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Jan 2019 · 288
OMDB Jan 2019
She told me that she loved me
And I told her I loved her too

At first I was overjoyed
But then I heard her voice

It came out different then before
As if though those three words

Were a chore

I am not sure what to believe
For I have loved her for three years now

I had dreamed of this day since I met her
But I never knew it would come

And now that the day is finally here
I don't believe her
Jan 2019 · 195
OMDB Jan 2019
You point your hatred at me
Yet all I see is your eyes
You scream and shout and fight
Yet all I hear is your voice
You kick and scratch and punch
Yet all I feel is your love
You never do wrong in my eyes
Yet I was the one that messed up
Jan 2019 · 397
OMDB Jan 2019
You told me once
That you were scared
Scared of losing everything
But what wasn't said
Is that I am scared too
Scared of losing you
Because you are my everything
Dec 2018 · 173
OMDB Dec 2018
On myself is all these burdens
Even breathing itself is becoming one
Can you imagine that?
Having trouble doing something that is natural

My I do not know why to continue
Why to fight
Why to live
But I know I must

Death is something I no longer fear
It is no longer something I pray to avoid
I know my time will come some day
So why must I prolong fate

Bed covered in my tears
Breathing sporadically
My time has finally come hasn't it?
No I keep going

I am On My Death Bed
Dec 2018 · 412
At Last
OMDB Dec 2018
I have been in this state for quite some time
The state of not being able to feel a thing
No emotion whatsoever
Joy, glee, optimisim
Fear, anxiety, pessimism
None of those at all
To feel at least one of those would be a relief
One that can not be decribed
It just lets me know that I am still alive
However I have been void of everything
Tis utter hell to be honest
But alas she has brought it out
The one who I admire the most
My moon, my sky, my sun
Has finally made me feel something
She was able to make me feel again
Letting me know that I am not just some...
Emotionless fool
It is just too bad however
That the feeling was self hatred
Dec 2018 · 235
The Void pt. 2
OMDB Dec 2018
I finally stepped inside and its beautiful
I do not feel anything anymore
Not pain, not sorrow, not grief
Not joy, nor happiness, nor love
And with each and every minute I am inside
I slowly am becoming a void myself
I want to make it easy on others
And just cut all of them off completely
But that would just leave a bad taste in their mouth
Especially this time of year
So can I even guarantee a 2019?
Nov 2018 · 174
The girl
OMDB Nov 2018
Beautiful doesn't sound good enough in describing her
I try my hardest to get noticed
Yet I am always cast aside
Treated not like I am second or third or fourth
But rather like I am last
I know I should let her go
But I can't...
And that is what hurts me the most
For I feel the second I move on
She will finally realize where I was at
And maybe
Just maybe
She will want me too
I know that day will never come
But I can't help but hold on
Nov 2018 · 171
OMDB Nov 2018
Darkness completely envelops me
Yet I feel as if though this is where I belong
I try to fight, scream, shout anything to get out
But the more I fight the darker it gets
Should I just accept my fate
Or should I prolong my destiny
No matter what I do the outcome is the same
So why do I still play along?
I close my eyes for the last time
Because I know when I go in I can't come back
And all I hear
Is silence
But I am not scared no more
I do not feel pain no more
For once I do not feel anything
But the people...
The people around me
They all feel it even though I can't
So I keep fighting
Because I know the minute I stop
Not only does my world stop
But theirs does too

— The End —