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Brian Yule Mar 2019
Pay dirt
Eyes her target
Sit just so & sit tight
Let him think that he's the hunter, then
******* fish
Brian Yule Mar 2019
That’s my old chair
The one I used to doze in
While Mr Parker droned on ‘bout maths & that
I was gonna sit down front near Kerry Keener
But in the end I thought, nah, better not, so here I sat

You see, just here, my keychain scraped the plastic
As I ragged around to try & find a comfy spot
& that bit there got scuffed
The more my trainers rubbed it
I never could sit sensible
So they said

That armrest there snapped clean off when Matty Parker
Went arsefirst backward over it, farting on,
We laughed our backs off that time, Matty too like
It’s a few years now that Matt’s been dead & gone

& round the back there
Do you clock the “I heart Lisa”
Jason compass-scrawled once before class, the cheeky ****
He knew I had a soft spot for that Lisa
I made ******’ sure that Jase was out of luck

I haven’t seen that Lisa in a fair while
Jason neither like, funny how life goes
Still, you close one door, another waits ajar like
Sit still too long you won’t go far like, I suppose
Brian Yule Mar 2019
Last day
Change is tugging
Exchanging digits though
Moving on don't mean we can't stay in...
Where'd she go?
Brian Yule Mar 2019
Trash talk
Constant bickering
Insults & snide retorts
These gobshites never give it a rest
Must be home
Brian Yule Feb 2019
Side-eyed into silence
She settled for a sour stare
Tongue-tied defiance

— The End —