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It was curious
that the horror stories
were not false

Believe it
or not
The pairs of glassy eyes
the horrific shadows
the blazing ignes fatui
the strange cold
the ghostly celebration

Termites, spiders, ants
and bats are alive
the rest are dead

The spectres and the skeletons
roam the island
they were **** sapiens

They exist betwixt
the cryptic hallucination
and the paradoxical illusion
**** sapiens is afraid
"There are more things in Heaven and Earth,.........."Prince Hamlet(SHAKESPEARE)
We have to strive to make it easy and happy by having,
Enduring difficulties
And ignoring certain situations.
They were left with something

Kind regards

From Poetry

The Ancient Art of Healing You See

© 2023 Carol Natasha Diviney
If you think then wake up at 2am and try not to wake anybody because that whisper woke you up
You are walking and you hope you have a pen or cell phone near by to jot an idea down
You are driving and Alexa isn't cooperating even though she usually does
Artificial intelligence might help us out when our input and output don't jive
You’re flying and you almost miss the fasten your seat belts call for landing
Been there and done that?
It's all about the words at least for me

C@rainbowchaser 2023
Dedicated to MIke, Jim, Scott, Carlo and Mrs.Timetable
Setting out in the leaf boat.
What can possibly remain?
Fruit of the wild rose?
These little fictions:
petal and stem
—maintenance drugs,
turning strangers into friends
and friends into customers.
The only unforgivable thing:
snow catches on her eyelashes
and bliss is unaware.

If you give us a chance to grow,
We will let all atoms breathe.
We will never behave like elephants.
We will dance on the floor together.
We will never be like Tom and Jerry.
We will look like an electric train cabin.
We will go everywhere together.
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