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Jan 4 · 194
Wild Flower
Bethany Jan 4
My hair is like a sunflower
reddish and brown freckled with gold
and my lips taste like a strawberry
fruity and sweet, so I’ve been told.

I am gypsy and a saint,
a wild thought that cant be tamed
baptized in Burberry and sage
I’m dripping blue on rainy days.

I search for love at midnight
under the moons magnificent reign
because my head is full of daisies
& my heart is just the same.
May 2022 · 390
Weeping Willow
Bethany May 2022
When the willow tree died it faded
corroding to its core in shades of grey,
deserted by the crows who kept it;
new seasons claim what time decays.
Mar 2022 · 188
Midnight bellows
Bethany Mar 2022
The wind sneaks in through my window sill
and I can hear the rhythm of the rain.

A shy draft looms like a visitor
misplaced it roams my way.

Outside I hear the thunder howl
as windswept trees whisper my name,
so I close my eyes to the chill of the moon
pushing blue hues through my glass pane.
Small brevity I wrote the other night, storm season has  now arrived
Feb 2022 · 505
Oh Luna
Bethany Feb 2022
"I'm not enough" cried the moon
as she lit up the nights sky
a sliver crescent weeping blue
with eyes that pull in ocean tides
Remember who you are ~ I wrote this for my sister <3
Dec 2021 · 95
For Always
Bethany Dec 2021
You last forever in my
hour glass mind
petty thrills
I soon
let slip
but for you
there is always time.
Feb 2021 · 284
[ The seasons ]
Bethany Feb 2021
The seasons
teach us change
as fall skies shape
to powdered dust,
drank by the thirsty sun.
Feb 2021 · 468
Bethany Feb 2021
In the seasons
I sat lonely
I learned what souls
to call my friend,
exposed by
changing colors
some did blossom
some did end.
Friends are like flowers.
Jun 2020 · 257
Like water I am fluid
Bethany Jun 2020
Like water I am fluid
taking guidance
from the rain
blending with
the madness
as one movement
we stay sane.
My emotions swim
to deep ends
some days I drown
in shallow waves
suffocated by how lonely
even blue tides don’t
come and stay.
Jun 2020 · 134
[ I’ve become pale ]
Bethany Jun 2020
I've become pale
the idea that these
deafening thoughts  
might actually
be my own,
a troubled view
that I've gone through
the world is dark
when i'm alone
so I stay quiet,
as still as one can be
if I play
hide & seek
with silence
the silence
wont find me.

— The End —