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  Jun 2018 Puds
Elizabeth Squires
baby since you don't
love me anymore
I feel splinters of pain
in my heart's core

you went away leaving
an aching so deep
why couldn't you stay
close to my keep

the void of emptiness
brings no elation
only the essence
of soul deprivation

baby them splinters
baby them splinters
baby them splinters
baby them splinters

you've gone and won't
ever be back
your love for me
but a destitute shack
The piece was inspired by a friend, she suggested that I write a poem about splinters...and this is what I came up with.
  Jun 2018 Puds
Elizabeth Squires
she drove a block
through the middle
of my man and I
she performed it with a
callousness of ply

into his heart
she wormed her way
not a bit of feeling for
me did she display
all the time pretending
to be my friend
but only doing that
in benefiting her own end

she got what she
wanted so badly
my man fell into
her arms gladly
she hooked him
as a seductress
he was so readily
reeled into her caress

she robbed
she robbed
she robbed me blind
she pulled off the greatest robbery
robbing me blind

she took the love
of my life without any regard
only ever caring
for her home yard
she never gave a
thought to my emotions
when using her
sensual potions

my man she did
shrewdly impound
spinning her spider web
around and around
out of our bed
he did stray
she had the bait which
caused our love to fray

she robbed
she robbed
she robbed me blind
she pulled off the greatest robbery
robbing me blind
A poem written in the first person.
  Jun 2018 Puds
Sparkle in Wisdom
When you have a important meeting to attend
you get stuck in traffic jam...

When your Director calls you to his office
its always the time when you get a call from home that the baby is crying...

When you have a sudden holiday next day,
you get up in morning with migrane...

When you have visitors coming over
your fridge suddenly is all empty...

When you have to make that one important call
your mobile credit is suddenly low...

When you have a friend waiting and you are already late
You definetly will have a burst tyre...

When you have a train to catch
your work never finishes till you almost miss the train...

When some guest come over as surprise
that is the when you lazied to clean the house....its the dirtiest to the core...

When you are fooling around on phone with a friend
you miss that one important call...

When you pack and fly off finally
its then you realise the most important
thing you needed is left behind...

When you want India to win, Sachin is on the crease strong
that very momen we loose a wicket and most often a match too...

When Ghana wanted that golden penalty
by the great Asomah Gyan
he hit the goal post, lost the match, lost the hope as well...

When you have a weekend planned
the weather shining the mood swinging
you get up in the morning to see its raining whole day and becomes messy..messing the whole feeling..

When you visit an uncle's place
they praise you delicious ice-creams and cakes
you decide to make some for them in good will and love
your perfect cake burns,
your soft ice-cream milk sticks to the pan, leaving the aroma behind in ice-cream,
in the family's minds and also in ur name..

When you mess certain thing
the people around you will always say they knew you will mess
but they never warn before...

Coincidences like these do happen too often,
Strange soon they will be termed as superstition ,
Modern day women have modern day problems,

Crisis factor are changing,
Panic attacks are the same..

Handling them is modern women achievements and
Tackling them is her trade mark,

Todays women are good at multi-tasking,
and situation like these makes them excellence at par...!!!

Mom's, Wife's, Sis in law s, Sister's Daughter's, Daughter in law s, Friends..
have successfully moved ahead...

Superstition dose'nt hamper their moving spirit,
Challenge each day is mile-stone..
To achieve and move on...To another day...another mile-stone
is the formula of perfect life..
is a formula for that perfect smile...!!!

Sparkle in Wisdom
  Jun 2018 Puds
Sparkle in Wisdom
When a rose bud is born... It slowly raises it's head...
Like wise was my tiny baby s sleeping closed eyes.. deep in sleep..

The stark deep red rose bud comes out of the green...
The same was the brightness of my son... Spotless, shining, serene..

The bud blooms,
That bright, glowing, strong petals
Likewise was the skin of my son... Like a shining sun..

But alas we love the young buds a far too much
We cut it and put in in vase
I am here staring at a bud like that in a hospital,
From behind the glass wall I am staring both.... I am reading innocence of both...

In NICU, my son is sleeping, lost in between the pipes which is giving him life,
The bud too in the vase thinking of it's mother...yearning to be in arms of it's mother..
The *** that holds it's mother out side.. Is also waiting for it to return...maybe!!
May be scared to bloom another bud....
The pain of losing is thr for both of us...
To loose is easy
To live in uncertainty is not...

How does a new born baby feel...I  know not...
How to satisfy day old baby s hunger ....I know not..
How is a 6th day* celebration done I know not...
How does it feel to bathe a new born...I know not...

What I know though
Is that my new born is sleeping in NICU
I have been staring him from glass for past one month
I will wear clean, sterilized clothes am ushered to be near him..
For few seconds... Once in 24 hrs... My maternal love becomes alive...
Though I go near him, cameras are thr, I cannot touch him, I can feel his breathing..I can see him sleeping...
My hands behind..
Face covered with mask..
I gaze at him with blurred eyes,
I give him love of both his dad* and myself...

Just for that moment...
Both of us again stand behind that glass wall
We show our son to all those who pass by
We hide our tears behind our smiles..
We stand again in wait thr...

When I took my month old baby in my arms for first time....
He is still the same, he looks still the same...
How are these wonders of universe, the creators..
How can a colorful life become color-less..
Each day, each moment some where a new bud is born..
A new creation everyday...

Sparkle in Wisdom
* sixth day...a celebration done in India.. done after 6th day of birth of new born... When they start wearing new dresses..

*Daddy was not allowed inside NICU.. Only I was allowed to go in. Once a day for few seconds.

I translated this from the original nanhi Kali... That I posted in Hindi...

The original I wrote after 5 years of birth of my son... While I remembered... The time spent in hospital at his birth.
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