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Mar 2021 · 319
My Beloved
Virtuous Mar 2021
Counting down the hours
Till I can see your face again
This love I have for you is strong
The mind could hardly comprehend
I must say I’m not a fan
Of the time we spend apart
Beloved you constantly consume
My thoughts and my heart
I belong to my Beloved
And he belongs to me
I could gaze into your eyes
Not just because of their beauty
Which cannot be matched
Except by your soul
Which to mine is attached
I’m in love with my Husband
Sep 2019 · 354
Virtuous Sep 2019
I don’t seem to have the words anymore
Maybe my tears can replace the ink
But tears don’t create sentences
Is it really only by words that we speak?
Have you ever looked into someone’s eyes
And known exactly what was going on through their mind?
If One can’t be heard
Then maybe they can be seen
I feel like I’m mourning
A piece of me
So can my tears replace the ink?
Or perhaps my blood?
But what will I use
Once those are done?
May 2019 · 21.1k
My Friend the Moon
Virtuous May 2019
I think the sun has grown jealous
Of my friendship with the moon
I prefer dusk to dawn
And midnight instead of noon
May 2019 · 655
Coffee Shop Thoughts
Virtuous May 2019
Stopped by my local coffee shop today
Brought a book like I tend to do
Took a seat and settled in
And that’s when I noticed these two
A couple in front of me whispering in each others ear
Saying things only for the other to hear
The smiles on their faces
So genuine and bright
“Aw the honeymoon phase” I thought
Gosh that seems nice

And then I thought about you
Even though we never went out
That’s my fault I guess
You were very persuasive no doubt
But the truth is I wasn’t ready
And your offer I had to refuse
Trust me... I didn’t want to
But my heart had some healing to do

You have probably moved on by now
It’s been a little over a year
I don’t know why I still think of you
Maybe it’s wonder... maybe it’s fear

I wish I could thank you
I wish I could explain
I wish I could see you again
But too much time has passed I’m afraid
May 2019 · 487
White knuckles
Virtuous May 2019
Knuckles white
Heavy chest
Rivers eye
Painful breath
May 2019 · 580
Virtuous May 2019
are reminders
Of what it is
to be human
May 2019 · 629
Virtuous May 2019
Or a new pen
May 2019 · 306
Virtuous May 2019
I need to find New Ink
For my pen
Apr 2019 · 287
Auburn Bridge
Virtuous Apr 2019
Bridge of auburn and crimson
Reaching ever so high and long
In the middle I stand
Both in fear and in awe
Wind blowing profusely
With a loud howl it cries
Beckoning me to make a decision
To step and choose a side
Apr 2019 · 232
Moons Reflection
Virtuous Apr 2019
I know...
I know you're there
Although your face does hide in the air
I see you through the glass of a window
Upon the waters surface
Tell me what is the purpose
Of these pointless games
If this keeps up
I might go insane
Show me yourself
So that I might gaze upon
your beauties gleam
Can you please reveal your mysteries to me?
Does it get lonely where you are?
Do you keep company with the stars?
Can you even hear me now?
Or is my voice but a faint sound?
Jan 2019 · 407
Fires Breath
Virtuous Jan 2019
Your voice has many tongues
And yet they all sound the same
Cunning and destructive
Strategic with its aim

Arrows lit with your breathes fire
Quenched by waters truth
No longer threatened by the flame
No longer afraid of you

I see you hidden
Behind the faces of many familiar
Your plots are exposed
All of them too similar
Dec 2018 · 2.0k
Virtuous Dec 2018
I took the crown off my head
To make myself more approachable
To you
And in doing so
Forgot that I ever owned one
Never lower your standards for anyone
Dec 2018 · 363
Virtuous Dec 2018
My hearts butterflies
Have drifted off to sleep
To be woken up
Not too abruptly though
Some of their wings are
Nov 2018 · 957
Time Machine
Virtuous Nov 2018
Your voice is like a time machine
Pulling me back
To a period of life
I would rather forget
Nov 2018 · 429
Virtuous Nov 2018
So many words
Spinning chaoticly through my head
Trying to catch them
And create a thread
Of sentences
And imagry
Nov 2018 · 296
Virtuous Nov 2018
Could someone show me
Where the Rose Garden lies?
The one that holds such beauty
Never before met by the eye
Many flowers that are being sold
Whether they came from the garden
Is Unknown
Approached by someone
With a stem in hand
Took me a minute to understand
“This Rose is yours”
They said
“And your body I’ll take”
Only to find out
What was offered was a fake
Made to look real
With an agenda
To steal

From me

Crossed paths with another
One who promised the title of a lover
But their rose came with thorns
And now there’s blood on the floor

Could someone show me
Where the Rose Garden lies?
It feels as though I’ve been searching
For a long time
Nov 2018 · 426
Virtuous Nov 2018
Dont complain

Of a wiltering garden

Full of weeds

If you never tended to

Or watered the seeds
Oct 2018 · 520
Virtuous Oct 2018
Hush little girl
Don’t you cry
Here a safe haven
For you lies
Walls filled with pages and words
Ready to take you to different worlds
Like magic
To experience stories
Some thrilling, exciting, and romantic
The best ones
Have writers filled with passion
And create some of the most
Brilliant things imagined
Forget your troubles
And immerse yourself in the pages
And never limit
The imagination
Oct 2018 · 232
Virtuous Oct 2018
Hard to go
To bed
When all these
Are Flying
Through Your
Oct 2018 · 246
The Intruder
Virtuous Oct 2018
Heard a banging on the door
And strong
I peaked through the door hole
Someone who I thought was long gone
Took a step back in a panic
How could he be back?
Another bang on the door
Nearly gave me a heart attack
“Open up! I know you’re there” he screamed
“I know you’ve missed me!”
“No!” I reply
“Sure you have! Now let me inside”
He pushes on the door
Over and over again
I crouch down and cover my ears
Hoping for it all to end
One more push
And he’s finally inside
I run and try to find a place to hide
I feel a strong grip
That pulls me by the hand
Flipping me around
In his arms I land
“I’ve missed you”
He leans in uncomfortably close
There’s tears in my eyes
And a lump in my throat
“Did you really think that I would disappear forever?”
He asked
“Look at us. Together again at last!”
“I don’t need you! I never needed you!”
I proclaimed
“The moment you left the better person I became”
He laughed
“Is that so?”
I yank myself free of his grip
“Yes and now it’s time for you to go.”
“But nothing!
This chapter is done.
And a new part of this story
Has begun
Your presence is not necessary
This freedom Ive obtained is not temporary
And take your toxic atmosphere with you
And believe me when I say
We are through!”
Intruders come in all forms
Depression, Anxiety, and Fear
All unwanted
But all are conquerable
Oct 2018 · 476
Cry O’clock
Virtuous Oct 2018
It’s not time to cry yet
Just a little while longer
Wait till the sun sets
When everyone has laid
Their heads to sleep
And then everything bottled
Can be freely released
When the moon has taken its place
In the sky
Then you can cry
In the dark where no one can see
And you can finally just be
Oct 2018 · 335
Virtuous Oct 2018
Head in the clouds
To much of a dreamer
To come down
Oct 2018 · 240
Virtuous Oct 2018
It all started with a little Ghost
Until you became that Ghost
You asked for my username
And pretended that you couldn't find me in order to get a number
I wasn't fooled...your spell I was under
I was both impressed and flattered until I became angry and shattered

I remember our first date,
The Mall is where we chose to meet up
Stumbled across Sephora and you watched me look at makeup
Too busy trying to rub foundation on your shirt
That I didn't see the other girls lipstick on your neck
What was I supposed to expect?
That we would be happy and live happily ever after
No my dear, cuz life is too much of a disaster
They say the truth hurts
And that may be true
But I would rather live a hell of truth
Than a paradise of lies
If only your smile wasn't so hard to resist
And the smirk in your eyes
The kind that made me faint at heart
And filled with butterflies
But those are just feelings
And they only last so long
And quickly overshadowed
By everything In the situation that is wrong
Oct 2018 · 221
The Poets of Old
Virtuous Oct 2018
How I would have loved
To sit at a table
With the famous poets of old
To pick apart their brains
And Hear their words of gold
Learn the secrets of how they write
And have more insight into their life
At least we have their memory in ink
Oct 2018 · 221
Preachers Daughter
Virtuous Oct 2018
She’s a preacher’s daughter
She doesn’t know anything
About the world
Or what it means to suffer
And to be in pain
She’s a preacher’s daughter
Her smiles are genuine
And not painted on
To hide the lonely heart
That lies beneath
She’s a preacher’s daughter
A role model
Never wishing to hide
From the crowd of eyes
She’s a preacher’s daughter
Always does what is right
Because she doesn’t have
An empty hole to fill
How could she?
This poem is very personal to me, i do not regret my upbringing, I only wish to share a bit of the struggles and journey that I’ve been through to become who I am today. I still have faith and believe in God, and I am blessed to have friends now that see me for who I am as an individual and not a title. Never make assumptions, we are all human, fighting the same battles that life throws at us.
Oct 2018 · 596
Virtuous Oct 2018
I didn't see the knife in your hand
When we hugged
They say there is nothing new
Under the sun
I'm bleeding but I'm free
Because someone killed my fake reality
Another throwback poem
Oct 2018 · 600
Oceans Call
Virtuous Oct 2018
I hear my name
In the breeze
That your waters carry
Im coming
I hear your call
I agree
Its been too long
Oct 2018 · 274
Virtuous Oct 2018
Your eyes
Are telling
What your
Is too afraid to
Oct 2018 · 300
Raging Storm
Virtuous Oct 2018
I see the storm that rages inside of you
I see it in the rain that falls from your eyes
That your so quick to wipe away and hide
I see it in the sudden changes of mood
I hear it in the tone that you use
I know because I’ve had the same storm rage inside of me too
Oct 2018 · 211
The Moons Reflection
Virtuous Oct 2018
I know...
I know you're there
Although your face does hide in the air
I see you through the glass of a window
Upon the waters surface
Tell me what is the purpose
Of these pointless games
If this keeps up
I might go insane
Show me yourself
So that I might gaze upon
your beauties gleam
Can you please reveal your mysteries to me?
Does it get lonely where you are?
Do you keep company with the stars?
Can you even hear me now?
Or is my voice but a faint sound
A throwback poem i wrote a few years ago
Oct 2018 · 206
Virtuous Oct 2018
They say the grass is greener
                                         On the other side
But what if all that green
                               Has something to hide?
Oct 2018 · 231
Not A Victim
Virtuous Oct 2018
I have been hurt
Ridiculed and degraded
But I am not a victim
Talked down to
And made to feel like nothing
But I am NOT a victim
Taken advantage of
And used
Tossed to the side
Wondering where my worth lies
Surely I am more
Than the way people choose to treat me
From their binding words I am finally set free
I WAS a victim
I do not DENY my past
I just don't let it DEFINE my future
I just wish I had known these things sooner
So here I stand
A little wiser than I was yesterday
Writing down what I had to say
I am not a victim
My wounds are no longer open
Bleeding out all the wretched things
That I once thought about myself
Because I finally had the courage
To ask for help
That doesn't make me weak
Helpless or frail
It makes me HUMAN
I have and will prevail!
Oct 2018 · 254
Virtuous Oct 2018
Don’t be surprised
To come back to a closed door
Because you’re not welcome here
It’s not like you weren’t given a chance
You’re the one who walked away
Without so much as a second glance
So not only is it shut
But locked up tight
Only to open for those
Who treat me right
Oct 2018 · 461
Virtuous Oct 2018
Oh two wolves of my soul
Fighting for the title of Alpha
One with fur like the snow
The other a shadow of the night
Both with a mighty howl
And an even stronger bite
The decision is mine
Which wolf I feed
The one I allow
To guide and lead me
Blood has been shed
On both sides I’m afraid
But an Alpha isn’t born
They’re made
Oct 2018 · 381
Virtuous Oct 2018
It used to flow out of me
What seemed to be a never ending abundance of words
Each one a window to my fears hopes and dreams
My pen would fly through the pages with ease
Unfolding all that I carried
Deep inside my soul
An outlet for the things that were oh so painful
But my pen
Has seemed to run out of ink
Suddenly so hard to clearly think
I write
I write
And I write again
I don't even know how to give this poem
An end
Oct 2018 · 2.3k
Hopeless Romantic
Virtuous Oct 2018
I'm a hopeless romantic
I dream of fun nights out on the town
Meaningful conversations under the stars
And a passionate kiss shared in the rain
I'm a hopeless romantic
I believe in marriage
And growing old together
And being attentive to each others needs
I'm a hopeless romantic
Longing to be seen in a way
That others have never dared to do
Afraid of losing their fantasies
I'm a hopeless romantic
But more than that
I am human
And a complex one I might add
Not so easily figured out
But what's the fun in that?
I'm a hopeless romantic
Loyal and caring
Wanting to know who my partner is
And how I can help them accomplish their
Goals and dreams
A hopeless romantic
Yes that's me
Sep 2018 · 421
Virtuous Sep 2018
Stories are an interesting concept
A series of events that connect as a whole
With different characters, settings, and worlds
Some so iconic that they get passed down from
Generation to generation and survive the eraser
That is called time
They move and inspire us
Pull on on our heart strings like an instrument
The music pulling tears from our eyes
I live in a world of white pages and black ink
But never is it void of color
Sep 2018 · 398
Virtuous Sep 2018
It was loud
The wind pushed me to the ground
As it howled like a pack of wolves in the night
Ready to hunt and devour its prey
It was cold
The rain flooding down
Sending a chill through my frail skin
And straight to my even more fragile heart
It was dark
So real that I could FEEl it
Hovering over me
Waiting for me to break
But I'm not so easily taken
It was terrifying
The only thing louder than this storm
The beating of my heart
Like drums of war
Pacing themselves
Until ...
It stops
All coming to a screeching halt
Turns out the only thing I feared more than the storm
Was complete and numbing silence
A ringing in my ears
And haze over my eyes
Everything is black and white
Void of color and sound
Im not cold or scared
Im not anything at all
Is this what it feels like to go numb?
I used to battle depression and at one point went numb. This is how I know how to explain the feeling best. I'm in a much better place now. And I like to let people know that there is hope and a light at the end of the tunnel. Push through and keep fighting <3 and when needed ask for help.
Sep 2018 · 362
Not Your Fault
Virtuous Sep 2018
It's not your fault

So please ... don't blame yourself
And know that it's ok to ask for help
Words may leave you feeling wounded
That your sad, pathetic, and stupid
Take no heed
Those degrading thoughts you don't need
I know that it hurts coming from the person
That you thought you could trust the most
But now is not the time to lose your self esteem and hope
What they say has more to do with them
Then it ever had to do with you
Making you feel like a failure no matter what you say or do
Do not...I repeat...Do not
Let someone else's insecurities and issues
Run your esteem into the ground
Let you fall and stay down  
You're worth more than you know
Time to get up and reach your full potential
Now go!
Sep 2018 · 621
Day Dreamer
Virtuous Sep 2018
Present in body
But miles away in Spirit
Where do you ask?
I'm dancing on the moon
Performing for the stars
They don't want me to go home
They say it's too far
I'm running in an open field
With no other person in sight
Just flowers and endless green
And the sunset oh so bright
I'm flying through the open sky
Wings as majestic as a birds
The best way to live I've heard
I'm falling from a cliff
And into deep blue sea
Don't wake me up
Cause I've never felt so free
Sep 2018 · 410
Virtuous Sep 2018
If I had no flesh
Would you take my heart?
If your fingers couldn't search my body
Would you search my soul?
If my lips couldn't reach yours
Would my name still be written on your heart?
If I had no voice
Could you hear me crying out your name?
Sep 2018 · 365
Come and Go...
Virtuous Sep 2018
Seasons come and seasons go
So do people...
Or so I've been told
Year after year
It's become inevitably clear
That this couldn't be more true
No longer will I see this as an issue
I embrace what comes
Or in this instance what leaves
I've accepted the facts and made my peace
Aug 2018 · 3.9k
The Customer is Always Right
Virtuous Aug 2018
Trying my best to do a job
And follow rules set in place
And peoples attitude
And entitled egos im supposed to just take
Because hey
“The Customer Is Always Right”

To give service with a smile
Even to the one screaming profanities
To reward bad behaviour
And give in to such insanity  
But hey
“The Customer Is Always Right”

To be nice to the creeps
That come in every week
I already told you
The answer is no!
So please leave me alone
But hey
“The Customer is Always Right”

What happened to honor?
Dignity and Respect?
I’m horrified at the lack there of
I know im not the only one
Aug 2018 · 862
The Poet
Virtuous Aug 2018
The heart of a poet
Is a difficult one to understand
Complex in nature
And a challenge to read
With convictions and thoughts
That run deeper than you think

Don't mistake my empathy for weakness
Or my smile for innocence
To speculate is not to know

My eyes are windows
To the beautiful madness
That is my soul

I see things for more than just what they are
But for what they could be
Finding the meaning in everything

You may think I'm too sentimental
Or in tune with my emotions
But that doesn't bother me
Why stay on the surface
When their are such depths as the Ocean

So stand my fellow poets
And raise up your pens
And lets show this world what were made of
One word at a time
This art to never end
Jul 2018 · 273
Virtuous Jul 2018
It’s amazing
How much can be said
Without a single word spoken
May 2018 · 292
Virtuous May 2018
Oh to be in love with an illusion
Rather than be faced with reality
To be unaware
That the one who occupies my thoughts
And holds my heart
Is a character
As fictional as the ones I read about
To desire something so strongly
That I drink from an empty cup
And tell myself that it’s water
To be infatuated
Rather than in love
A tragedy indeed...
May 2018 · 333
Three Years
Virtuous May 2018
Three Years...
It's been three years
Since Ive seen your face
I hardly think of you now
But every so often
When your name
Is found in my thoughts
I miss you
And I have a question for you
I was too afraid to ask before
But something shifted
As the days turned into weeks
And the months turned into years
And I wonder
Who this person is that I am going to meet
When our paths cross again
Time changes a person
But I hope we still share some things
That will connect us again
And if not
At least we have the memory
May 2018 · 281
Hello Stranger
Virtuous May 2018
Hello Stranger
How was your day?
Do you want to play a game?
Oh that’s right we’ve met before
Hello Stranger
Can you do me a favor?
Wait... nevermind
We’ve met before
Hello Stranger
You seem familiar
It’s oddly peculiar
Could it be...
We’ve met before
Hello Stranger
I guess I’ll let you go
As if we’ve never met before
May 2018 · 332
The Depths
Virtuous May 2018
With the heart of a mermaid
And love for the sea
I was created to explore...
The depths of life and meaning
The depths of identity
And of the soul
So I dive
Unaware of what I'm searching for
And yet so ready to find it
May 2018 · 433
Virtuous May 2018
Here I stand
In a room full of faces
In awe of the fact that behind every face there is a story
And as I ponder that I realize
That I am in a room filled with stories
No two stories are quite a like
But many share the same elements
How many of them end up with a broken heart?
Or a shattered soul?
How many hopes and dreams fulfilled?
How many hold regrets?
How many do we wish to be rewritten?
How many are being written out for us?
The things that come with being human
I may not know your story
And you may not know mine
But maybe were not that different after all
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