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 May 2018 Kayla
Dear ex,

Sometimes when the sky is blue
I would be reminded of you
all the 'I love yous'
and the 'i miss yous'
that we shared
as we stare into each other's eyes
with a smile danggling on our lips.

and when the rain pour
I'll be reminded of the day
when you showed up in front of my door
drenched by the rain
eyes mirroring the pain
and never did you hesitate
to part your lips and say
let's break up


what used to be us
has now become you and me
what used to be we
has now become you and him
what used to be a team
has now become nothing more than a dream
we are nothing more than strangers
stealing glances at each other
 May 2018 Kayla
Charlie Black
 May 2018 Kayla
Charlie Black
I'm sick of crying
Tired of trying
Yes I'm smiling
But inside I'm dying.
 May 2018 Kayla
I'm too hung up on you ,
I don't know what it takes, to make, you feel the same way,
All I wish is you would stay,
Could you wait, baby I want you to wait,
A little longer tonight, it's alright,
The night is just right, for you to just stay
I'll never let you go away, if you wake, right beside my head,
I promise you this, I'll never let you miss what happiness is, I'm just asking you to stay, so lay, right beside my head,
We'll look up in the sky, the night is so bright,
Moonlight makes it so shine,
I wanna see that smile that you hide,
Open up its okay,
It won't hurt to just stay, a little bit longer tonight,
So baby just stay, let your love guide you your way,
And if you're scared, take my hand, I'll show you the way,
If only you could stay, if only you could stay.
Writing can heal your soul? If it's true I wanna be saved.
 May 2018 Kayla
last night i got angry
        it was a very strange feeling because
i've never really gotten   angry before

i got so angry i went outside and
                ripped 3 branches of leaves from a bush

i stared at them
               a plant's livelihood
sitting in my hand
and suddenly i was a murderer

i began to cry
and cry and cry
i didn't want to get that angry
or go ballistic
but i felt mad
in more ways than one.
this is like a diary entry, a personal anecdote for me. it might be hard to relate to this, but sometimes poems are just meant as a release. this one is. please enjoy all the same!
 May 2018 Kayla
Caroline Jacobs
I'm so in love with you
I'm head over heels.
I've fallen so deep
And I never want to leave.
Thinkin a lot about someone :}
 May 2018 Kayla
rough hands
 May 2018 Kayla
I was that
you could have
caught with your
bare hands,
caress every part
of my wings
with your
rough fingers.
now I fly
thousands of
miles above you,
your hands
 May 2018 Kayla
Hannah Christina
Anything can
look like a poem
and sound philosophical
simply by moving
the words on
different lines.

Am I doing it right?
Is this

I think I am trying.
Really, I am
I go back and change the order
and I break lines
where it sounds right
But it does not take me long.
Not at all.

I try to be
and call it natural rhythm.
Instinct and style taking over
I alternate between
agonizing every detail
like When to Capitalize
and publishing free form poems without looking over them twice.

How is writing supposed to feel?
Should I labor?
or should it flow?
Or do I get to decide?

I think the things I talk of
mean something
at least.

But am I just

fooling myself into thinking that
using common poetry formats
somehow makes my work worthwhile?
Problems only We True Artists face.
 May 2018 Kayla
i was the roses he stopped to smell
red with potential
pure and young
his fingers caressed their ****** petals

i was the ocean he walked along
feeling the cool surf
i washed away his footsteps
beautiful and blue he said

i was his princess
regal and soft
i slept in his arms
dreaming of him

i was his morning
beginning his day
sweet brown coffee
only for him

his love for roses wilted
blue turned grey
my crown taken
sweetness lost

abandoned me

now im someone else's garden
and my beaches treasured
no-longer a princess but queen
mornings lovely and sweet
 May 2018 Kayla
Anne Augustine
Are you sure?
Are you lying?
It's nothing against you,
I swear.
I just hurt.
Every minute.
Every heart beat hurts me.

I have my doubts,
I'm sorry about that.
I've had more than my fair share of lies,
Mind games.
I just can't help but wonder...
Do you REALLY care?
Or am I another woman to you?
Another person to take advantage of?
Do I really matter to you?
Or am I something for you to use,
For your own pleasure,
Then leave me wounded?

I have my doubts,
Sorry about that...
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