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 Apr 2016 Olivia L
 Apr 2016 Olivia L
I hate people who act like they're the best in the world
When their flaws go beyond something that can be overlooked
When ignorance reigns

You know I'm better than you,
More secure than you,
More comfortable than you

Why not speak to it?
spiteful poem, yay!!! i want to beat these ppl up so much
 Apr 2016 Olivia L
 Apr 2016 Olivia L
What's harder than leaving
A human being behind,
Sacrificing a billion would-be's
And countless possibilities

And what irony could be found
If I did stick around and if I
Did discover that nothing lay in
Wait for me?

I care about you,
I do,
But I can't linger on people
Who make me feel confused and
 Apr 2016 Olivia L
One thing I love about
Music is the way I might get
Burnt out on an artist but
At the tail end of it all, I might
Listen to their first song I ever
Heard and get pulled right back
In again
 Apr 2016 Olivia L
I'm tired of this fake reality.
This non existent world I call home.
This fantasy where whales fly with the wind while woodpeckers swim with the waves.
A place that Impossible scenarios call home.

Exhaustion takes me there every night.
I've studied this place and I know how it works now.
It's not a home for impossible scenarios but a place for false hope.
It takes your memories and creates fantasies that'll never turn into actualities.
I've noticed this so I've stop trying to go there.

These nightmarish places disguised as fascinating fantasies are no interest to me anymore.
I'm leaving this hellish place behind but I'm not going to leave without something.

I'm not going to let my nightmares runaway with years of my dreams.
I will drag something good out of this situation because my teacher told me to write a celebration.
When in reality
For me at least
That is almost unachievable.
Key word almost

All I have ever wrote is depressing poems crafted by a beautiful mind using sinful words.
So I ask myself:
How is this possible?
How does one take a hellish situation and find hope?
How does one go outside their comfort zone?
What am I going to do?

I've tried before.
It only stuck me in second place at my freshmen year slam which ***** because I finally know I'm much more then some ******* second place at a freshmen year slam.
I just wish I knew that early.
So I wouldn't have to have these emotional scars, and physic.

They have returned, day after day, week after week, year after year.
But I am done.
I'm going to find something good in these nightmares if it kills me.

I've taken these emotional scars and taught myself to deal with them.
These scars that are unseeable can't restrain me anymore.

You see, I finally now how to give celebration to these corrupted dream catchers that live inside my head.
These Permanent EMPs that block dreams and not nightmares.
These things that have created unwanted dates with unwanted "dreams".
I've experienced anything and everything there.
So if I'm gonna pull anything from this hellish place.
It's experience.
I've played this game of life hundreds of times and I finally know the level nows.
I know where not to go.
I know what not to do.
And I know who not to talk to.

You see these things are just thoughts from my broken guardian angel trying to warn me about the bad things in life.
The things in life that broke her and made her unrepairable.
She does not want that for me.

So thank you broken guardian angel for stealing my dreams and making them nightmares.
I've only just realized that these nightmares are metaphors for hard life lessons.
This was suppose to be an Ode for my English class but I kinda went over board :/
 Apr 2016 Olivia L
we have lonely hearts,
and hungry hands,
and we want to love,
but we don't know how.
we have tired eyes,
and achy lips,
and we want to love,
but we don't know how.
we have too many thoughts
and no one to listen,
and we just want to love,
but we don't know how.
we have so much to give
and no one to take
and we will probably always be alone.
we have shaky hands
that only hold pens
and trembling lips
that only kiss cigarettes
and watery eyes
that never know how to look okay.
we are the ones you forget you raised this way,
teaching us fear
instead of how to love
or maybe just maybe we might know how.
we're the ones who make up things to believe in
to keep us going
and maybe we made up the concept of love
because we have no proof that it's real.
 Apr 2016 Olivia L
Amulet Atari
A year ago
I wrote you a poem
About birthdays
It was a love poem
It told you my fears
Of you leaving me behind
My nightmares of laying in bed alone and sobbing your name in my sleep.

March 9th 2015
I was so scared of you leaving me
I was scared that I wasn't enough
That it wasn't enough
So I gave
And I gave
And I gave
And you took
And took and took and
You stole from me
Ripped at my skin and
Left bite marks on my neck
Your saliva running through me

And you took and took and took
Until there was nothing left of me
Except for fear
And self loathing

I thought I wasn't enough
So I let you steal
I bit my lip and silenced my crying
Letting tears fall when you
Couldn't see
I thought it would be enough

I tried to tell myself it was fine
Tried to will away the fear
The icky feeling in my chest
Between my legs
Tried to tell myself I loved you

Birthday ***
Birthday ***
Birthday ***

You took and you took and you took

Birthday ****.

March 9th 2015
A year ago I was scared of you leaving
March 9th 2016
Now I'm scared of you coming back.
a sequel to the poem that got me 4th place
 Mar 2016 Olivia L
Maya Angelou
We, unaccustomed to courage
exiles from delight
live coiled in shells of loneliness
until love leaves its high holy temple
and comes into our sight
to liberate us into life.

Love arrives
and in its train come ecstasies
old memories of pleasure
ancient histories of pain.
Yet if we are bold,
love strikes away the chains of fear
from our souls.

We are weaned from our timidity
In the flush of love's light
we dare be brave
And suddenly we see
that love costs all we are
and will ever be.
Yet it is only love
which sets us free.
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