A cigarette burns, late at night. While you really should be holding onto your child so tight. Why is it everything we could of ever had, was washed down the drain all because we were mad? And now the little run comes running to me, tears staining her little eyes where the innocence you took from her should of lied. 'This is what I did' you said as you ran a knife down your leg, little did you know your 'big girl' would soon do the same. You made our dad cry when he was sober and when he wasn't he felt like everything was over. And now your closest daughter is closed off from a world that never gave her anything but the lies you told, 'I will be here forever'. There is no getting better, look at the coffin that lies down six feet under, a coffin to small for a baby girl to hide in, but there she is. And all you ever did was leave us with your words in the wind.
And yet I still miss you