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619 · Dec 2024
Golden Hues
Oh golden hues
of soft sunlight
you bathe the world
and cast away night

Warming earth
and bark, and leaf
stealing cold
liken to a thief

Would it be that my life
could be spent
in this moment
Words written whilst wild camping in Scotland and waking with the dawn.
476 · Dec 2024
The Colour of Love
The Colour of love is
The colour of your eyes

The sound of love is
The softness of your sighs

The feel of love is
Your hand on my face

The time of love is
With you in this place

My love for you is both timeless and immense
Given freely, with no need for recompense
Written in Scotland on the banks of Loch Earn with Cathy
351 · Dec 2024
Sun and Stars
The sun and stars in the heavens
stand only as a reminder of the depth of my love for you,
my sweet Cathy.

But their luminescence is but pale in consideration
of the brightness of my love and the beauty
that you possess.

Though great is the effort of the constellations
at the dawning of the night
To eclipse thy beauty and my love,

My love for you and thy beauty only grows stronger
and shines brighter, that the stars must shine
for all eternity in effort to match.

You are my Sun and Stars Cathy
One of many poems written for my wife Cathy
Gael force set upon the waves
Aboard five daring souls,

To sail throughout the western isles
On fair winds, their only goals

But out to sea, just three days hence
They would all be left in awe

For waiting for Gael Force and the five
Lay the tempests violent and steely maw

From Mallaig did the five set out
Both spirits and hopes were high

“We’ll poke our nose oot” the skipper did cry
“At least we will give it a try”

The motor on and sails were down they headed out to sea
Not knowing what lay just ahead, oblivious as can be

Though sea's were rough and waves were high
and spray washed over the five

They motored on through growing swells
not able to come about, through fear for their lives.

The course was set, no turning back
The five did engage in battle

Though fear was seen in all their eyes
their determination could not be rattled.

The tempest had only just begun to test the daring five
A squall it began to spew up, with winds as cold as knives

"Starboard Bow" the second mate cried, and all looked right to see
A dark grey broiling mass, a towering foaming wall of sea.

The helmsman turned into the wave, as Gael Force climbed and climbed and crashing down the other side with a booming sound like thunder

wishing and hoping that Gael Force's bow, would not completely go under.

Squall upon squall lashed Gael force, with power and steal and fury
Skipper shouted out below," Its blowing a ****** Hooley"

Hour upon hour the tempest tried to drown the daring five
Throwing squalls and hail and towering seas,
The crew worked, just to stay alive.

Ardnamurchan point did beckon,
As towering seas grew higher

"Another 5 degrees starboard" navigator called
"this is how I reckon"

bodies began to tire.

A  lighthouse appeared  igniting hope
as white horses rode the waves
thunderously crashing over the bow
to the sea Gael force was a slave

Darkness began to fall with no release for the five
rounding Ardnamurchan point they sailed
for their souls they now did strive.

Tossed to starboard and then to port
the sailors were worn and battered
surely the end was nigh
they were all so ****** knackered!

With bodies sore and whit's at an end
the sea gave up its fight.

Gael Force and its daring souls
neared the end of their plight.

Tobamory bound and surfing the swell
the crewmates welcomed the night.

The last rope was tied, Gael Force secure
The crewmates went below.

Hugs and hand shakes, cups of tea
and stories told again of how Gael Force and its daring five
braved the storm and

lived to sail again.

The Daring Five were:
Robin Mackenzie  Skipper
Peter                  First mate
Brian Shon       Second Mate
Mike McNaughton Crewmate, Helmsman
Mark""""""""         Crewmate, Helmsman
This was a light-hearted poem about how we sailed off the coast of Scotland in a 52 knot gale on a yacht aptly called Gael Force. 12 hours of battle. Names of places are correct but in different order to allow for some rhythm. Read in a Scottish accent if you can. BTW Hooley is a big wind, knackered is very tired lol
Her  softness comes slipping into my thoughts
like silk over  her skin

Seducing defences with rapture
so that I can do naught but give in

Then trembling in my arms
she lays
With every touch and caress
my heart  pays

Her eyes full of fire gaze
piercing my soul, my innermost
passions raised

Her quickening breath on my face
her musk intensifying
my heart begins to race

Lost in her beauty I will remain
Forsaking all the world around me.
Wrote after thinking of our first intimate embrace
105 · Dec 2024
The Tall Grass
I have laid in the tall grass
and let the sweet smell of its lush
green blades,
fill my lungs and head,
until giddy,
and light headed.

I lay back and become enveloped
in and ecstasy of
heady tranquilly.

My fingers traced the stems
liken to a lovers fingers
over silken skin

Papus are freed and fill the air
drifting on the breeze
carrying my dreams and wished
to my love
Words on thinking of my wife, whilst laying in a field of grass
94 · Dec 2024
The Breaking
The pain you must feel
can wounds ever heal
the shame that is mine
the shortness of time

The love I expressed
overcome by regret
the sadness you showed
overcome me so

No way could I find
No words of love, or kind
could stop you drifting away

So I took myself away
Lines written on breaking up
76 · Dec 2024
I Dared to Dream
I dared to dream
the dream of you
of clarity of mind
as clear as dew

You filled my mind
a beauty sublime
I dared again
that you would be mine
These were lines on thinking of Cathy after first meetings
74 · Dec 2024
Spring Love
I gave her my heart
Whilst the leaves were green

As if it were softly, silently
In a dream

But when I awoke
No dream did I see

I knew then that love
Would not let me be
springlove, unrequited
I met her in a time
of pain

My life would never be
the same

I struggled to find the
words to say

You took my hand
and came with me anyway

— The End —