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 May 2016 Olivia L
You told me once that you
never really did love him,
that you were using him, and
this was supposed to make me feel better

Until I realized after I left you
that the same applied to me as well
 May 2016 Olivia L
We're Back
 May 2016 Olivia L
The illness catches branches low,
heralds beaten unseen woe.

It grows inside me, spark by spark,
a fire in my favorite park.

Jewels forgotten, rivers clean,
mark it by the ashy sheen.

It's gone again; it's worth your while,
stab yourself and spit up bile.

Your days are done and I will rise,
I am back to claim my prize.


Bigfoot is real and the government is
Run by lizards dressed in human skin!

Wake up, sheeple! We're being invaded by
Beings from beyond the moon who want to
Steal our culture and **** our land!

Chemtrails are killing free-thinkers by the thousands
And we'll only be safe if we retreat to that commune
In the middle of Utah

Brothers and sisters, you wouldn't think a
Blanket encrusted in ***** could do so much
Damage but clearly we've underestimated the power of deceit

Brothers and sisters and everyone in between,
The land isn't ours and it isn't theirs, and it'd serve us
Well to remind ourselves that the land has always belonged to
Itself and that's never gonna change

It's been several generations now but the blood is still
Fresh and nobody can blame you for being
Sour, but for the love of the gods, it's high time
We transform that anger into motivation

We're more than hokey voodoo magic and
Prophecies about reclamation or apocalypse, or
Cheap drugs and casinos

We're back now, we were never gone,
Just buried
 May 2016 Olivia L
I hope it's a phase
Because I can't hold my own
Hand through this mess when I'm
Busy sweeping aside the rubble

I'm an alien in my own head,
Feelings unknown and emotions
I don't know the words for

Maybe I won't ever find a way
Out because it bounces back each
Week, kicks me while I'm down,
Watches me bleed from my lips
 May 2016 Olivia L
My mantra is
What goes around comes around
For I can trust in karma that
He who kicks my *** shall
Get whooped also by the
Mighty hand of God above
 May 2016 Olivia L
 May 2016 Olivia L
... We'll imagine that you never suggested that we speak of how we'll imagine that you never suggested that we speak of how we'll imagine that you never suggested that we speak of how we'll imagine that you never suggested that we speak of how we'll imagine that you never suggested that we speak of how we'll imagine that you never suggested that we speak of how we'll imagine that you never suggested that we speak of how we'll imagine that you never suggested that we speak of how ...
 Apr 2016 Olivia L
I've learned it's useless to follow the source
When I can sit here and hear the echoes
All the while

Why join the clergy when men and women
Of the Lord are preaching to me right in
My own home?
tfw the title is half as long as the poem itself
Stop telling me I need a savior.
I stopped believing a long time ago.
Stop telling me someone will deliver me,
I been waiting for my hell to end
Stop telling me I am loved
If he did love me, I would not know abuse
Stop telling me that prayer is the answer
I have prayed my life away
Stop telling me this life is planned
why would god plan for me to feel so inhuman?
Stop telling me it is in God's hands
If so, his hands are full of sin
Please, for the love of god
trying to make it okay by using *God
 Apr 2016 Olivia L
No Good
 Apr 2016 Olivia L
Slaves to pain,
We're all addicts to
That which compels us to
Destroy ourselves

I can't lay the blame on
Anyone but myself since
It's me who gave in

Inaction is a form of action
And holding back has more
Power than I ever imagined
 Apr 2016 Olivia L
Ana S
No means NO
 Apr 2016 Olivia L
Ana S
Girls don't dress to please the eyes of creeps.  
Kids don't ask you to take away something that wasn't yours to take.
No means no.
So what if she wears shorts and tank tops?
She doesn't have a sign on her saying **** me.
She said no, NO MEANS NO.
I don't even get people anymore.
I don't understand humans.
******* creeps.
Why the hell would someone feel the need to do that after they said no?
It's all over the news.
Child kidnapped and rapped found dead...
Young lady kidnapped anyone have any information please call....
Young boy last seen with this man on...
Too often are these children and adults never seen again, alive atleast.
People don't ask to get kidnapped sure people make ****** decisions. Never once did they asked to be killed, *****, or abused.
So this goes out to all you out there who actually give a **** about this...
We need more people like you in the world. We need more people who care about issues like these.
And to all the victims...
   It was not your fault. Sure people may have made bad desisions, maybe had too much substances. Maybe you were forced into things you will never forget. Again you are stronger than you know. You survived that and are living now. A lot of people take for granted how good they have it. The people who take for granted never had people do things to them they didn't want done.
Just a random wrote about something important
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