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Fearless Dec 2019
I've been a bit prickly these past few weeks
and out of my eyes I've sprung a few leaks
bump into me, watch out for my sharp poke
'cause I've just been that sort of a bloke
sharp as a needle the thoughts in my head
I want to unleash them but keep quiet instead
your mind should be sharp, but with aloe-like words
and let yourself grow, and be friend to the birds
Fearless Dec 2019
When you have a lonely heart
people run away
you have so much to give
that you just want them to stay

you give and give and give your love
and still they take and run
you just don't understand
but all they want is fun

But God can meet all your needs
if you ask Him too
He can fill your lonely heart
when you're feeling blue

nobody wants a love leech
******* their heart dry
it makes them afraid and worried
it makes the whole world cry

if somebody as great as you
can't find a loving friend
then how will their own breaking heart
ever truly mend?

but if you are a joyful soul
and they can see you're great
then they might have hope too
and not fear their own fate

so search your heart and you will know
if you're trying to find love
love is not a thing to take
its a gift that flows from above
  Dec 2019 Fearless
Whether a hit or a miss
Not relenting is Key!
Because things are not always
exactly as they seem
If allowed, a single win can
hinder subsequent bigger wins
And a loss can cause a person
To give up on his/her dreams
But breakthroughs are always
closer than they seem
Keep your lights shining
Don't let anything dull your gleams
Keep pushing until all your goals
are achieved.
Fearless Dec 2019
Little fluffy bunny feet
what a delightful little treat
opening my gaping jaws
delightful taste of little paws
the squeal it lets out in fright
as I hunt by the white moonlight
snow jumps up in puffy sprays
leaving prints that mark our ways
just like that my prey is dead
and now my puppies will be fed
happy little wagging tails
as they eat healthy bunny entrails
their wet little noses, as I lick their face
so happy to be home from my race
now I'm a mom who has a heart
that is not what you thought at the start
first I was villain in this little rhyme
but perspective always changes in time
Fearless Dec 2019
Day one I cried until I was numb
Day two all I thought about what you
Day three all I could think about was me
Day four I knew there had to be more
Day five I started feeling so alive
Day six I realized there's no quick fix
Day seven started focusing thoughts on Heaven...

Then a couple more weeks went past
they actually went by kind of fast
a month of not knowing what I'd ever do
But I got over you, by day thirty two
Fearless Dec 2019
Lightning struck the water as the stormy seas were tossed
like lovers in the night, two pirate ships, bones crossed
engaging one another in a a battle ****** and dark
neither one was left without the other's sordid mark
the seas were calmed a bit as the ships went on their way
but that was not the end, they'd cross paths again someday
the lightning stuck again, and this time the waters raged
as one ship attacked the other in a battle that was staged
the lightning left the skies but the seas would not calm down
the pirate ships were lost and only one of them was found
upon a tiny island, washed up on a beautiful shore
the pirate ship was rebuilt, much stronger than before
then the lighting struck again, and the other ship appeared
and the ship upon the island was overcome by what it feared
the ships again were tossed on the seas in foamy night
both emerging bloodied from a lasting drawn out fight
the island ship was stronger and she sailed off far away
and the other ship limped by and struggled through each day
as ships alone on seas, like magnets will attract
there was sure to be another time when one of them attacked
sure enough, one day the ship from far away came near
much stronger than before, when leaving earlier that year
the limpy ship put up a flag to mark a sign of truce
and the stronger ship made accord, but with terms a little loose
The colors raised again as the dark ship broke his peace
The stronger ship had no choice the truce it did release
The lightning struck down hard, but it glanced right off the mast
and into a calm sea, the stinging power cast
the dark one opened up the cannons and fired on her side
but the ship just held her ground, she would not run and hide
The strong ship sailed away, with billowing bright sail
on a calm collected sea, enemies at her tail
the cannon fire blasted from the ship that chased her down
but she just kept on sailing, not once to turn around
she sailed to her island where she'd put herself together
led her enemies straight to it, where they became friends forever
Fearless Dec 2019
Sometimes there is no action, that will not cause a rift
through lots of dumb scenarios, we sift and sift and sift
if I do this then that, all these effect and cause
makes us unable to act, we only can give pause
but to do nothing is an action too so what are we to do?
this round and round about is what leaves us feeling blue
the reason for this is, we're afraid of what others think
someone's always hurt or mad, it makes our stomach sink
we cannot see the future, but God is in control
constantly trying to predict, is what is taking toll
if you think about it with a positive spin
God can take whatever you do, and He can help you win
All things work together for good for those who love the Lord
so you don't have to fret about consequences you can't afford
now, that being said, that only means if you are doing right
because if not, you will end up in one big heartbreaking fight
So pray and pray and ask Him for His guidance on this day
then the consequences won't be too high for you to pay
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