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You asked for many kisses
I gave them to you
When I was done giving
You walked slowly
I asked you what happened
You said the kisses made you heavy
Imagine if kisses really made you heavy. A unique thought in my childs mind.
He comes everyday
Every morning, every night
Like the morning sun and twilight
After gulping down a glass of milk
Comes my dear Mr. Milk moustache
I’ve dreamed I was falling asleep
And shaking myself to keep awake.
There’s only so much weirdness
And crap a poor dreamer can take.
It was all involved with friends you see
That I don’t see now, because they
Were stranger than my dreams
Or maybe I was. Back in the day.

I would be partying with them
And walking remembered streets
But I’d look around and everybody
Found other people to go meet.
Then suddenly the Hollywood
I knew and loved for twenty years
Became Kansas City boulevards
And Hollywood totally disappears.

Or maybe I’m coming home
At the end of a tiring long day
And look around, find myself
Saying, no way. No effing way;
This is not my apartment!
It’s fine, I kind of like the place
But someone is pulling a joke
The housekeeping is a disgrace.

Then someone would come in
Who I was supposed to know
And this chick is my roommate?
Oh, no. This woman has got to go.
But before I can get my head
Wrapped around standing up
My family is there too, cooking
Handing me a steaming hot cup.

Well,, now I can’t offend them
So, I sit my *** back down.
I don’t want to seem ungrateful
Like some unfunny kind of clown.
******, I leave to go for a walk
Thinking I am in Tucson but then
This is the Country Club Plaza
And I’m back in Kansas City again.

One time I was building something,
Under an expensive sort of contract
But none of the sub-contractors
Or the assistants knew how to act.
They were putting the thing together
Like a Rube Goldberg machine.
I was going ballistic on them all;
The ugliest thing I had ever seen.

These are the dreamworlds for me
On a regular, but often bizarre basis.
Streets change while walking
And people I know change their faces.
Or I am tasked to do something
Involving technology or looming mass
I end up getting no help at all
And wind up falling right on my ***.
 Nov 2015 Swords and Roses
 Nov 2015 Swords and Roses
My rose how doth you grow for me
With blooms of deepest red
My love will nurture your roots to grow
My tears they shall doth wet

Your crimson petal's with a scent so wild
Drive me to dispare
For my rose you are the one
I'll hold and treat with care

The thorns that adorn your outer self
Will keep the hands away
Of others that might want to take
My rose some other day

So let me take the sunshine now
And bathe you all the morn
Protect you from all the harm
Of life's incoming storm
 Nov 2015 Swords and Roses
The sweetest taste that lingers now
Is the salty tears that you cried out loud
As deep within this tiny room
You and me
Now play a game

You see I'm not a lucky man
With girls upon each arm
Not even blessed with good looks
Or treasurer to adorn

I'm a sniveling wreck
A poor excuse
The one that they all hate
But here with you in this room
The excitement just can't wait

Yes I know why choose me
I hear you ask me now
But I don't care for your thoughts
Just strip and show me how

Ah your naked form is just right
My blade and I are happy
Now no more screams of tears of hope
Now come here to daddy

Yes I'm sick a ******* mess
A loner of the world
But my dear please confess
How much you love me so

Enlightenment lays at the end
For you it's sad but true
And come the light
Of the morn
No one will remember you
 Nov 2015 Swords and Roses
It's been so long, yet it hasn't really been at all.
 Nov 2015 Swords and Roses
Am I not a blade of grass just blowing in the wind
Bending swaying
To the tune of
The seasons
 Nov 2015 Swords and Roses
I saw her on the social scene
Fell in love with her mystic ways
Playing on my emotions
That mocha skinned dream

Eyes like emeralds
Lips so cherry red
Every man wanted her
To lay inside his bed

Hair so long cobalt black
Like the mane of a wild mare
Watching all the men so wild
Trying to tame and care

Then just a glance did she afford me
The look that slayed my fears
A smile crept along those lips
Deepest red for me to share

I smile back and swallow low
Wishing my heart could slow
This mocha skinned beauty now
Is mine in time I know
 Nov 2015 Swords and Roses
Please let me taste the words from your mouth for I cannot breathe without them dancing on my tongue.
He hurts me
And he doesn’t even realize
I’m screaming.

He broke me
Yet he’s too absorbed
To see my jagged pieces.

He’s torn me apart
But he’s blind to my shreds
That lay upon his hands.

He doesn’t get it-
I’m not right anymore.
I’ve gone wrong
In so many ways.

Nights are filled with sadness,
While days are filled with
Fake smiles.

Can’t he see through them?
He’s supposed to.
Or is something distracting him?

My heart broken so many times
As if they were designed to be

The pieces don’t even fit

I miss looking at me as if he loved me.
I miss his kisses which led me away from this cruel world.
I miss him arms wrapped around me,
Promising safety.
I miss him looking into my eyes as he confessed his love
To me.
I miss him smiling at me as if I were the only one.
I miss looking at his beautiful face
Through the frames set in front of my eyes;
He was picture perfect.

I miss him.

The angel that I thought was mine
Set fire to my heart,
Burning it to ashes
As they fell to my gut
And it burned through
Making me hollow inside.
It’s too late to fix me right.

Cuts and bruises
From when you slashed what you thought was love
Engraved into my body,
The way your name was tattooed across my soul.
But you never realized
How much I love you.

What did I do wrong?
Please stop hurting me.
The pain is too much to handle-
But don’t understand it.
You never do.
When will you?

I could never tell you,
The words were caught up in my throat-
Choking me.
Like your love
Suffocates me.

I feel like I’m losing you,
I’m scared of losing you,
You’re the best
Yet the worst,
That has ever happened to me.
And you don’t realize how much it hurts.

You promised me the world,
That we would be together.
We'd fly high in the night sky,
Soaring on top of the world.
You weren't a mistake,
WE weren't a mistake.
I wasn't your first,
but I'd definitely be your last.

Don't make promises you can't keep.

You slipped
Out of my grip,
Because I was right from the start-
I am not good enough.
Love. Isn't it wonderful.
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