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 Jan 2015 The voice
Sam Ciel
Death sits quietly on my old front lawn,
Waiting and watching, for me to be gone.
He knows some day that I will leave my home
Whence he can claim it for his very own.

My house will be his, and freedom be mine,
released from all  material confines.
I'll step outside, and for the first time, breathe.
He'll step right in, and in anger he'll seethe.

The tables are empty, the rooms all bare.
I'll have left him nothing, everywhere.
I tore down all the remnants of my life
For it is time to rebuild o'er my strife.

My house in ruin, debt to Death repaid
Cobble by cobble, my new Life is laid.
I don't know what inspired this. Forgive my temporary hiatus everyone. I hope you enjoy.

Thank you everyone for the overwhelmingly positive attention this piece is getting :)
©Sam Ciel
 Jan 2015 The voice
Hi, God. I'd tell you how I've been, but I know you already know. I wish I could lie and tell you I've been good. That everything is perfect and happiness is just beaming from my permanent smile. Those are superfluous words though. And there's no sense wasting our time on matters that don't exist.

I've been wanting to know how you've been. I just feel like our conversations have been kind of one sided. I keep talking about things you know, but for what? For reassurance? For you to tell me that it's okay, because we're all sinners and it's what you expect? I don't want to be like this though. Like them. This really can't be all I am. I wont accept that. I can't.

I wish you would talk to me. I know you hear what I'm saying. So, if you're listening why won't you answer? What do I have to do to hear your voice just once. I just want to know that I'll be okay. Even if this world is just seeping with chaos. I want to know that there's more to life than this. I'm sure you spend most of your day with your face in your hands because you gave us so much, but for what? All we do is throw it back in your face like we could have created something better.

Please just tell me how your day's been. I'm sure it's been great. I'm sure you're laughing at all the ways we try so hard to do things thinking we don't need your guiding hand. Did someone make you cry? Did someone make you question why something you created to define beauty turned out to be something so ugly and sinister? How did I make you feel today? I just hope you're happy. I hope you're not disappointed in me because I know I've let you down. I love you. I'm not good at showing it, but I do.

Well, I guess I'll talk to you again later. Have a good day.
 Jan 2015 The voice
      I hope you know
how much happiness    
you bring into my life...      
              When all hope
           seem to have failed,
                       you were there
               keeping me alive...
    I'm so grateful for what
     you have added to me...
              I couldn't have asked
                     for a better friend,
             to help open my eyes
          so I could finally see...

My days            
were filled with
tearful gazes.
Eyes drifted
    to far off places.
But today        
            the sun brought out
            the green in mine,
A promise
of a future...
                   In my heart does shine.

                 You and me
         Hand in hand
anything is possible...
                      This is only
                             a bump
                     in the road.
                  With you
here next to me,
       is impossible...

We could leap
        tomorrow's rays.
Without care,
We now rule
the fate      
of our days.
           Sceptres in hand
                 flames in our hearts
that burn.

Cat aka catbrd
Our second collaboration...
A big thank you to Cat for her fantastic verses! Her talent, honesty and heart made it so easy for this piece to come together. Here's to you Cat! Applause!
in the glare of space and light
she feels a terrifying fright

but soon her cramped wing
brushing aside the fencing
***** the wind into it

her little breast heartbeat
pumps all blood into vein

so they never hear her tweet again.

she flies not far
when the blaze swoops on her
and night's chill turns her into dust!
 Jan 2015 The voice
Paul Hardwick
Ever felt your,  the night
as it wraps it arms around you
be it hot or cold
it dose the same thing
but have you loved it back
wrapped you arms around it back
though this all nights might **** me
we all a need a sprit
who can
tell us who we are
and why am I still here today

T    R    U     E.
true story     P@ul.
 Jan 2015 The voice
Kate Irons
i love the way i notice your smile when we're looking at the stars,
and the way you tilt your head down when you laugh.
i love every strand of hair that you think is too long.
i love when you get nervous and you don't know what to say,
and how you you stare into my eyes like you never want to look away.
i love the way you make me feel safe, and how you wrap your arms around my waist and whisper you love me.
i don't think you realize how much i love the small things you do, and i don't think you realize how miserable i am without you.
i love everything you hate about yourself
because i love you.
Written for the love of my life, Edward.
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