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 Feb 2015 The voice
A Wegner
Love be my saviour
Let it be true,
Let you be my everything
When I have found you,
I'm not overly particular
I only want to be your sun,
I can revolve around you
We don't have to be one,
Let me love you
Let me see you,
For everything you are
Let us laugh,
And be surprised
By the power of complete trust,
Our love is unconditional
It is never obsolete,
And should our love prevail
And the toughest times shine through,
Let us find our way back to each other
One day when I've found you.
 Feb 2015 The voice
Let every ounce of blood pour out of my chest

Let every last drop that has once cruised throughout my veins for you drip to the floor

Let the life drain from my eyes

But please keep the reflection of the knife you buried inside my chest pointed at you

So you are the last sight I see

Maybe then you'll believe that when I told you I'd love you no mater what, I wasn't lying.
 Feb 2015 The voice
BG Ibañez
A life in Christ is new and pure.
It is new as a white sheet, as fresh snow
Pure as the light, the lamb’s wool, the sun’s glow.

But the old life lingers; we battle ourselves.
And sin reminds us of our inherent darkness:
Every stolen pen and cheated test,
The sleepless nights of a lustful mind
Or the greed of our own open indulging mouth
Words like ice, hate, ******, lies.

But a life in Christ is new and pure.
His grace is sufficient, and his power is perfect.
He molds us, and prunes, burns and removes,

Changes anew.
This is from a collection that I wrote with another writer from church. We had a concert with spoken word in the mix :) This is one out of the 13 or 14 that we wrote together. Enjoy! :)
It is only a little word, but carries so much on its shoulders.
Often overlooked as an emotion when placed next to the big ones:
fear, love, hate, jealousy, happiness, greed.
Without it what would we be?
What purpose would we have?
It is a catalyst from which dreams are cast
and possibilities reached.
As an idea it is only touched upon, but without it nothing would be worth following through.
Nothing would drive us
Life would lack ambitions.
When it is gone everything seems broken
no last gasping chances left.
It is embedded in every aspect of life
and yet it quietly hides.
When uttered, it sounds weak,
but can be strong enough to move mountains,
overthrow governments and rattle tyrants off their throne.
Or simply it is enough to finish third in a race,
or be on time for a meeting,
or for the tests to come back negative.
Our hope.
Ignorance will never die
Stupidity will never die
Prejudice will never die
Violence will never die
Sadness will never die
Fear will never die
Anger will never die
War will never die

But neither will hope
Maybe that hope will be in vain,
But it will keep understanding alive,
It will keep the intelligent solving problems,
It will keep the downtrodden fighting for justice,
It will give the unsafe peace,
It will dry tears and bring light,
It will comfort those in danger,
It will calm deadly rage,
And it will give the wounded sanctuary.

*It doesn't matter if this hope is false,
If it can do so much good.
 Feb 2015 The voice
 Feb 2015 The voice
Hope is a balloon
Inflated with love
It rises up above

It is strong for a few short hours
Then loses what is has
Never to be as good as
It was before

Hope is something that kids let go
Adults seek
And elders hold on to
Just like a balloon
 Feb 2015 The voice
Gul e Dawoodi
Hope lies within the heart
To us hope is belief
To us hope is a symbol of life
To us hope is a sign of wisdom
To us hope is patience
To us hope is peace
To us hope is a sword,
That kills the dark knights,
Heading towards our kingdom,
In the dark nights
Never stop believing!
Never lose hope!
♥ :)
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