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 Aug 2020 Shrika
 Aug 2020 Shrika
the space between listening and hearing,
that's where you'll find my hiding place;

where i go when the words get too fast
and the sounds get too loud
 Aug 2020 Shrika
John Destalo
from another

her light
let everyone

feel warm
so they could

release their

she was innocent
but she took

within her
the hatred of


dissolving it
turning it

into her light
helping everyone

feel warm
For I am only a coriander seed
Would it be appropriate of me
To believe contradictorily
That what is appropriate
Appropriation must agree
If after all a waterfall falls
And the sound resounds
Until it's still, echoing
Within and all around me
 Aug 2020 Shrika
Coleen Mzarriz
If vivid dreams can flee away
in a moment of time,
if the future is unknown
in the dreamer's heart,
and if an untitled song
gets finished —
that must be the calling
of the void's voice.

If a song turns into poetry
if an art turns into a priceless liberty
and if the voice of the void —
finds a dreamer's dream
slipping away,
then mornings
can break away.

If falling means
getting up —
if drowning means
dying —
and if dreaming
means hoping —
then an untitled song
will soon have its name.
This is one of my favorites. My dream was to publish my own book—I don't care if it won't sell. I just want my own physical book.

But hearing my favorite band called BTS to keep dreaming and to keep going, then I will dream again and again.

Until I get tired. Until I fall again.
Until I stand up again.
 Aug 2020 Shrika
South City Lady
If a man without arms can dream
bigger than his physical limitations
to become the best archer in the world,
if he can push beyond the frontiers
of all that has been thought possible
for a disabled person,
then why
can't we look beyond
the obstacles hemming us in,
holding us back,
filling our mind's eye
with debilitating fears?  

What would we accomplish
in our lives if we knew
we couldn't fail?  
If every day became
an honest opportunity to grow
and dream and create,
what would we do to fill our days?  

How would it feel to live our lives
unfettered from the voices
that chide us with harsh criticism?
What can we do to silence those
who oppose our dreams?
And why should we
ever again allow
another human being
to shackle or define for us
the best life we choose  to dream?  

When we recognize
that these voices are just
hollow echoes of our own
or others' insecurities,
then we begin to live
to delve beneath
the physical depths
into an authentic life
teeming with drive
and determination.
Note:  I am attaching the link to a video that inspired this writing entitled "The Armless Archer."
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