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Oskar Erikson Dec 2023
i appreciate the
connection. Did you
see the speaker? The way they
gave it everything in this conference
really resonated with me. My names Oskar
by the way what's yours? Oh really, how lovely
are you from a different department? Maybe one day
I'll come and visit. Oh yeah definitely, what's your Linkedin?
Oskar Erikson Dec 2023
maybe it’s
not about the love
of my life;
but the life
inside of my love.
Oskar Erikson Nov 2023
left our things
cratering the desert;
palms upturned
pulling the pressure away -
talking down the crumpled spine of loss.
the sand,
the sand.
if it wasn’t so fine,
would you be able to trust
the mistaking of
abrasion for absolution?
will you be able to forgive
the belief
that a collapse can come
with good intentions?
Oskar Erikson Nov 2023
boy math dictates
(id stay indebted to him.)
to be loved
(id gift it to him.)
is to settle up.
(id come knocking to collect for him.)
that to be
(id might be nothing but charity for him.)
(id liquidate any asset asked by him.)
is being willing
(Cash or Credit?)
to owe.
Oskar Erikson Nov 2023
deliberation deliberate
how different to consider;
and to do.
tell and wait
show and stall.
keep time in back pockets.
fish for change
and make a
surely after words,
came reactions,
and after broken promises
came sanctions.

surely after it stopped burning
things began to grow.
stories of salt,
of salting.
an act to crystallise
and make barren,
make bare.

how similar to filling up,
and filing down,
a feeling.
Oskar Erikson Oct 2023
couldn’t keep
my finger off the photo
could never keep things in.
mourning is just having,
a lack of
trigger discipline.
Oskar Erikson Oct 2023
take me taste me
you are the body
reset me satiate me
you are the body.

touch only
fragments of the full picture
nobody says
the taste would betray me
nobody says
the heart
is the first ***** to commit mutiny.

stabbed, wrecked
punctured, indented
wilt the words so
so my mouth
isn’t responsible anymore.
it cannot be held accountable
for the vowels, unroot my language
supplant love in favour of it

like an opener
                            I remember your laugh
like a close.
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