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Phi Kenzie Aug 2018
I was adopted
that’s how I ended up here
I used to be in one family
and they lost me to two

I’m positive it was an accident
they probably thought I was in the backseat
we’ll laugh it off when they find me
Apparently it's actually pretty common for children of divorce to fantasize about adoption/ alternate family dynamics, which I didn't know until recently.  But golly, have I felt bad about it for a long ******* while
Phi Kenzie Aug 2018
I found a dead ladybug in the sink
after washing a head of lettuce
the red had faded to peach
and the legs no longer reached for life


Standing in the school playground
during a warm fall afternoon
a bright red bug with black spots
lands on my arm

I can feel its little legs trembling
as it shimmies along my forearm
slowly turning my hand over
when it reaches the wrist


I hope that ladybug landed
on as many hands as possible
as a harbinger of joy
simply with its presence
  Aug 2018 Phi Kenzie
I wonder what it’s like
To never worry about
What I’m like
To feel free
To just be
I wonder what it’s like
I wonder
I wonder
Overthinking is a disease.
Phi Kenzie Aug 2018
On some mornings
mom would ask
if Kyle and I wanted waffles
these were no ordinary syrup catchers
marbled by deep purple
stuffed with blueberries

When I was born
I was born a blueberry
due to the blue pigmentation
resulting from lack of oxygen
because of my mother’s smaller stature
that day a screaming smurf was brought into the world
and I’ve been getting redder ever since

Above the sink in my dad’s home
is a small purple bowl
handmade with a ceramic stem that broke off years ago
on the inside bottom is an engraving
that simply reads
‘Blue Berries’
but no longer carries fruit
Been boostin' on antioxidants since I was blue in the face
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