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 Jan 2020 Julianna
John Destalo
is easy

takes work

and wisdom
asks for

 Jan 2020 Julianna
Carlo C Gomez
That does it!
My heart got trashed again.
It's time to get renters insurance.
For the world
You are a person
Be a good citizen

For the family
You are the world
Be a jack of all trades

For a wife
You are love
Give her time

For the children
You are a hero
Care and cheer them up

For the sub-ordinates
You are a motivation
Be a source of energy

For your friend circle
You are a social link
Try fit well in that chain.
 Jan 2020 Julianna
Mrs Timetable
Standing in my doorway
After an evening out with friends
He asked can I give you a kiss
I said yes
But I kept giggling
And giggling
Every time he got close
I kept giggling
I kept giggling
I couldn't stop
Obvious nerves
He waited so patient for me to stop
But I didn’t stop
Finally he covered my eyes

First kiss
This kiss was from my husband of 25 years. My one and only love. I think it’s pretty awesome.
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