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David P Carroll
M/Ireland    David P Carroll Poems All Poetry is copyrighted to David P Carroll under a Dublin and European Union court of law. Was on TV …
Melancholy of Innocence
Planet Earth    Philo-poetic fable of love. Its our journey into self-discovery about true meaning of love. Poems of LOVE for Z Facebook: melancholy.innocence Twitter: melanofinnocent Instagram: melanofinnocent
F/Christchurch, New Zealand    An avid reader, sometime traveller, and urban photographer. Have spent most of my life writing essays. Maybe I can write something else? Overly fond of …
Megan Parson
22/F/India    A lover of history, experimenting with poetry.
Debbie Lydon
71/M/Charlotte, NC    I'm a cynical romantic at war with myself.
kieran dacey boylan
29/M/Sydney    I use formal verse to explore themes of existentialism, horror and the macabre, interspersed with odes to natural beauty. I have works currently published by …
Carlo C Gomez
54/M/The Exclusion Zone    Married to Mrs. Timetable. Surreal picture by Justin Peters. New book "Exiled to Dusk" available here:
22/F    Things to know about me: 1. You can call me Rin. 2. I love me some slant rhymes. 3. I write lots of poems, most …
22/FTM/Cali    bury me <3
22/F/TX    ♥ she could have been a poet or she could have been a fool ♥
35/F/Somewhere Over the Rain    I'm an adventurer who never stays put long. My poetry is from my traveling experiences, heartbreak, my hopeless romantic nature, and from God who has …
34/M/South Africa    If you want to pit your wits in battle or in poetry against the best all poems composed and written by faizel farzee
M/South Africa    Cape of Good hope nature reserve The most Southwestern point of Africa
Writing poems without target audience since 2010.
17/M/Lost    Just another teenager making sense of his life.

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