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 Dec 2018 Clayton Uzzell
there's a lot of things that make you so amazing
but I love the way you look at me
talk to me
smile at me

I love the way that I'm not awkward around you
i love how you give me butterflies
i love the goodnight and good morning texts
i just love everything about you
 Dec 2018 Clayton Uzzell
and there we were
back at the place I first met you
the place I fell for you at

and I realized that day
that you are the one
and you always were always will be
 Dec 2018 Clayton Uzzell
when I first fell for you
i didn't think id fall so hard
"its just a crush"
or so I thought

I liked you
but you liked someone else

a year has gone by and now I'm in love with you
but little did I know
you were in love with me too

I love you

— The End —