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 Jul 2020 Allison
Okay friends, Hats off to Mr. Trump the man of Steel
He's a great big fish, Americans caught on a Reel

He's made a big promise and he's made a huge Deal
He's giving us the facts, and he's keeping it Real

He's got his act together and he's laying down the Law
He's fighting bad guys, and building a great, big Wall

SO Just sit back, and don't worry about a thing My Friend
Coz the man of steel's, gonna make America great Again
~The End~
 Jun 2020 Allison
Liis Belle
When I press myself to something
I can feel my lonely heart beating
A steady rhythm in my chest
A knock-knock-knock against my breast

Am I going to open up
Like a treasure chest of gold?
For all its glamour, I’d be fine
But I’d be too **** easily sold

Or shall I cautiously crack
Open the door of my being?
To peer out first and assess the person,
But is it truth I’ll be seeing?

A risk to take – I go for the latter
There’s nobody on the other side
Just a mirror, showing me all of myself
A reflection I cannot shy away from or hide

And this mirror, it’s brutally honest
I see all my parts – the dark and the light
Do I slam the door back on myself?
It’s a beautifully terrible sight

Would I sell myself, this real version of me?
This stripped and complete one nobody will see?
I press myself to the mirror of my reflection
And hear my heart beat against my own confession.
 Jun 2020 Allison
Kelly McManus
It is your life plan
do and learn as they command
sink in their quicksand

                               Kelly McManus
 Jun 2020 Allison
Clare Coffey
White walls empty walls pure white
Such an infinite blank canvas
Enriched with expectation
Of all that may come to pass

White walls empty walls pure white
A life unlived a life unwritten
In the time of innocence
Before life's hurt has bitten

White walls empty walls pure white
A face unlined a heart unbroken
A heartbeat dancing with joy
The fatal lie still unspoken

White walls empty walls pure white
A hand untouched a hurt undefined
Everything left to play for
No need yet to hit rewind

White walls empty walls pure white
Fingers unburnt tempted by fire
Scorched seared and blackened
A soul emptied of desire

White walls empty walls pure white
A mind in prison a mind in chains
Lost without an exit sign
In a land where chaos reigns

White walls empty walls pure white
Boundaries of a life unloved
Scarred with the marks of torment
But those walls have never moved
Sometimes life hurts
 Jun 2020 Allison
In a dreamy woodland
There's a cottage just for me
And it's waiting there now
Beside a peaceful stream
Where quiet maples grow
And deer are not afraid
Where mushrooms grow in sweet silence
And sunlight glistens amongst the leaves
There's an enchanted cottage
Hidden in those shady woods
Where running cedar
And lady ferns intertwine
Where tears never fall
From any eye
That is where my secret abode
Is found in shadowy canopy
Of sun-dappled trees
Where dewdrops passionately kiss
The demure bluebells
Where breezes whisper
Through tall, swaying pines
And rustle ancient autumn leaves
From many seasons ago
Where time stands still
And woodland fairies dance
Where willow harps are played
Echoing in dreamy breezes
Through the trees and dancing through the air
Waltzing with the butterflies
Touching the lemon citrus sun
With fingers of gold
And spring days bygone
That's where you'll find me
Dreaming riparian
Scent of petrichor
Healing my soul
In summer woodland yonder

Written: September 3, 2015, Around Midnight.
Hope You All Enjoy It!!! :)
 Jun 2020 Allison
Harley Hucof
The pen of the past write the future in the present
People pretend and never learn their lessons.

And they fight their ego, but it always prevails
God's existence doesn't make sense,
Life's not fair
I guess Nietzsche was right ,
God is dead.

The pen of the past write the future in the present
What i am trying to say is that your choices will haunt you forever
And make you lose control and forget that you are blessed
Aliens are the new religion and GOD is dead.

As i declare it
I write it and turn to sleep
If GOD is dead, he is living in my head
I say my prayer and fade away
In the dreamworld where the ego always prevails .

Words Of Harfouchism.
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