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 Nov 2016 Pretty girl
Star Gazer

I tread the wrong path
made many mistakes
and each turning trail
I found myself lost...
I left part of my life
in the lips of lies
and I'm stuck...
So with aching heart
like crimson cards
packed with silent cries
I hope she at least
hears my sorries.
I left someone I love...
merely because i thought it was over.
Because I was taught and told it was over,
and I guess this is far from an attempt at closure
but I really am sorry.
 Oct 2016 Pretty girl
 Oct 2016 Pretty girl
I feel your breath on my skin
shivering into my skull
infesting my thoughts.
you claw at the inside of my ribcage
spiraling sharpness
ripping my flesh wide open.

you make me so cold.
and I'll never find warmth because of you
I don't know why I reopen old wounds.

I guess it's because I just want to
Feel Again.
Wound me,
For a long time, I’ve had a fear of writing poetry.
A weird fear, I know.
But when you’re as self-conscious, anxious, and self-deprecating as me, you’ll find that it’s hard to voice… just about anything.
You see, I would never raise my hand in class, because what if I was wrong?
I would never sign up for weights, because what if I’m not that strong?
That pretty girl in class? Don’t even dream about it.
If you ask for her number, she’ll leave you without it.
She’ll think you’re weird, creepy, or even ugly.
That is why I stayed away from poetry.

What if what I have to say is not all that important?
What if what I write is bad, boring, or people find it abhorrent?

So I stayed away from it.

I kept everything I wanted to say bottled up inside.
Until one day, I sat.
And I cried.
I wondered to myself
What went wrong in my life?
Why am I the way I am?
How can I fix myself?
What is my plan?

It all started with typing.
And even though I’m still an anxious wreck
Aren’t you reading my writing?
 Oct 2016 Pretty girl
my eyes were burning with desire
as he talked ***** and slow
thats why i let the fire
cosume me to the bones

his voice was low and husky
his skin was hot and sweet
with kisses intoxicating like whiskey
pleasured till i forgot to breath

so seductivly charming
with eyes emerald green
so handsome that's alarming
a guy worthy of a queen.
A shift in mood... My mind chases itself in circles
Little wolf trying to catch its tail
What am I?
A space wolf trapped in a human body
Leading the pack with love-filled-lust
Lost in-between humanity and inhumane
Just a proud humanitarian

A brilliant battle moved
Now you look and see my scar
I'm happy and I'm not

My brain is an insane asylum
Felt like these cells needed soft fabric
I'm elated but depressed
A hyena stressed

I want to be alive and buried with the dead

When I stand I end up on my knees
Bowing down
Dim the lights
Spiritual meditation & healing

Silent like *** of the deaf
I just felt the need to be disorderly-provoking
I was colder
Mind of a higher stoner

I laugh at serious times
Like when the doctor is counting my dimes
Best to pay in tens for my therapy at nine

Bipolar disorder
I need to get my life in order...
A collaborative poem...
Authors: Mcdonald tsiie & Bipolar *****
 Oct 2016 Pretty girl
Star Gazer
To the most beautiful girl in the world,
I know you have been through so much
And though you try to stay strong
I know sometimes that it isn't enough.

So my starshine, I want you to know
that no matter how bad things get
I will always be there for you
A little more but never a little less.

You make me happy beyond words
from all the care that you show to me
I've never met a girl as great as you
who treasures only making me happy.

I love you gee gee for filling up my life
with joy and love.
You are the perfect girl I can rely on
for anything.
one two three, I know I can always
count on you no matter what.
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