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  Jun 2018 Puds
Elizabeth Squires
on seeing what got posted on paper
Joe saw that it was not of the true form
in the piece lay an inept uniform
this being so noted by the pro-draper
of such structure he knew a great amount
his years of experience were so well known
as exhibited in what he'd long shown
everything had to have the exact count
they who didn't present it in correct light
could expect a failure mark from his pen
nothing imprecise was given a pass
that would be his low score displaying might
they'd need the thoroughness of apt ken
when submitting for a crediting mass
  Jun 2018 Puds
Lora Lee
Lick the words
from my lips
let them slide down
your throat
like fruited jewels,
   dark, hard candies
   that melt into cream
a healing liquid  
oozing into my
pumping milky beats
out through
           your cells
permeating the deep
of my wild
My syllables will
   wrap themselves
      around your syntax
frothy hybrids
of buttered silk
                and irony
conversations that
flow into the ether,
as heaven's night
endlessly begins

We twirl our tongues
into guttural utterings,
lustful verse
that glides from
slick-fervored ice
to an outpour
                    of lava
We feed each other
our saliva like honey
dripping with dawn's
tender glow
as we open up
like baby birds,
begging to be nourished
at all costs

in this lingual forest
Your breath finds a home
on my tastebuds,
my tongue
in your
In between the tumults
of our
exploding oceans
     is how we
  Jun 2018 Puds
Sarita Aditya Verma
On my way back home from an evening walk
I noticed ,as I always do
And what they do

A little boy with a bag of chips
Brought a smile on my lips
I did smile at him
He smiled back munching on his chips

Barely a few minutes apart
My son's friend riding pillion with his dad
Waved at him and he gestured back

A woman and her son holding hands
Taking an evening walk
The son my age or older than me , ageing mother some illness she had couldn't understand that
Felt blessed that we have people who do care.
Thanked the son in my heart .

A little girl and her mother , hands held
Walked past me
A feeling , I do relate
From ,
What  I had noticed
A few moments before, which made me a bit sad .

An old friend , a neighbour from yesteryears , she has twin sons .
I remember they were toddlers then .
One of them accompanied her
A handsome young man , Sure, he did not recognise me.

A little chat with my friend
And there , I reached home .
In my hometown
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