
There’s no way you can win
Sinking down to the bottom
It ends and begins…


Here alone in the darkness,
at first, you’re afraid
and wallow in pity
this “mess” you have made

While confined in a box
It’s a self-given coffin;
recluse who’s closed off
Made a space can’t get lost in

You wither and rot
in this counterfeit grave
Also, time to reflect
on the choices you’ve made

Loneliness not a friend;
Solitude can be one
Introspective -
a teacher
A valuable one

Near impossible to
fix what can not be seen
Not the visible lines
but what’s hidden between
Archaeologist digging
deep down in the dirt
Resurrecting the fossils
of buried down hurt

Everyone has a closet
with skeletons in
They are not all the same
in their size or within
But ignoring and locking away never works
You must get your hands *****
and dig in the dirt

Facing demons or sitting in darkness for most
conjures feelings of horror
like seeing a ghost
Though denial feels warm
like it might be a friend
Just like 'Brute',
it stabs in the back in the end

So, if life’s got you down
then it’s time to get up
I’m not saying it’s easy
Dig down and get tough
It is known that the night’s
darkest right before dawn
In the moment you’re weakest
you’ll soon become strong

Like a pendulum swing
or the changing of seasons
When pushed to extreme
then it just goes to reason
A rebounding force
very soon will attack
And all battle ground lost;
rightfully taken back

When you’ve given up hope;
just about to give in
At the end of your rope
Feel it’s time to say “when”
Meditate into silence;
cut everything out
Hear that voice from inside
with a WARRIOR shout!

If you listen
the universe will direct you
It has knowledge
and one
most important of clues
Like the phase of the moon
or the flow of the tides
there’s a cyclical pattern
all things must abide

When the mountain top’s reached,
one can only go down
You can swim at the beach
or give up
and then drown

Everything ebbs and flows
It’s the nature of all
So remember this lesson
when you’re feeling small

When that final point’s reached,
only one way to go
Now get back on your feet!
With this knowledge
you know
You will be hurt no more
‘cause that time’s "come and gone"
In the darkness no more

Now it’s time for the dawn!
Written: October 11, 2019 (started) & December 31, 2019 (finished)

All rights reserved.
[Anapestic Tetrameter Format]

For those who may know me or may otherwise be curious or concerned:
I know I have been a little M.I.A. from here recently. I have been busy (and tired) with daily life duties and responsibilities. Just as this poem points out the cyclical nature of things, the "tide of life" has called me away recently and distracted me elsewhere. I hope to change that very soon. I very much miss reading the wonderful poetry that is displayed on this website daily by so many talented people. I also miss interacting with the HePo community and the numerous friends I have made here. I thank those who have taken the time to read my poetry and possibly, 'liked, 'loved', or commented. I apologize if I haven't specifically acknowledged anyone's comments or gestures. I want to get to each and every one of you (and I intend to) but in the meantime I wanted to give a blanket "thank you" to all of you. I hope everyone enjoyed the holidays and here's looking to a joyful and prosperous '2020!  

Fearless Jan 2020
I traveled up piano stairs and entered Musictown
the houses were all made of drums and no one wore a frown
wind tickled through the chiming trees and everyone could sing
they all just looked so happy, not worried about a thing
with tree trunks made of violins and motorcars of horns
the flowers little clustered bells and not a one had thorns
there was piano where I walked all up and down the street
and I was so delighted making music with my feet
harp strings hung in doorways, you couldn’t enter in a mood
you had to cheer some one else up, if you wanted food
a beautiful girl with a flute danced atop a wall
a boy with a trombone there to catch her should she fall
a wise old couple still in love sang duets within the square
their lyrics filled with hope, they left me without a care
a clocktower in the center played out a joyous tune
and everyone would gather round at the strike of noon
they all would work together, with instruments in hand
their music was so bold and bright it was heard through all the land
Fearless Dec 2019
Tortillas and a little cheese
can I have some meat too please?
some have pork and some have fish
tacos are a favorite dish
guacamole and some chips
lots of little spicy dips
margaritas if you dare
some so big you have to share
it's Tuesday so it's taco time
and that is why I made this rhyme
Fearless Dec 2019
I refuse to be negative, I will not give in
I will rise above, I did come to win
I won't give in to the fear and the hate
caused by everyone fighting their mate
I won't give up on love or on hope
I won't let myself just sit here and mope
I won't read sad poems that just drag me down
I won't look at things that cause me to frown
I'll fill my head up with positive things
and let all my worries up and sprout wings
I won't be afraid and I won't let go
there's something else I think you should know
if you don't give up and you don't give in
and you don't become a slave to your sin
if you will lift your head and follow your heart
and don't let this dark world tear you apart
then you will give witness to miraculous stuff
and you will soon realize that you are enough.
Make a wish. It's 11:11
Now thank God for hearing your prayer.
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