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 Mar 2016 SCK
 Mar 2016 SCK
O Brightest and Luminous Supreme
     Ignite us with Divine and absolute Truth.
 Mar 2016 SCK
Till you can’t walk
Till you are sore,
Yet still smiling
from the thrilling experience,
Till you are sweating pleasure
from every pore.
Till your breath murmurs
my first name with every inhale
Till my voice is the only sound
your ears need to hear.

i would
rest my head on your breast
and listen
Enjoy the sweet tunes composed by
every noted word you harmonize

Tales of your life stories before they became entwined with mine
Narratives about your dreams
About who breaks your glassy heart
And what tickles your eye-ducts
into opening a flood of tears.

an inner world of wishes
she deserves beautiful things,
The Nubian Queen,
Sunflower Child.

~ New-Black-SoUl #NBS
inspired and dedicated to my muse - a banquet of beauty, a model of black excellence and a colourful character and a bubbly spirit. God bless her soul.
(c) 2016. Phila Dyasi. All Rights Reserved. Intellectual property of author.
 Mar 2016 SCK
A Lopez
Medical practitioners
Will tell you get to
The e.r if you have
Lasting longer than four hour's.
That channel boy:
I tell you as
Your nurse,
If you have an
Lasting longer than normal men,
Get back in that room
Make your woman happy
At least try
Or pretend.
Doesn't mean for the players. Meant for those with someone. Wife or husband exc.
 Mar 2016 SCK
brandon nagley
Mine queen
Mine queen;
Hast seen heaven
And hell.

Mine queen
Mine queen
Broketh me
Free; from
Satan's cell.

Mine queen,
Mine queen,
Mine queen,
Jane; of the

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley dedicated ( Filipino rose)
 Mar 2016 SCK
Karina Norris-Veirs
I need more than just a text
I miss it so
It has been weeks
The feeling of skin

I miss the reverberation of the voice
How it sends shudders
Throughout my body
Making even my bones pliable

I miss the eyes on me
Penetrating into my soul
Seeing what I try to hide
Not caring, searches for more

I miss the taste of mouth
The way it's salty and sweet
How it quenches my thirst
My being hydrated to bloom

I miss the scent
The one that is truly unique
How it lingers upon me
More than skin deep

So yes, I am a ******
Withdrawls I'm going through
My body yearns for it
I need more than just text
 Mar 2016 SCK
PJ Poesy
Street Hoof
 Mar 2016 SCK
PJ Poesy
Who knew why such ruffians
Squandered and squabbled
Dear to me their brutish good looks
Pulling out pockets' linings
Showing how no cent remained
Not a **** dime to their name
Chasing absent dreams called fame
Just deterioration
From what was once
Gleaming teeth
Combed hair
Finer threads
Now cement beds
Lay them down at night
Oh what a sight
My parlayed partners
Still jiving and hustling
Crackling and busting
*** for that quick fix
Sick, I tell you
How glory appears in their eyes
It's a story of addiction's surprise
That grab on you
How it happened to him too
That glisten and sheen
Then sweat
Soaked in an essence we've set
Of our inner spoiling
Tormented toiling
When we shoot that boot to get
That desperate need never met
 Mar 2016 SCK
PJ Poesy
Hop Along
 Mar 2016 SCK
PJ Poesy
Cognitive dissonance just might
get best of you, and even you,
should conciousness come to light

Turmoil which hypocracies own
bring awakenings, new vision,
within you, an ahem and a groan

Things once variably disliked
come to watery confluence,
streams reconciled and hiked

Win over themes to conciliate
March Hare,  a ***** rabbit
Badmouth him not, you do affiliate
 Mar 2016 SCK
 Mar 2016 SCK
I gathered all
  the driftwood
of my love
  and built a fire
at high tide
  watching the ocean
rise from the smoke
  in so many eyes.
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