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 Nov 2015 Olivia L
Sandy Macacua
Don’t fall in love with a person like me
I will take you to coffee shops always,
if you ask me out on a date.

Don’t fall in love with a person like me
All I want you to give me are books
every time you ask me what present
I want.

Don’t fall in love with a person like me
I am a movie *****, I see everything
as a movie, even you.

Don’t fall in love with a person like me
All I listen to is the lyrics of song, not its

Don’t fall in love with a person like me
I feel everything so deeply, and it’s a

So please, don’t fall in love with me
 Nov 2015 Olivia L
I was born from snow and glacier
meltwater from the lands the sun
doesn't touch

I was born from blood and the ink
on the writs for a million ancient
creeds, lost to time

I was born on broken promises and
the dream that one day, California
will be mine

It's my American destiny to be haunted
by roadside attractions and to drink water
poisoned by my dog's dying howls

I dream of porcelain snowfall and moonlight
on your upper lip as we kiss for the last time
before you lay me to rest

I sing of a legacy forged in steel and stone, set for
our children to gaze upon, a great mausoleum
destined to fall to our greatest adversaries

But if my dreams don't come true?

Breathe me back to life
Its great to be good friends with yourself,
Not in a selfish manner,
In a way which can  accommodate others into your life,but also not allow them to take advantage of you.
Know yourself,
Love yourself,
Talk to yourself,
Laugh at yourself,
Its worth it..
Trust yourself,even just a can go a really long way,
Trust your instincts.
You won't ever know anyone,the way you can possibly know yourself.
Love yourself.
Its almost impossible to make everyone you love love you the way you love why not give some love to yourself atleast you'll be sure,you love you and you loves you back!
 Nov 2015 Olivia L
I've always been a city boy
Loved the lights that almost blind you
And the sounds that'll make you deaf

I miss the long tall buildings on a daily
The random people you meet in a day
And the opportunities that never end

The constant rush on a daily
The people the never sleep
And the cars that never stop

These are the things that fuel me
The things that wake me up in the morning
And keep me living just one more day.
Just a poem dedicated to a beautiful place.
 Nov 2015 Olivia L
holy water
 Nov 2015 Olivia L
i'm wishing you well
and i want to tuck you in
but that honor remains
to your own hands

filthy ******* disgrace
 Nov 2015 Olivia L
 Nov 2015 Olivia L
I'm on my one track mind
And all I can hear is the laughter
Of who I was twenty four hours ago

Can't give up now,
I tell myself
It's too early to lose faith in myself
But I'm all I got left

Except for, you know,
Everything else
 Nov 2015 Olivia L
Madison Brooke
oh, my god,
stop praising little girls for being "tiny" and "slender" and "willowy"
for being skinny.

because the scale offers validation
and eating cheetos and twizzlers and cookies and candy without gaining a pound becomes an accomplishment
a sharp and boasting laugh
ha, ha! i can eat all the **** i want
and still be /skinny!/

because a girl will feel pride
in her ballerina legs and bony joints
and guilt
in her best friend wishing she were as small.

because "skinny" stops being an adjective
and becomes a definition.

because being skinny becomes
owning stacks and stacks of size zero jeans
but ******* and shimmying and squeezing your *** into them
(god forbid you buy a size two.)

skinny becomes looking flat in the midsection
but only if you eat triscuits for lunch that day

becomes seeing the outlines of individual ribs
but grabbing with a grimace the layer of fat and skin that covers them

becomes standing with legs spread apart and back tilted and eyes squinted
and looking maybe kind of like a forever 21 model,
until you sit and your thighs melt into huge endless expanses of tissue

becomes avoiding the bathroom scale because you told yourself two years ago you'd never get above double digits.

becomes knowing that most girls would **** for your body, or for the absence of your body - for the carved out spaces where flesh could be.

becomes feeling guilty, feeling ridiculous, feeling ungrateful
becomes never admitting to anyone that you feel anything but skinny.
his favorite color was blue i know because i when i was with
him all i could think of was blue all i could breathe was violets
all i could hear was the ocean and all i could taste was
the sky on my lips and heaven in my mind

the words i'm sorry have died on the edge of my tongue so
many times i'm beginning to forget how they form i
try to call you sometimes to convince myself that you deserve
an explanation but all i hear is static on the other line
i wonder if you can hear me panic on the other side
and the silence doesn't hurt as much as it used to but the
shock that you are no longer here for me always does

cigarettes are more expensive than alcohol i learned that
this fall and if i could buy you love i swear i would but the
loose change that make up my pockets are nowhere enough
and i have a feeling they never will be

bye i'm sad
 Nov 2015 Olivia L
In 8th grade
We had a long absence due to the misguidance of friends
Because of jealousy
At the end of the year,
We slowly began to talk once more
You explained the terrors of your parents divorce
Leaving out the big details
We weren't close yet
Freshman year
I spent long evenings at your house
And ate dinner with your religious family
The summers we spent laughing until the early hours of dawn
You spoke more about your father
You explained the significance of the night he spat in your face
Exclaiming his hatred for you
This broke you down to nothing but crushed pieces of a human
In the second term of sophomore year
You didn't come to school
Teachers asked where you were and I tried to make it subtle
You missed over three months that year
Junior year
Your absences racked up
You missed school for "surgery excuses"
You couldn't put your shoes on
You lost clothing items
Senior year
You were home schooled
I was forced to walk idly around the school like a hopeless ghost
Wishing for the friendship you and I had
Wishing for someone who cares
That's your favorite
You dont care about anything
You're selfish
You have no goals set up for yourself at the end of the tunnel
Your long distance relationship came to an end because you lost feelings
But I've been missing my first love since march and you've been telling me to just
"Forget about it"
Its not that easy, you say it is.
You are defensive
You're excuse is the depression
You want to up the dose of your medication
You know, sometimes people say you need to just get over your depression
That's equivalent to saying "HEY! YOUR EMOTIONS ARENT VALID",
Which is exactly what you did to me
I'm not trying to degrade your depression
I've been there
But you've placed yourself in the bottom of the pits for three years
And no one can help you anymore
Its up to YOU to pull yourself out
Stop depending on temporary people to breach your armor of happiness
It never works
Ive been there
Take care of yourself
Take a shower
Brush your teeth
Wash your face
Look in the mirror
Tell me if you love the person who looks back at you
I dont think you do..
 Nov 2015 Olivia L
You and I
Watching the almost endless stars
Staring at the beautiful blue skies
Until we have nothing left to do

You and I
Making memories that last life times
Creating love that never dies
And producing feelings that warm our cold bodies

You and I
Forgetting every second
Frozen in time
Feeling every little movement
Until the warmness of our hearts
Sets us free

These are thing I only dream of
Because in reality you don't exist
It's only me, my thoughts and my dreams.

Those are all I have now
Because I don't let anyone become you
I'm to scared from last time
So I've grown to this mystery man

I've fooled myself to recognize this dark face
The personality that isn't real
The humor that doesn't exist
And the person that just isn't really there.

He is my wall that keeps me safe
The locks that keep me secure
and the love that keeps me sane

Until whoever you actually are can fill his place.
I don't know how I feel about the ending :/
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