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767 · Jan 2018
Write Me A Poem
Merida Jan 2018
I want you to express all things,
That always produces sound like a bell rings.
I want you to make an emblem,
And that is to write me a poem.

Write me a poem
About how you met me sudden
How your smile left me hangin'
Like I'm in a garden
Stunned with butterflies flyin'

Write me a poem
How we fought at 2 am
Leaving the house in burden
Like crying for a lost gem
Wishing that never happened.

Write me a poem
How you tried to make me smile
Just to forgive your crying eyes
Even if your effort takes a mile
You never said goodbye.

I want to hear your voice
That always produces melody
Even if to others it's a noise,
But for me it's an exquisite harmony.

Think of me
Like a precious gem,
And you'll see,
You can write me a poem.
I wish someone would write me a poem.
640 · Oct 2017
Merida Oct 2017
What have I done to bleed?
To be deprived of happiness and tranquility?
To an endless cycle of discord who will impede?
For as the days pass I grow tired of serendipity.

A shattered armor and a punctured heart
What reason is there for me to stand?
Will the time ever come that I will appreciate art?
For color to this barren land I can never demand.

As my scarlet blood is illuminated by the moon afar
Tears floweth from my eyes till there is no more.
Then I saw a beauty with her chariot of stars,
A bringer of sanguiness that brought life to my core.

O! eyes of crystalline gem
You have captivated me.
Hair of golden grapevine stem,
That flows with the zephyr’s glee.

You are the symbol of grandiose beauty.
Save me from this cavern that blinded me.
Let your radiant glow illuminate this face of me.
Hear my cries, hear my calls of misery
Save me, O goddess, and let me be.
619 · May 2018
Heart's Orchestra
Merida May 2018
Serenade me with your violin
A music I've always wanted to hear
Striking like a Spartan's glass spear
Lives in my heart clingin'.

Serenade me with your composition
For I will listen full of passion
Show me your hidden talent sanguinely
For I will treasure it genuinely.

As your bow dances
Play a piece that will leave my heart in trances
As your strings singing
Make my mind mesmerizing.

Serenade me with your violin
And I will listen unsatisyingly
Put your heart willingly
For it will leave me forever wanderin'.
Play with your heart.
Remember me.
387 · Aug 2017
Ferris Wheel
Merida Aug 2017
From the distance I see a Ferris wheel full of lights.
An amazing thing to ride if you want to see the sights.
It shines like stars on a dark cloudless nights.
And spins like a hurricane slowly losing its might.
Would you come with me and ride sometime?
Together let us own the world for a penny and a dime.
370 · Jul 2017
Merida Jul 2017
We're all looking for a piece to complete the missing one
Searching it for someone
Thinking that it will make me whole
That they have the piece to fill the hole.

I'm confused
I'm troubled
Where to find that thing
That always makes noises like a bell's ring

Pictures already on my mind
But can't see the way to find
Like someone is blocking
To make me see the whole thing.

I'm losing.
Shall I continue?
Thinking that it's already due?
Shall I stop?
Thinking that I might make it on top?
But clearly, can't do it
Because someone has to make it
That it's not only my problem
But it's also them.

Piece that is very important
That makes life significant
We have to find the missing
Or else we are all lies believing

We have to see the truth
In the fog that alters the route
Because this is the only way
To achieve a peaceful everyday
In the world full of deceit
That anyone can't be neat.

We can through it
If we all want it.
Just don't be double minded
So you won't get puzzled.
361 · Jul 2018
Merida Jul 2018
Pain destroys me,
That I have to let it be.
Realization flee,
Like a jailbird begging for a plea.

But I have to bid my last goodbye,
Even if everyone will get hurt, so am I.
Because this mundane place always makes me blue,
I must say that, this is my last adieu.
Happy no more.
Not enough.
360 · Jul 2017
The Voice Within
Merida Jul 2017
Have you ever wondered if there are really voices inside us?
That pushes us
Pestering us
Keeps us believes
That they are true
Lies that seems to be truth
And mostly
Thoughts that is little by little
Ruining us.

I closed my eyes
And voices start to speak
They're talking to me
But I'm answering them
I don't know what is this drive
That makes me dive
Deeper than abyss
And blurry than darkness
Voices that make me follow
Even when I don't know
Cold voices
Bold voices
Millions echoing
But only one origin
I wonder
Not far yonder
Will these voices remain even when I'm gone?
Will vanish when every thought is done?
I asked myself
Am I not normal?
Why are they keep talking?
It's just you who think
Something bigger
And something deeper
The voice answered
And added
It's all in the mind
It will vanish if you don't mind
Don't sink
Just think.
337 · Aug 2017
Beautiful Nightmare
Merida Aug 2017
As the wind caresses the land,
Would you be by my side, holding my hand?
As I march along the sandy beach,
Would you come close to me and be of my reach?

For so long I have walked in doubt and solitude,
Seeking the truth behind this intriguing attitude.
For so long I have journeyed through life all alone,
Would you be with me, even only from dusk till dawn?

Color my world with your sparkling smile
Relieve me the pain of a thousand miles
Whisper me a gentle song of love and peace
For as I wake may this dream never cease.
306 · Oct 2017
I Wandered in Wondering
Merida Oct 2017
Have you ever lost while wondering?
Ideas occurring
Imagination keeps flowing
And little did you know, you're losing.
Triggered anxiety
Wandered in mediocrity.

I wondered.
Am I the only one who see shadows in the darkness?
Am I the only one who see stars in daylight?
Am I the only one who smell lavenders in a trash?
Am I the only one who feel touches in a bunch of hands?
And am I the only one who see the lies behind the truth?

If so, It might be a nightmare
That no one else dare to wake in a room full of care
Because they were deceived
And makes them believed
By their minds full pests
Living in their brain like a bird's nest.
That they were neat
In a trash full of rotten meat.

Truth lies on you
You just have to be true
Because even reality
Can cause anxiety.
305 · Jul 2017
Hate At Second Sight
Merida Jul 2017
Most have already experienced it
Like the sun's burning heat
The spark when you saw someone
That makes you think He's the one.

The goosebumps
The heart's humps
That makes your heart win the race.
But of course...
There will always be a source
A source that will destroy the force
A force that may lead to scorch.

You saw me
You smiled at me
You texted me
Like a bite of bee
It hurts...
It burns...
Thoughts that still echoing on my mind
That you aren't kind
That you are evil
Like a devil
That always wants trouble
To make problems double.

You gave me a love potion
That made my heart poisoned
You left me hanging
Like an open door banging
And I held the door
That keeps screeching on the floor
I knew it
In just a little bit

I saw you
I looked at you
And for the second time
It happened
Not love
But hate
At second sight.
293 · Jul 2017
Bad Dream
Merida Jul 2017
I saw you in my dream
I thought you were happy
I saw you in my dream
And you were a stranger
A man full of anger
That wants something bigger.
You crashed my car
That left me a scar
I was totally devastated
Gone in an instant
And I woke up
Chasing my breath
I thought I was dead
Cause it was like a reality
But that was just a dream
A bad dream.
289 · Aug 2017
Opaque Reality
Merida Aug 2017
Heart aching...
Mind blocking...

Am I a dead flower?
That was thrown in a large river
That no one can see my petal
Because I'm not a sentimental?

Living in a world full of masks
Just to present themselves that they don't lack
Dressing themselves in beautification
Just to hide the hideous portion
Painting themselves like a masterpiece
Just to block the flowing crisis
And putting so much perfume
Just to smell that they always bloom.
285 · Jan 2018
Merida Jan 2018
Do you ever wish that you could fly?
Where would you ever go and why?
To the countryside where the flowers bloom,
Or to the rainy plains where the sky is gloom?
Would you pick some flowers and lie on the grass,
Or sip some coffee while leaning on window glass?
Maybe fly to a place, far and high
Where the stars shine bright and the sky is nigh.
Maybe fly to a place where the grass is lush,
Where the horses are free to roam and dash.
Where is it that you truly desire to go?
Where your heart will be free only you can really know.
Where would you ever go if you could fly?
Who would you take with you, where and why?
275 · Aug 2017
Words of a Deaf
Merida Aug 2017
What does it feel like you can't utter just a single word?
How does it feel like you can't express it through words?
Am I born to be in this way?
Am I born because I'm unlucky enough to live a better life?

You are very blessed to speak out your heart what you want to
You are very blessed you can express what you feel
And you are very blessed that someone's hearing you r precious voice

I looked at the world full of people
Like an aquarium full of pebble
Hoping to hear their loud voices
And even their deafening angry noises.

I asked...
Why is God unfair?
Why didn't He created me like others
Why is God unfair?
That He didn't give me voice to utter
Is this really what He wants me to be?
To be mocked by everyone?
To be ignored when you need someone?
It's so hard.

I stare at them
And they looked at me
They're all smiling
Like a bright star shining
I wanna own them
Like a precious gem
Then someone asked
And I want to answer back
But I'm afraid
That they might hear my words fade
I'm afraid
That they might just hear noise
Not words
But just works.

I responded
I swallowed
I tried my best to speak
But hum is all I ever give
I tried my best to talk
But all I received was a mock
This is it.
Like I was hit
This what scares me
Like someone's dragging me.

I walked out
In a room full of bad mouth
Criticism started to spread out
Judgments like I'm in a trial court
I wanna say something
I wanna scream
But all I can do is crying
Is this a dream?
'Coz I can't wake
Like I was drowning in the deepest lake
My heart's clenching
Like a furious fist punching
Is this really where I belong to be?
In the world full of an enemy?
Is this where I really have to be?
In a place full of greedy?

I cried.
"Coz I'm tired
I want to die
Because the world seems a lie.
I can't even speak my heart out
So what's the point of my existence?
If I can't even express my feelings out?
I want t make friends
But all I ever received is an examen
Can't they just accept me?
Like I'm no different?
Without worries
Without problems.

But I think this is really the way I am
Thinking that I am one of them
Accepting for what I am
That I am just an emblem
To get the precious gem
Thanking God because I'm here
Even though I can't hear
Waves of laughter that I want to cherish
But all I see is perish
I know that I am precious
Like a diamond's luminous
Produces very bright color
That I wish I can be too.

Yes, I can't fly like a dove
But my heart is full of love
That all I can give to everyone
That refused to give to someone

I may not hear
But I will always be here
I may not speak
But your words are in my heart stick
Even the world is full of disagreements
But I know I'm a gift of encouragement.
225 · Aug 2017
Merida Aug 2017
I thought I was the one
But I was just a someone.
I thought I am perfect
But I was just a freak.
I thought I made you glad
But I was the one who's sad.
I thought I made you smile
But I can't see it because it takes a mile
I thought I filled your heart
But it was just an act
I thought you care
But that was just rare
And I thought you love me full of passion
But it was just a love full of poison.

All these thoughts ruined me
All these thoughts destroyed me
All these thoughts broke me
Because I thought my thoughts are true
And I was wrong because they're just a false clue.
Merida Aug 2018
When you feel you are alone, when you feel  darkness slowly creeps in.
Remember you're never alone.

Smile, you don't need to shine every night, you just need to shine, during the darkness, the sadness.

The moon never shines in itself, it never shines by itself. It's never alone.
201 · Nov 2018
Once Upon A Time
Merida Nov 2018
The story of us is the inception,
Where you found me dying in poison.
You cured me with your love potion,
And forever, I will believe my notion.

Like a lost girl in the forest,
Would you find me at your best?
Missing in the middle of darkness
While crying to see the moon's vividness.

Like a missing child hoping to be found,
You saw me lying on the ground
In your arms I felt an eternal bound,
And at last, I am safe and sound.

You said, "I will take you to my castle,
And together we'll fight the toughest battle",
But that seems just a lie
Because you put me in danger and let me die.

Felt I was loved, but I woke up it's just a pantomime
And I remember,
That not all happily ever after
Begins with, "Once upon a time".
Merida Aug 2018
I loved you,
And you never loved me.
Love, please find me.
191 · Mar 2018
Silent Melody
Merida Mar 2018
Like a song on the radio let me listen to your voice,
A sweet, soft melody that erases the noise.
Sing to me once more as I lay down my head.
Not to sleep, but to listen carefully instead.
But sometimes I wonder what you're singing to me...
Is it a lullaby?
a love song?
Or a farewell?
189 · Aug 2018
Dear Love
Merida Aug 2018
"You will always be on my mind, dreaming and thinking of you."
He said.
Dear love, he never thought of me.

"I will never forget you even when my memory fades."
He said.
Dear love, he has forgotten me.

"I will always be there to look after you."
He said.
Dear love, he never cared for me.

"I am always by your side, comfort and support you no matter what."
Dear love, he has abandoned me.

"I will stay with you, forever."
He said.
Dear love, he left me.

"I love you."
He said.
Dear love, He never loved me.
188 · Jan 2019
Louder than a Bomb
Merida Jan 2019

How can silence be so loud?

186 · Mar 2018
Light My Way
Merida Mar 2018
Its always been the same old story everyday,
The looping routine like movie scenes on replay,
Everything feels bland, dull and uninteresting,
God, I just wish for a change so thrilling.

It's always the same mistake
In every second, every minute actions I make
Everything has been controlled by anxiety
I wondered, when will my fears vanish and make things confidently.

This solitary life is a mess I want to flee
To leave it all behind, someone please take me
I'm left standing at a crossroads, waiting for that twist
Regardless of how long, for someone I don't want to miss

But seems I was blinded coz I can't see the light,
Or was I just looking for someone without noticing my might?
Standing in the rainy plains where the sky is gloom,
While hoping for someone to reach my hand in a place where I could be doomed.

I hope to find you soon, pull you out of that dreaded fate
I'll be the one to quench your thirst, I hope I'm not too late
Someday we'll be together proud shouting each others names
And feels euphoria that we found each other in flames.
In Collaboration with Mister J

Hope you like it.
184 · Apr 2018
Painting of Love
Merida Apr 2018
Like an art drawn
Would you lend a time even till dawn?
Like a face sketched
Would you be by my side watching the sun on edge?

But sometimes I wonder
Is your love is like an ink?
That will vanish in a just a blink?
Or like my love, last until forever?

Like a clean white canvass
Would you find my love even if it's an atlas?
Or like a voided paint?
Losing it's might until it gets faint.

Like a picture on your mind
Look at me and you'll get blind
Like a spectacular nature
Love me passionately and you'll get allure.

Like an artist caresses his masterpiece
Are you willing to give me your heart just a piece?
Or like a painting in a gallery
Will your love stays true or will die hanging in melancholy?

Lay me in your special museum
Where I can only be your symptom
Put me in a treasure box of your art
For as I you've done painting, may I be in your heart.
179 · Feb 2018
Merida Feb 2018
Do you not know that your smile is a treasure?
    A precious stone,
    A piece of gold.
    Let your heart fill with joy.
    For you deserve to happy.
    You deserve to be free.

Do you not know that you deserve so much more
     Than a broken heart,
     Than a broken soul?
     Let your eyes fill with tears.
     Not out of sorrow nor out of grief,
     But of overwhelming joy.

Do you not know that you deserve nothing less?
     For your heart is full of love.
     For you are always willing to give.
Hope for the best.
You deserve to be happy, you deserve nothing less.
177 · Jan 2018
Merida Jan 2018
The night I waited for your answer,
But seems your mind is in nowhere.
The moment I longed for your responses,
But you ignored it like a running off ball bounces.

Tears flowed in ounce,
Pain like a boxer punches.
Should I wait knowing what would happen?
Or should be hopeless like a crying maiden?
Maybe for you I don't have value,
But forever, I will cherish precious moments I spent that time with you.
150 · Jul 2018
Truth Behind My Poems
Merida Jul 2018
Now I tell you
the truth
That you are
not the reason
why I write poems
about you.
I don't know why.
115 · Sep 2020
Choice and Option
Merida Sep 2020
There is a difference between "Choice" and "Option".

Choice is when you want to choose which...
But the option is,
d. when you want to be chosen...
65 · Feb 12
Monday Fever
Merida Feb 12
It's Monday. A very lazy day.
I am glued to my bed, I couldn't even move a leg!
What has my bed done to me? I am paralyzed. Help, I've been meaning to get up!

Sadly, my bed just wouldn't allow me.
I wonder, what the door **** feels when you rotate it, does it still feel cold?
I can hear the leaves falling and brushes to each other while the trees dancing by the wind, I can hear the birds chirping and singing my favorite melody.

As I lay here, contemplating what the day awaits for me, I find comfort in my very own bed while enjoying the view and sound of the nature from my window pane.
Perhaps, for now, I'll let the warmth of my bed embrace me a little longer, knowing that when I finally rise, the world outside will still be waiting with it's challenges and mysteries, ready to greet me anew.
35 · Jul 24
Inked Heart
Merida Jul 24
Take me back to the day we met,
Where everything was pure, perfect, and innocent.
We started a nonsense talk conversation,
You smiled, and then everything went slow motion.

We exchanged names, and I found yours playfully naughty,
Thought we would be in flames, but realized things would be knotty.
So we dug up graves until we were playing *****,
And we signed up for a lifetime friendship, telling the entirety like a diary.

Stealing sorrows, smiles, and laughter - I hope for your love and forgiveness.
Searching for the moon, stunned by beautiful flowers, you are the witness.
Spilling late night random thoughts, you're cute, but don't like it - you confess.
And I said take me somewhere only we know, and it will be our dark secret.

We continued playing with fire, craves the thrill, and stirring the embers.
Accepting the risks, driven to explore, who cares? This is a moment to remember.
Relishing the moment, because we both know it's fleeting,
But one thing is for sure, we protect each other, and that's promising.

As we navigate this voyage, sailing through the stormy seas, and seasons of weather,
Let's fly like a bird, embracing the wind's direction and stick together.
I am always here to support and bug you, I told you, and that's forever!
For you will be in my heart like a tattoed name, stamped, my friend, and that's a life-changer.

— The End —