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Dayda Jun 2020
What have become of us
How will we ever grow
What will our future be
What have become of us

We say what we want to say
Without even thinking of how that person will feel
The freedom we thought we owned
Has really made us into virtual bullies

The words and thoughts we once only dared to keep inside
We now type away furiously on our little keyboards
Vile, angry, evil words flood the tiny screen
Leaving the other person feel their world is really ending

Bullies, we are, we have turned to be
Leaving emotional scars trailing everywhere we go
No guilt whatsoever which makes it so much worse
Our inner self is really deep dark and cruel

What have become of us
Why are we like that
How did we turn out this way
What have become of us
Used to encounter bullies physically and usually someone we know. Now, there are so many cyber  bullies who think their are entitled and worse thing is, we don't even know them.
  Jun 2020 Dayda
We desire mutual understandings,
Yet spare no effort in understanding,
And fear that when we are understood.
Dayda Jun 2020
Let me look after you
I will give you the world
The whole wide world
Lay at your beautiful, delicate feet

Let me shower you with stars
I'll catch those stars myself
With my own bare hands
So that your days and nights will both be sparkling

Let me dive in the deepest ocean
I'll swim amongst the toughest sharks and whales
To get you that biggest pearl
Then you shall wear it as a necklace on your swan like neck

What do you have to do for me
Nothing, of course my dear love
Hmm maybe you should quit your job
I'll look after you, remember

See your family? Next week?
But you promised me you'll go with me
That's my girl, good girl, good girl
Perhaps you can see them next time

You haven't seen your best friend
She wants to see you after two years?
Tomorrow is it? But you said you'll do that with me
That's it, my good girl, next time it is

I didn't mean it, you know that
It's just that you provoked me
I told you so that I liked them in straight lines
I'm sorry, I'll never do that again

There is no need to call the doctor
You are fine, stop being dramatic
It will heal like all those before
You deserve it, you know, my good girl

Where are you?! Where are you hiding?
Come out! Come out from wherever you are!
No! No! No!
Wake up! Wake up now my good girl!

Don't let it end this way .......
Being in an abusive relationship takes the soul out of the victim. Their personality, their loved ones, their own selves are stripped away from them. Be aware of the red flags. Check on that person always. Don't give up. Do it as best as you can.
Dayda Jun 2020
I can hear him through the walls
Hear him run here and there
He is playing by himself
Lost in his own personal space

Sometimes he will shout out loud
Or he will have imaginary scenarios
Most of the time he is a superhero
Going around saving innocent lives

Yet when I enter the room
He will stop and look at me
I will then feel his tiny arms around me
His love forever engulfing me

Even when you're old like me
Even when you have your own family
Even when you're busy as a bee
You, my darling, will always be my baby

I love you, son. You are my Aslan in the kingdom of Narnia. Always and always. Eternally.
The life of a boy with his mom.
Dayda Jun 2020
He gave me his hand
But all I can do is stare at him
He nudged my hand to accept it
Yet I still continue to stare at him

Let me help you
But all I can do is sit there numbly
Let me be with you
Yet I still continue to sit quietly
When you are used to fight all battles by yourself, the most difficult thing to do is accept and receive help. Especially from your loved ones.
Dayda Jun 2020
Hello there little fella
Why do you look so awfully glum
Is there a reason behind that tiny little frown
Why are your eyes so glassy and bright
What can be the reason you look so down

Where is that huge smile I used to see on you
Where is that loud laugh which fills up the room
Where is that tiny little hops in your steady walk
Where is that cheeky glint of mischief shining in your eyes

Hey there, hey there little dear fella
Come now come here and let yourself free
Don't sit gloomily there in that dark dusty corner
Let me be the ears to whatever your heart dismays

No. No. That can't be true
You're wrong. It can't be. No. No
You're imagining it. Its never true
You don't know what you're saying. No. No. No

Don't cry now little fella. There, there
There, there. Do wipe those poor tears
Don't let them fall. Don't let them flow
This too shall pass. This too shall go

You will be fine now little fella
You will be ok
You will get through this
You will be walking your way

This hug you are in now, it will always remain
This strength you feel now, it will always be there
This courage you hold now, it will always stay
This love you have now, it will always be yours

Even the toughest person crumbles deep inside.
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