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451 · Jun 2017
Love lost in the sea
Purple-heart Jun 2017
I think I know
What it is you want

All the secrets
And everything we had

All of it
You want it gone

The memories we made
All the love we had

Its Like an old *****
Buried in the sand

To be swept away to sea
And never to be seen again.
Wish I could change your mind, Sometimes I just come here to be close to you, I Miss You so much♡
358 · Jun 2017
Fragranced love
Purple-heart Jun 2017
It was only a matter of time
Before his gorgeous scent
Swept through the room
Soaking into my airways
Filling up my lungs
Making me weak
It was the smell of love
Taking over my bloodstream
I hope her favourite smell isn't the same as mine.. Knowing she gets to inhale your scent every single day crushes me with jealousy.
332 · Jun 2017
Just something you said
Purple-heart Jun 2017
You might have forgot what we spoke about but I will never forget

You once said I was the strongest person you had ever met

Little did I know I would need so much more strength just to bear the loss of you.
192 · Jun 2017
Sad eyes
Purple-heart Jun 2017
I wish I could explain your eyes
Each time I look at your pictures

The pain and sadness behind them
And an unsure smile that sits along side them.
Believe me, I can see it.

— The End —